Haha haha! Get fucked Sup Forums! Where is your hero now? How will he recover from this?
Wait until he's prez you dumb kike.
>CNN politics
The Clinton Foundation is already under FBI investigation, so his work is being done for him. If they discover illegal activity (which they certainly will), he can then press charges. Pushing any harder at the moment would hurt his image. Remember, he hired Sessions as AG for a reason.
>How will he recover from this?
By being inaugurated
So impeach is imminent?
kellyanne Conway said it. Face it, trump let you down
>Can't do anything till Jan 20th
>Can't do anything till Jan 20th
>Can't do anything till Jan 20th
>If he seeks to prosecute now, Obama can issue blanket pardon
>If he seeks to prosecute now, Obama can issue blanket pardon
>If he seeks to prosecute now, Obama can issue blanket pardon
>He must bide his time and strike when the enemies are unaware
>He must bide his time and strike when the enemies are unaware
>He must bide his time and strike when the enemies are unaware
>When the cops are going to bust a criminal they don't call him up and say "we're coming for you!" first
>When the cops are going to bust a criminal they don't call him up and say "we're coming for you!" first
>When the cops are going to bust a criminal they don't call him up and say "we're coming for you!" first
sage and obliterate this shillshit
That doesn't mean the FBI isn't gonna prosecute.
Its smart for him to appear neutral and fair in the public eye. He's trying to unite and calm the angry Hillary savages.
He destroyed Crispy Creme for prosecuting the father of his son in law. He is not going to destroy her for fucking with hist brand? You people are falling into the same trap that got him elected. It's not what the candidate says, it's what is within his character to do. He is vindictive. Hillary ruined his franchise, so that the name Trump on a property is not a seal of excellence. He will destroy her, it's what he does. Look at Rosie O'Donnel. Where is she? Romney will get destroyed too. It may take time, but he is one hell of a vindictive motherfucker. I voted for him because he is vindictive.
>disagreeing with CNN
I've reported your posts to Google for being fake news.
There are at least three possibilities here:
1. He said it and meant it.
2. He said it but didn't mean it. (Aim could be to stop a pardon.)
3. He didn't say it at all. (CNN trying to trigger a denial from him so they can drum up librage and create an opening for an Obama pardon.)
I'm not really expecting her to be prosecuted, but there's nothing conclusive here.
If anything, this probably just proves how deep the corruption in the justice system goes. This is a man who's made no secret of the fact that he believes she should be in jail - do you honestly believe he's changed his mind? Or is it just that the Clintons are so untouchable that he realises it just can't be done?
If I had to guess, I'd probably say the reason he wants to drop it now is because he's probably an FBI investigation into the Clinton foundation would probably implicate so many people as to cause the US government itself to collapse
Underrated post.
>it's a "everyone latches on to the shillposts" episode
I don't believe anything CNN or the NY Times says. They are not legitimate sources. They are fake news.
I'll wait to hear it from Trump's mouth himself.
posting fake news
HE can't prosecute anyone, his AG does that. He's waiting for his inauguration to let him loose else Hillary gets a pardon. Of course he's going to tell them what they want to hear while they still have power.
Trump: No need to pardon Clinton, Obama. I promise not to prosecute her :)
Keep in mind the reason she wasn't prosecuted was because the Obama admin was protecting her. Trump doesn't have to prosecute her or elect a special prosecutor, just stand back and let the FBI do their thing.
Literally talked about surprising people his whole campaign and people think he's flipped. He can't flip until he fails to take action.
The hope here is that he tricks Obongo into thinking "He's playing the 'the president has to be above' game just like everyone else and is 'moving on' so we don't need to do anything"
And then comes the hammer.
We elected a cuck
Maybe by becoming the American President?
Is there literally anyway to please the liberals?
God damn, no matter what they do they turn against him. So much for "unity"
It's suicidal to say you will go after her in his position. The libtards will rise up. They want him to say it. Why would anyone sane say they will prosecute her in his position? All he really has to do is not interfere with the FBI or whoever is looking into her. There are many ways to destroy a person. He doesn't have to slam her in jail. All I know is she will wish she never crossed him. That I can absolutely assure you will happen.
There will be no hammer. He's a lying cuck
this is how niggers talk
>do you honestly believe he's changed his mind?
No, he had no intention to do it anyway.
What is more likely Trump was dishonest or everyone else is?
trump flips the MSM into wanting a prosecution for hillary clinton
This guy gets it. It's up to us now to burn the whole thing down.
>no wall
>no muslim ban
>flipped on climate change
>hiring wall st fat cats
>giving the establishment top posts
>letting Hilary go free
>disavowing the people that got him to where he is
>refuses to cede control of his businesses
>attempting to create a nepotistic dynasty
At what point did Sup Forums realise it got keked?
Everything he promised so far is being done if you look at the leaked files.
Keep this in mind at all times: Obama's ideal scenario for issuing a pardon is with Trump baited into discussing prosecution and with the media in a tizzy.
Trump is from the brutal world of Manhattan real estate and has prevailed against countless obstacles to become president. He's way too smart for that effete nigger who was handed an affirmative-action presidency on a silver platter with the media fawning over him.
wow this must be accurate
We don't lock up our opponents in America. Thats not something we do.
Political opposition is a libtard legal exemption. It's why they didn't go after Bush and Cheney.
maybe she'll uproot the electoral college next!
i just top kek'd myself
>a politician said something before elections and hes not doing it after he gains power
>impeachment is inevitable
jesus christ. if you really expect trump to keep all of his promises, to make every little bullshit, that he said or tweeted hes gonna do, then youre stupid. hillary has proven herself being corrupt and out of principle, she should be prosecuted, but then again, if you think trump is some kind of corruptless god of morale, youre, again, fucking stupid
also this. locking hillary up wouldnt really help to straighten up the society after so close elections
once he's in there he better not give that cunt an inch
>Oh gee guys I'm sorry I didn't want to send Hillary...and believe me, she is a great woman, just great...to jail for life, but we discovered she committed crimes and is a very bad hombre. Sad!
Stop spamming this meme. You cant get a pardon until after you are convicted, and you cant get convicted in less than a month. Even 6 months would be pushing it.