What did he say?
He told him Assange is dead
"Be still, and know that I am God."
The Obamas broke with tradition and refused to have their picture taken with the Trumps.
Check it out. Google it.
Obama is butthurt.
The electors dahnald
Uprising when
Probably policy stuff
want to grab some cheese pizza later?
He told him about the shadow goverment
Yeah nah you're a cunt
#dcpepephagia #frogpizza #fastfoodfrogs
Wait, who is the new bust?
Benis'd again
obama is still a faggot
>"if only you knew how bad things really were"
The first thing POTUS sees is a movie shot from the grassy knoll by the Secret Service sniper team.
The warning is clear. If you shame the office of the POTUS you will die. Kennedy was a drug-addled whoremonger, he paid the price.
"It's all true. Jet fuel really can't melt steel beams."
I heard Trump likes movies.
fuck you nigger
Andrew Jackson
Except jet fuel burns up to 1500 and steel loses most of its structure at around 1000. By 1800 degrees, which was found to be the temperature in certain pockets of concentrated combustibles, the strength is less than 10%...
Doesn't need yo melt to warp and sagg and fragment off. Considering this occured while flaming fuel surrounded the warped metal, it's not surprising retards have latched onto this conspiracy lol
Govt had some knowledge and did shit all imo, but jet fuel is such a dumb meme
Oooga booga
does immunity cat not work here
Check dis out.
"i leaked the emails"
He told him about the aliens and Trump started to think about a space wall.