Listen to the whole speech, you cucks
He's a retard anyways and you're stupid if you support him. Trump and us are better off without fags like you.
This. Anyone who willingly labels himself as "alt-right" is an idiot.
>copied from a thread that was archived before I could post:
The alt-right doesn't fucking exist. We're just a bunch of individuals with our own beliefs, that the Liberals and NeoCons (along with the faggot kike, Milo) tried to label under this imaginary party in the attempts to demonize everything that opposes them. They label us as "alternate" b/c they want us to look like a group of extremists whose beliefs could never become mainstream. We're not "alternate" to anything; we have our own beliefs and values. Liberals use the term "alt-right" to label us as the group among the people they hate the most (aka: "A basket of deplorables"), and Right-wing politicians label us as that to separate us from themselves.
Some of the people on this board aren't even right wing: I for example am a Leftist brought up in a Liberal household. I came to this board out of hatred of SJWs.
This, anybody who disagrees is clearly a shill, trying to radicalize a politically neutral medium that makes jokes about Jews and knows about the global establishment. StormFAGs are not my friends. Dick Spencer is a faggot.
>He's a retard
No he isn't. He is literally a completely calm and rational voice for white nationalism.
I disagree. The alt-right is genius. The more the retarded lefties struggle and fail to box us into a convenient group with degenerates like Milo, the more they will be confounded. If we're all in the same group, they can't call us anti-semites, racists, and homophobes because look:
>muh token nigger loving jew faggot
It's hilarious watching the MSM constantly being thwarted by this. They tried calling Breitbart all these things and the defense worked. Steve Bannon is now going to the White House with Trump and all the MSM can do is cry, because their ad hom arguments are ineffective.
You have no idea how much they rely upon this.
If we can slide past it, and make the people hear our arguments, they will be redpilled.
Thats wrong you retard. If a group has 1/1000 people who are racist, its not a problem.
If a group has 1/10 people being racist, than that group has a huge public image problem.
We should remain in the backround like we always have. If we are, than calling republicans racist won't work.
The "alt-right" is literally the media's wet dream when it comes to labling all of trump's worse supporters and bringing them into the lime-light.
Well, I don't really hate Milo. Before I started posting here everyday, I used to actually like him b/c the went from college to college just to trigger SJWs, and the SJWs couldn't use their favorite buzzwords on him (Anti-Semite, racist, homophone, etc) b/c he's a Jewish, coal-burning faggot.
I guess your right, in a sense. I'm just afraid that (((they))) could get the upper hand and use the "alt-right" label to destroy anyone who opposes them.
First of all. It isn't wrong. And I just demonstrated how it worked with Breitbart, and you have no argument.
>racism is bad
This is what needs to change.
Race is a biological fact.
Recognizing it needs to be the norm.
Providing this essential redpill out in the open and in the light for all to see needs to be done. Jared Taylor has been doing it for years, and Richard Spencer is merely picking up the banner to correct this delusion in society.
If you disagree, then you're a butthurt delusional shitskin.
I don't hate him either. I don't hate anyone for being gay, or another race. I hate people only for actions.
>It worked in the current year
>Therefore it will continue to work next year
Your comparison didn't even make sense, the media was able to make a fool of itself calling Bannon a white nationalist only because white nationalism is a fringe segment of the actual conservative movement sweeping the country.
If people like Spencer keep trying to legitimize stupidity (which is what they're doing--everything Spencer has done has been stupid or at the very least shallow) then it will just weight the Trump administration, which is hopefully going to consist of intelligent and capable people, from accomplishing a counterrevolutionary agenda.
White nationalism is utopian bullshit, anyway, and half the people who espouse it believe that R/K selection theory is the end-all be-all of political theories. It's laughable. Richard Spencer is a bad joke. You're a fool for taking him seriously.
Sup Forums is not the Alt Right. Sup Forums is part of a completely separate movement. Is Reddit part of the Alt Right?
LOL this guy is such a fucking retard. Jumping on his soapbox for any scrap of publicity he can muster to make a name for himself. Using terms like "God-Emperor", "Lugenpresse", "shit lords", and "kek" sounds fucking ridiculous when spoken in real life, especially when he's trying to give a serious speech. He sounds like he just stumbled onto this alt-right and is regurgitating their talking points.
Only dipshits willingly define themselves. Liberal. Conservative. Socialist. Alt-Rght. Once you adopt a definition, you put yourself in a box. A box that is easier to squash.
