His parents are both professors. He's been awarded multiple art scholarships out of highschool. He began his music production career coding in 7th grade and wanted to make a soundtrack for his video game. He worked 10 years in Parisian fashion houses as apprentice and was personally tutored the head of the Masters at Central St Martins (the elite school of fashion, has tighter entry requirements than Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard and Yale. Alexander McQueen is one of the many famous students). Kanye owns multiple patents for innovations. He's an incredibly bright man.
He never fails to speak his mind even if it hurts his career if he thinks he's doing the right thing. His"controversies"include: speaking against homophobia in the industry, speaking against Bush's botching of Katrina, speaking against rigged award shows, speaking against the lack of integrity in the media, speaking against the price gouging and elitism of the high fashion world. Speaking out against liberal propaganda and hivemind.
Don't let the MSM spread the narrative of him being stupid or crazy. The man has unparalleled success in every field he has ever entered from music to art to fashion to business.
Don't let the MSM push a narrative of him being an elitist. His entire career has been dedicated to his fans and shunning personal gain to preserve integrity.
His white sound engineers and producers do all the work
Ethan Rodriguez
Smart man. He should be President.
Zachary Wood
To be honest I really like his music.
Jack Flores
If he's so smart why does he sound like such a nigger every time he opens his mouth?
Jason Thomas
Xavier Hall
If only he were as smart as you. That 's what drove him crazy... Jealousy of you and your life.
Dominic Rodriguez
Wasn't Kanye West diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder?
That should disqualify him from being president
Caleb Roberts
>art scholarships
Because of Affirmative Action they LITERALLY give those to ANY nigger that applies. I wish I was joking. I've seen it happen first hand, nigger weaboos that draw autistic anime get full rides to Art Schools.
Camden Roberts
Trump's presidency broke him. The redpills were too strong. This man is a new level of woke.
You know that there's more fields of art than visual right? I know that blacks have an easier time with scholarships and I've seen shitty artists get into CalArts but lets not pretend Kanye isn't at least a little bit good.
Eli James
Living above your means is the American way.
William Bailey
Reminder that Scott Adams already predicted Kanye to be a genius master persuader like Trump:
First Kid Cudi, now Kanye. They are after the smart niggas. Hope they don't get bluepilled too hard and still speak the truth after being (((hospitalized))).
Benjamin Powell
>Don't let the MSM spread the narrative of him being stupid or crazy.
he's an effeminate diva that throws hissy fits and has mental breakdowns...
Alexander Hughes
>reverse search gives shit
can you post some more or a link to the set? thanks
t. horny
David Martin
And Trump is a homophobic sexist racist who is literally Hitler
Zachary Lewis
I'm glad Sup Forums is becoming red pilled on Kanye, I was afraid it might never happen due to him being an outspoken nigger
Kanye is woke. He's been at the highest echelons of the Jewish media power structure. He's named the Jew before.The Jews are trying to silence him because they're afraid that 1) His support of Trump could turn off millennials from his music and end their shekel flow and 2) They're worried that once they dump his ass for supporting Trump, he'll spill the beans on their Jewry to the young people, and destroy their conditioning. Kanye could be the new Mel Gibson/Marlon Brando we need.
>Multiple art scholarships Citation needed >Coding in 7th grade Citation needed >10 years in Parisiain fashion houses Citation needed >Multiple patents for innovations Name one
Isaac Harris
underrated post. for real tho who is the girl in
Jeremiah Morgan
This nigger has stolen every single one of "his" clothing designs from well known (& lesser known) designers, then claims he's a "genius" as he puts those designs on exclusively black & non-white models.
Fuck off a stop shilling this degenerate attenion whore nigger. Along with his cunt wife, they're 2 of the most degenerate figures in Western culture.
Nathan Fisher
lol he's lowkey a big weeb and video game nerd F
Gavin Fisher
this fucking shill is back fuck off with your copy paste shill text! >degenerate nigger >Western Culture it's all in your shill book LEAVE
Wyatt Gray
I agree, we spend too much time reading and not enough time defending those who are willing to stand up for us. You're brave to support Kanye, I hope you always keep this in mind
Tyler Taylor
Why were his first two albums the best?
Alexander Green
Based Dilbert has been uncannily prescient
I'm always hesitant to give his theories much credit, but I'm thinking he's on to something with his ideas for persuasion and influence
Jack Flores
Anyone else think this "self"-destruction, "mentally ill", Illuminati crap is exactly what Chappelle disappeared to Africa to avoid??
James Torres
Kanye is fighting the system as we speak and he's doing it for us.
Gabriel Brown
.. and now watch him be silent when the same shit happens to Kanye. Wouldn't surprise me in the least to see him join the pile-on later.
Snake of a nigger. Talks about white privilege like all of the BLM retards do. Fuck Chappelle.
Lucas Jackson
>as a artist dumb nigger
Elijah Howard
so a rich bigger rabbit affirmative action hire with political connections wanted to program a videogame in the 7th grade on his 5000$ computer and he is therefore a genius?