Other urls found in this thread:
>According to the New York Times
Not a legit source.
How upset are you that your pink slip to rape children into marriage bill didn't pass?
Why did you make a thread when we are being spammed by the subject already.
Nobody cares, Sup Forums wasnt stumped. Trump did it because Richard Spencer is a fucking retard
The alt right doesn't exist, you retarded person
it is a good thing. the jews are already pushing this meme, and they have found a nice recongisable face in richard spencer.
What if I told you the alt right dosen't exist?
Not legitimate source. Post a real source.
The NYT has been lying about Trump on a daily basis for almost two years, but this time they got it right? Nope.
fuck off storm weenie
this is the far right
"alt-right" was always a bullshit catch-all term invented by the hillary campaign to lump modern right-wing sentiment with fringe retards like (((richard spencer)))
If you legitimately discredit the NYTimes then you're a fucking moron who probably reads InfoWars
Hipsters hate to be called hipsters.
wew lad
Not an argument, cuck. Post a legit source or move on.
>we're the brown shirts
>all these retards calling it fake news
Please, enlighten me on what a legitimate news site is to you. Fucking retard
Hipsters don't exist either
No one here is alt-right. We're national socialists.
He means Richard Spencer and ilk which is good.
>you know how they lied 100% about trump since he started running
Jews exist.
yeah, hipsters were always hippies
alt right doesn't exist
always right, however, exists
The NYT isn't a real source. Post a real source.I don't think this is what Trump really said. Where's the audio? Where's the video? Why haven't they released any of this? This whole situation is just bad and untrustworthy. Typical lying New York Times.
Why did he disavow us, dad?
>Because they have to chase us.
>Because we're the heroes America deserves, but not the ones it needs right now. So they can hunt us, because we can take it. Because we are not heroes. We are the silent assassins. The watchful protectors.
Alt right is a left wing conspiracy made up to create a negative narrative Trump supporters
actually i'm communist-nationalist-anarchist please respect my political affiliations thanks
one not controlled by a cabal of cosmopolitan jews that have been lying through their teeth for the past year (and past century)
who's the alt-right
Of course he disavowed those LARPing nazi fags. The world is going in the right direction with Brexit and Trump, don't give them any ammo to counter it.
we are not the ALT right
we are the REAL right
Trump has "abandoned" the alt-right and NatSocs and other fringe right wingers many times. He isn't really abandoning us he's just letting the more moderate Republicans and Democrats think he is for extra support.
I find it funny how you people are considered to be lower than blacks in the eyes of the establishment. I mean, Trump used you in the exact way Democrats use blacks/other minorities just to get their vote, and then do nothing good for them, except he even outright told you you're worthless shit. Imagine if Obama said that to his black constituency.
Don't get me wrong, I obviously sympathize with anyone being swindled by the elite like this, but it's just so funny how to Americans this comes off as a surprise, if you ever lived in a shitty Eastern European country, you'd be used to that by now.
You mean he said he don't want to be associated with morons who say "Heil" and do nazi/roman salutes?
Next you're telling me that he is distancing himself from the KKK?
kys, roach
"alt-right" was a label invented by Jews
doesn't matter what you call it, doesn't matter if it even has a name... they can't stop what we're doing.
dumb motherfucking niggas in jew york times have to use a word the jews invented when two perfectly good terms already exist: Republican and Nazi
fuck the luegenpresse
>Sup Forums
Pick one.
I have no idea. It's probably some kind of bullshit boogeyman just like candleja
>Alt right is a left wing conspiracy made up to create a negative narrative Trump supporters
>actual quotations from President-Elect Trump
You do know it's illegal to falsely quote someone right?
This wouldn't have happened if Spencer told people to not fucking give a Roman salute in his "not neo-nazis" club.
Who cares? We wanted him elected disavowing the alt-right doesn't change the fact that most of it's members will still benefit from his policies regardless of how much they despise niggers or Jews.
It doesn't matter what he can say, what the media says anymore. The goal of the alt-right was accomplished "we" have elected Donald Trump for president and there is nothing you can do about it anymore besides cry or perhaps protest.
Go ahead the fun is all ours anyways.
