Are we under attack again?

Are we under attack again?
In the last 3 days I've been noticing changes in normal Sup Forumsack behaviour, this time the infiltrators really want to sound like one of us.

Other urls found in this thread:

Its a bunch of faggots that want to push "Sup Forums is alt-right" bullshit. Also a bunch of tripfaggotry, but that typically comes with the winterball.

Youre being paranoid. No one is trying to infiltrate Sup Forums, they would have already done that by now anyways. Just remember how vast our resources are.

CTR is not gone, they just changed there leader agenda. I've seen it to, and they have upped there game.

It's swinging left.

just JIDF and CTR working together, nothing to see here goy

>Sup Forums is alt-right
It is. You're just mad that you got called out.

Pol is alt right
Just like it is alt left
and conservative
and liberal
and everything in between
That's what makes an anonymous site great.

President-elect Donald Trump on Tuesday said he did not want to “energize” the alt-right movement and denounced the conference held over the weekend where white nationalists cheered his election and used Nazi-era terms and salutes.

“I disavow and condemn them,” Trump said at an on-the-record session with New York Times reporters and columnists when asked directly about the meeting.

>Are we under attack again?

When aren't we?

CTR changed tactics, it appears.

They are trying to "Take Over" Sup Forums, pretend to BE Sup Forums and turn it into another mainstream media propaganda outlet.

So, basically..... same old shit.

Sup Forums isn't going anywhere you faggot - no matter what happens, hillary clinton won the popular vote.

>Are we under attack again?

Sup Forums is always under attack

It happens every few years on Sup Forums.
Usually they leave after awhile because they don't have high rates of convincing people and the board goes back to normal after several months
Hang in there

its the assangefaggots and pizzaretards and niggerkayne threads

fuck anyone not saging those

Soon enough, the board will return to never questioning your opinions. This invasion of your safe space will be over in time, yes

>hillary clinton won the popular vote.


The Richard Spencer "drama" is a painfully obvious forced meme / false flag

Some user who did an AMA on here claiming he was CTR was on the money (LARPer or not) when he said that their tactics are going to shift from blatant, obvious trolling to more subtle subversion. Just keep your bullshit detector activated because it's still super obvious regardless

There is no alt-right, it was created as a guilt-by-association boogeyman. Sup Forumsend is not alt-right, it doesn't need to be. We just call ourselves nazis or white nationalists when we want, we don't have to hide.

Say it with me CTR:

Oh no, milo must be butthurt

Yes, of course, it's all a conspiracy. These "facts" are just made up to upset you. But don't worry, Sup Forums won't let those mean men hurt your feelings. Once all these liberal scumbags leave the board, you'll get all the hugs you need.


>Taking labels from the enemy

So we are picking their's choices or we are going to make our own way?

No Sup Forums has never had any shills. You're delusional user, get some rest.


CTR please go. It's not a fact and it's never been. Just old data from before the votes got counted.

>These "facts" are just made up to upset you.

Nah, they have been pushing this narrative since Trump won.

They are still trying to rig the election, start a civil war/race war, etc...

It's pathetic.


What the hell is CTR?

Also, yeah, sure, "old data"

Though, I'm sure the CBC is part of the conspiracy.

Finish every post with I HATE NIGGERS to weed out the scum

>people claiming Sup Forums is alt right
>people trying to push the narrative that trump is backing out on his promises
>people trying to divide and conquer

yes we're being raided

just hide or sage any thread that you think is trying to subvert

but until they employ people like ben the cuck fischbein they can only lose this war

Sup Forums is more (((diverse))) now

I've now checked and turned out that when the count ended she actually won the popular vote. So,
>it's been decided that the delegate system is better than the popular vote to decide elections
>your candidate lost in the delegate system but won in the popular one which doesnt matter
rigged :(
Go suck a fat dick. Trump knew he needed to win through delegates and he did so, that's why he focused on those 3 states. If it was about the popular vote, he would just have campaigned in higher population areas and would have won the popular vote.

Alt-right was mostly dejected and disenchanted Libs, Dems and people who didn't count themselves apart of any party joining the right, because of what was happening in the libo-dem sphere.
The term is intentionally being slandered and aligned with White nationalism (Because if you don't fallow us you're racist) to try and splinter the now stronger republican party.

I never said anything about delegates, you nerd.

die leaf


I'm willing to separate pol and the alt right. Pol is like the local bar our alt right niggas hang at. Obviously not a safe place for Jews or whatever oppo might want to come, but it's not fair to say all pol is alt right because a lot of pol is fucking stupid and doesn't even get the reason for its existence which is 1488


They're out in full faggot force

I'm starting to suspect so. The whole "founder" thing looks suspect, too many people insisting that the Alt-Right is real.