All Muslims are terrorists so that means that all white people shoot up schools, huh?
If Muslims really were terrorists, you'd be dead by now considering how many Muslims there are.
Insha'Allah, brothers. It is not too late.
All Muslims are terrorists so that means that all white people shoot up schools, huh?
If Muslims really were terrorists, you'd be dead by now considering how many Muslims there are.
Insha'Allah, brothers. It is not too late.
Other urls found in this thread:
The average "moderate muslim" has more extreme views than the average Klansman
80% of terrorist activity in 2015 was because of Islam.
and the other 20% was because of extremist islam
No more muslims
Not really but ok.
And yet the overwhelming majority of Muslims aren't in any way involved in those attacks.
Because the klan leaned on like 1 specific passage from the bible + general hate while ISIS loves the quran
Well, they all smell bad.
I've read much of that study. That graph is a gross oversimplification. Whoever made it was either careless or had an agenda.
I was waiting for this meme. If you actually did some research you'd realize it's 100% fake. It's not even possible to get answers from that many Muslims.
Muslim's follow an ideology called Islam which is rooted in war and domination.
White race is just white people with varying ideas, including the choice to be Muslim if they wish.
>considering how many Muslims there are.
all shitposting aside, why do jews push this "muslims are the majority" bullshit?
I had a jew professor sit there and tell us that muslims are the 2nd largest group in the US for a whole semester.
Because the klan is onky about 5000 members, and its an fbi honeypot. There are millions that support isis
That's bullshit. Of course the KKK represented Christians. Murderous, hateful, insular Protestant scum. They murdered thousands of Catholics during Reconstruction before they went after blacks.
> WASP shitheels.
> Perfidious Anglos
> tfw
Yes really, you fucking cuck
Another ignorant white racist. All those verses were meant for very specific wars hundreds of years ago. They're also very badly translated.
I'd be surprised if the number of ISIS supporters in their territory topped a few million.
and yet the overwhelming majority of Muslims dont denounce those attacks either...
>hahahaha I le said le cuck meme le lolololol XDDDDD!!!!!!!!
and yet muslims are basically the only ones doing it en mass, cuck boy
you said some muslim shit like in the ISIS videos and you have ISIS pictures.
dont do any stupid shit for next 10 years, burn your retarded disney books, behave like a normal being in a society and give in all your terrorist muslim contacts to the police, before that happens i dont trust and will believe you´re always a sleeping terrorist cell waiting for a chance to sandnigger around
Bet all those kids at Pulse or Paris thought muslims wont do anything. I dont trust you little shits anymore.
A cuck, is a cuck, is a cuck fag. When you kys, face the east
That depends on the attack in question and the region where those Muslims live. Most Muslims condemn things like the Paris and Brussels attacks.
>more people replying to low effort low energy copypasta shitposting
You motherfuckers are worse than the shitposters and the shills.
Fucking faggots, get off Sup Forums you scum. Sage and reported. Muslims and fags who try and fail at intellectual discourse by not arguing and furthering their shitty agenda aren't allowed here. Saying a statistic is fake without providing any counter argument is not arguing, and green texting some ebin message isn't arguing either. If you want pull rhetoric like that go to LGBT
Read up shithead
kkk dosent have hundreds of suicide bombers exact the will of allah every month
Because KKK members don't go KABOOM!
I agree
That's total bullshit. While the majority of terror incidents are instigated by radical Muslims, there are many, many, many horrible incidents instigated by other political or religious ideologies.
This is why you suck
we don't hate muslims because they are terrorists
you don't behave like humans, you don't eat like humans, you piss and shit where ever you want, you disrespect our women, you destroy our culture, you force us to tolerate you even when you won't respect/tolerate us, you don't accept our laws and the worst thing is that rather than fixing the problems of your own country you decide to come here and make problems for us
It's not about the terrorism faggot, It's about your kind that hasn't done anything usefull in the last 1000 years, which lets us know that your race/kind won't bring any benefits, but only problems which we then have to fix because you people are fucking useless goatfuckers who actually think that praying 20 times a day will grant you a better life
Doesn't matter how you interpret them the verses. It's how the other Muslims who practice it do.
Also you don't speak for them also on what it means.
60% of white people arent clapping and jumping for joy every time a hatecrime is committed.
Kill yourself. Fucking retard.
Most Muslims are extremists. Most white people are not.
You're not getting in here, wether you are a terrorist or not. Shitskins belong in the meat grinder.
There's conveniently little information on the chart about the question they asked. What's more, the phrase "suicide bombings" doesn't necessarily refer to attacks on the West. Those who claimed it could be justified (look at figures for Palestine and Bangladesh) often come from regions with notoriously bloody local conflicts that might (in those peoples' minds) "justify" suicide bombings. Look up the Bangladesh Liberation War.
Not when a black man is murdered, no. But many Americans aware of US policy in the Middle East and South Asia still think of our crimes there as justified. While that doesn't excuse terrorism, it's a sobering thought.
not really, the only groups or imams that condemn any attacks are those groups working in the west to subvert it with things like sharia law where their hosts would be outraged it they didnt denounce it.
you ever hear a majority islam country's leader take a hard stand against terrorism? you think your average imam in those countries denounces any attacks?
>90% of honor killings worldwide by Muslims
>29% of American Muslims agree that, “Violence against Americans here in the United States can be justified as part of the global jihad.”
>When asked, “Do you think the use of violence in the United States is justified in order to make shariah the law of the land in this country?” 19% replied, “Yes.”
>38% of American Muslims believe ISIS’ beliefs are indeed Islamic
This guy destroys you:
Of course it had to either be Germany or his retarded brother Austria.
>Most Muslims condemn things like the Paris
Most don't care about the Bataclan and they justify the killing of Charlie Hebdo.
So much for a religion of peace
Achmed, how did you get to Austria? You got internet access really fast. That is amazing!
you're dumb
t.minority in turkey
t. obama
>the constitution has already been violated so we may as well violate it some more