He's just that kid that discovered Sup Forums in 7th grade without bothering to learn Rules 1 & 2.
I know more about race realism than you and I've probably contributed to at least a dozen of the info graphics about it you've seen on this board. Not that it is important on an anonymous imageboard but regardless, almost everyone on this board hates the alt-right for a reason.
We've won because people can't pin us down. You are trying to make us more tangible and somehow you think because we have one faggot on our side no one will be able to slander us? That's wrong.
What is great about not having a label is that we are able to do shit without it hurting Trump. If we take on a label, than everything we do won't be considered "trolls" we will become a dirty labeled just like socialist are today. Remember how Obama had to keep explaining how he isn't a socialist? Trump will (and has) done the same with the alt-right.
except he's pushing 40
See, nobody cares.
>The alt-right doesn't fucking exist
Should have told that to Steven Bannon before he claimed to have made Breitbart an alt-right platform.
>If a group has 1/10 people being racist
retard confirmed
Alt-right was always a group of people of race realists and juden crushers, just because some rejects grasps onto the movement trying to co-opt it and bring it more mainstream by ignoring the anti jew and being pro race mixing doesnt make the movement less faggotry bound then it originally was.
It was fuckin founded as a pro white movement. As such it naturally is in conflict with groups and people who are anti white, which just so happens to be SJW's, feminists, Jews, pro diversity groups, communists, progressives
Fuck this CIA cunt.
we need to slay all "journalists"
Not mentally.
You can be racist and republican. Why the fuck do you need some special "alt" label to be a racist?
Fuck off.
Read To explain to you why it is retarded to purposely lose a battle we are winning.
This guy is literally a liberal plant designed to make nationalists seem radical and racist
>White nationalism is utopian bullshit
>Literally works for Japan, South Korea, and any other competent race for as long as they have used it.
>Literally was the norm in all of Europe, America, and Canada until recently.
Kill yourself
I agree with trying to remain unpinnable is a good strategy, but it's just like real wrestling. You can avoid losing, but you can never win unless you take some sort of firm position. No Sup Forums isn't the Alt-Right. That's the point of it. Sup Forums will remain forever intangible and unkillable, but Sup Forums can never actually assume an office and make changes, and must rely on proxies. Spencer is such a proxy. Let him go off and try to make a change, but don't stab him the back. Promote him.
>What is great about not having a label is that we are able to do shit without it hurting Trump
That's the thing. Just because Racists support Trump doesn't mean Trump is racist. We've seen the MSM try and fail to use this strategy forever. It won't work. So now we should encourage Spencer because we're literally untouchable. If they want to call Spencer a racist, well good. That's literally the point. Racism is normal and good, and SOMEBODY needs to be out there saying it publicly.
We need to press our advantage. Just winning the White House isn't enough.
Not an argument
I want AFA to leave.
saw this video on normiebook and all the white people denouncing him and proudly saying they aren't racist and hate what's being normalized.
why are whites cucks Sup Forums?
Spencer dindu nothing wrong.
Hail trump is just a joke, you autists CTR shills.
It's just a prank bro.
literally what we're trying to change.
but we never will if ppl are too afraid to even say they agree with Spencer on an anonymous Yu-gio-Oh card trading site.
>oy vey, but he said "Hail" which sounds too much like "heil" he's gone too far, the bad bad goy.
literally what some of these (((cowards))) are saying.
controlled opposition plant/10
not even people here are autistic enough to actually say "heil trump", let alone in a speech
>We need to press our advantage
we won the election you pussies, we don't have to appeal to brainwashed boomers until probably 2020
right now a man just got elected who got called a racist nazi for a year, white people are pissed and its time to push that overton window
tl;dr: no enemies to the right, don't be a cuck, media always lies
It didn't work because we were just trolls back then. This is what will happen if the alt-right takes off.
The alt-right will make demands, they will talk about things they want. And then trump will disavow us (like he did today). And then every time he does something that we want to do people will compare him to us.
Look at what happened to the word "socialism" in America. Every time a democrat runs he has to explain why his policies aren't socialist. The same thing will happen to trump and all our representatives in the future except socialist is replaced with "alt-right"
It's worse than I expected
>pro race-mixing.
