Daily reminder that there is no such thing as the alt-right
Keep your beliefs complex and avoid MSM trying to lump you into one grey big bad "ONE GROUP"
Daily reminder that there is no such thing as the alt-right
Keep your beliefs complex and avoid MSM trying to lump you into one grey big bad "ONE GROUP"
it's a fucking made up word, a political talking point. just as stupid as modernity, "post-modern" or abstract existentialism.
it doesn't mean anything but it confuses the hell out of normie trash when you start talking about it.
ask someone to define "alt-right" in their own words and then just watch them squirm
The God Emerpor has stated there is an alt-right. You are a heretic. Saged as commanded by the God Emperor.
we are just the regular right
bro lmao kys
" I disavow [ the alt right ] " - Donald J Trump, 11.22.2016
they can only attack something if they label it, and they're pathetically desperate attempts to lump conservatives in with neo-nazis is a CNN-fuelled propaganda attack that won't convince anyone but the losers who already hate Trump and Trump supporters.
Ignore the shills here and irl
>Sup Forums is not one person
>Sup Forums is satire
>Sup Forums is a board of peace
Sup Forums is a board of peace
We know. The people pushing the alt-right meme are shills, they don't care about it being a falsehood, they're just here to derail and discourage.
>claims the God Emperor tilts at windmills.
How come that there isn't such a thing as the alt-right? What were the people at the NPI conference then? This is a movement that has its own people, media, members, leaders and goals. You might not like it but saying it doesn't exist is foolish and dishonest.
Pay debts the alt right is faggots , so the alt right is actualy just the left
why are they different from the regular right? does every group of 100 right wingers get its own special label?
Would grab by the pussy/10
this is so tiresome, the damn liberal left always tries to find a boogieman to attack when they don't get what they want, i wonder what they will pick after the alt-right, WHICH DOESN'T EVEN FUCKING EXIST, how stupid can they be?
fucking liberals
>they're just here to derail and discourage.
I guess they think that we have never experienced these tactics every day for the past couple of years, huh?
>tfw you will never wake up during the height of summer and walk into your living room to see this girl sipping orange juice completely in the nude as the morning sunlight shines on both of you
Of course there is....
It's the (((Altright)))
get this 3D whore off of my anime board
exactly why we need to keep the myth of the alt-right alive. keep them chasing their tail and scratching their heads as they fall apart
Inshallah my brethen.
May Allah bless you and punish degenerate whores
Reject labels
Reject centralization
Reject hierarchy
We are people with ideas moving the Overton window
We are not a Mickey Mouse Club with a uniform and a secret handshake
Are you serious? There is no difference between Jared Taylor and Marco Rubio? The "split" happened when the "cuckservative" meme went mainstream. Also the right had multiple undergrounds streams, like traditionalists, fascists, NRx etc. These people tactically supported Trump, as well as many libertarians, but they aren't mainstream Republicans.
>tells mu what to do
>reject centralization
Yeah, I will, fuck off. I hope you do realize that not everyone is an edgy troll and some people are actually involved in their national politics AND post on Sup Forums.
The alt right exists, and existed before this stupid meme came to prominence in the last 6 months.
Either you all can't agree on a definition, or are afraid of white nationalism for no fucking reason.
My brothers and sisters are far too intelligent and experienced to be tricked by the lame stream media
bumping this right now before even reading it.
does no one remember the pepe speech that hillary made???? she coined the fucking word in that speech! we never used it!!!
Sup Forums is a board of peace and harmony. We are bringing it to America and Europe. Germany and the UK especially
>Keep your beliefs complex
Confirmed for real Sup Forums