You mean pro-DoWhatEverrYouWantWhatDoICare.
yeah but thats because socialism is fucking retarded, and indefensibly based upon a utopian delusion. comparison to that will always taint.
race realism is based on literal biological fact. Once this argument goes mainstream, people won't even care about a comparison.
how much of a retardo sperg do you have to be to say "cuck" irl?
answer is richard spense/altrighters
this faggot is too cringe-worthy not to be controlled opposition
Daily reminder that there is no such thing as the "Alt Right"
Can we just catch this asshole and fuck him in the mouth? I really want to fuck his mouth! Does anybody else want to fuck his mouth?
>not calling cucks out
sounds about right. be sure to buy halal condoms for Achmed to use tonight with your wife. And don't forget that your wife's son is lactose intolerant so be sure to buy non-dairy milk.
Do not reply to threads about
>the alt-right
>Richard Spencer
>Trump backpedaling on campaign promises
>Trump not pressing charges on Hillary
These are all disinfo threads created to demoralize us. Hide and sage, motherfuckers.
>Hillary uses old term no one fucking cares about or knows about to blanket every person who refuses to support her.
>Literal retards and shills try to push the term and adopt it.
us alt-righters huh? the god emperor is going to show those cucks whats up! KEK wills it xD
>Richard Spencer is CTR/shill/controlled opposition
You fags are all so delusional
Anyone who agrees with Spencer and his ideas, but doesn't want him to speak out is a coward.
You aren't even risking your own reputations.
Sup Forums was never part of the alt-right
The incoherency of your arguments is evidence enough that you are shilling hard.
> The alt-right is genius. The more the retarded lefties struggle and fail to box us into a convenient group
You've literally contradicted yourself. What is "alt-right" but a convienient label to beat dissenting anons over the head with when they complain or disagree with anything the media shills.
> It's hilarious watching the MSM constantly being thwarted by this
MSM was thwarted by Pepe the frog and twitter shitposting. Not by some fucking con-artists making Nazi salutes and babbling about white identity politics.
MSM was thwarted by people laughing AT THEM, not the other way around. People like Spencer are the kind that GIVE the media back its authority.
Shitposting about KEK and digits is literally a more effective attack on the media than anything this Neo-Cuckzi can come up.
> If we can slide past it,
Do I detect a Freudian slip? I see you guys got new jobs fast.
Just trying to find
>I know how'll we'll beat the jews and eternal cucks. Let's just pretend we don't exist. If we don't exist they can't attack us!
We want to be attacked, faggot. Then we want to counterattack. We want an organization people can get behind.
>t. kike
>That way I can eat your children, goyim!
Fuck off jew with your tryhard agitprop.
> "Man up user"
> "Make yourself a strawman for the media to pummel"
Hi CTR! Nice to see you guys got new employment so soon.
>You've literally contradicted yourself
No I haven't. You literal faggot.
If they put racists, and nigger-loving faggot Jews in the same box (the Alt-Right) then they can no longer call the entire group racist. That's why everyone rolls their eyes when they hear the term Alt-Right.
>MSM was thwarted by Pepe the frog
Perfect example. MSM wanted to call Pepe a hate symbol, just because a few online nazis had pictures of him as a Nazi. They looked like complete fools, because literally everyone uses Pepe for whatever purpose they want because he's funny. Here's a pic with Pepe as Mao. The MSM's ad hom attack against pepe posters failed, because they could so obviously be shown to be overstating the case.
>Shitposting about KEK and digits is literally a more effective attack on the media than anything this Neo-Cuckzi can come up.
It may be effective at baffling the MSM, but it will never be a coherent argument that is needed to normalize Race Realism, which is what society desperately needs.
No, fuck your labels. I'm tired of being labeled.
But there literally is such a thing. It's a term for non-republican non-libertarian conservatives, primarily white nationalists.
>Afraid to even say you think Race is real on an anonymous cartoon image board
You are such a fucking coward, dude.
I'm certain that you are CTR or some new variant.
I find it literally that improbable that you can be that much of a pussy.
> "Make yourself a strawman for the media to pummel"
Lmao, who has the media "pummeled" lately? The MSM is a limp-dicked snoozefest quickly falling into obscurity. They can whine all they want, nobody gives a shit.
Hey I've got an idea goyim. Let's divide you in half between (((Neo Marxists))) and (((Neo Nazis))) cause a huge war and we get to clean up the shekels? :D Fuck off you treacherous jew fuck.
Your jewshill (((Spencer))) is fucking less convincing than (((Milo))) and that's a low bar, jew. Real low.