The fuck was he supposed to do? Approve of these retards yelling heil Trump? He was elected and must now be presidential. He still gives us occasional twitter outbursts to laugh about. Also we can watch liberals cry so it was worth it.t
>Richard Spencer, a leader of the "alt-right" movement
Who is this Richard Spencer, that's the first time I've heard about him.
Alt right is an umbrella term for non republican conservatives, especially secular ones that the left can't just call religious nut jobs.
They hate that, because many moderates are basically that.
No one is actually in some party called "Alt right" except idiots. That's why I'd say Richard Spencer is probably a plant to discredit Trump supporters
except its true, roach
Fuck off, alt-right is a strawman term to attack all dissenters.
Anyways pol is extreme left.
Nobody here is "Alt Right"
this, more or less.
I know he's not a nazi. Problem is I'm not either. I hate Jews, niggers and faggots but that doesn't mean I think socialism is the way to go
and libtards are still buttblasted
I'm the leader of the Alt Right
Like it or not war must exist where there is not true education. If there isnt war or true education then the power that non-whites have socially and politically will inevitably overtake anything else and become tyrannical.. The end result must be death, torture and hatred. We may think we have this under control, but it is so obvious that we do not and in the future, after Trump is done these people will pick right up with their message of hatred masked as goodness and peace. I dont understand what is going on in the mind of a person that doesnt clearly observe this.
>dis vows a made up group
Nothing will sway people's belief in Trump. Or there are some very carefree trolls that just want to see everything burn and have no vested interest.
>Please, enlighten me on what a legitimate news site is to you.
how about from trump himself
Deep down he loves us
top kek, trumpfags are retarded babbies
Trump's children are all married to jews, why would he side with gay nazi larpers?
>implying I am a part of the (((alt-right)))
Just very VERY hopeful people.
"Donald! Do what you have to! We've done all we can! Don't stop for us! Make America great againnnnn.........."
Sure but we're not alt-right. (if you identify as alt-right then kys now)
They've been lying about him for over a year straight. They hate him as much as you hate him. Why would I trust people like that? Especially given how easy it is to misrepresent Trump's words and the context in which they were said behind closed doors. Anybody could twist a statement with this veil covering it.
You're just stupid as shit for believing everything Marxists tell you.
It's literally Trump making a statement disavowing the alt-right.
>very hopeful
Well, what would be the point of appointing someone like Jeff Sessions as Secretary of State if he wasn't going to remove taco and import crackers? Sessions is the chief paleocon and his life's work is getting browns out and whites into America by changing the immigration system back to the pre-1965 system.
Trump would just be setting himself up for a power struggle if he reneged at that stage.
According to left-wing Jews at the New York Times which notoriously opposes Trump and has a history of misrepresenting him.
You are dumb for taking their word on it. I require actual evidence.
we're dark knights
>implying anyone here is alt-right
Trump is right. Fuck those attention whores.
The alt-right never existed. I wish everyone would stop pushing Shillary's term to group all of us under one umbrella. We have already witnessed how it can discredit us.
Somehow I don't think Trump won the election on the backs of a couple hundred Nazi larpers
Pick one.
the point is not if the term is right or wrong. the point is that he disavowed YOU whatever you call yourselves
Who cares... we know how to play the game.
He works for us, while telling the public he doesn't. We're not niggers, we know how to play the game.
he didnt abandon me. judging people based on race i stupid. Culture is where its at
We are either pacified without being aware of it or we are lying currently but it is very clear that we are not capable of bringing about peace and if that doesnt happen and we are merely pacified and think we are capable then this must happen. The non-whites are aware of all this, they arent going to change. This is so stupid... just a half-ass watered down attempt to destroy SJWism which is destined to fail without destruction. We are merely taking the left over cucks who havent been put in their place by non-whites like the redpills have and setting them up to fail. Beyond a certain point revolt will not be possible.
It came from the NYT because he sat down and did an interview with the NYT.
Even if all immigration ended tomorrow the US would still be guaranteed to fall under 50% non-Hispanic white thanks to birth rates (over half of new births are nonwhite and that's been the case since 2011)
Oh no, I meant whites.
no, he abandoned the obvious false-flag retard group following that obvious homosexual shill Richard Spencer. listen to him talk, he has that high pitched, nasalling homosexual voice
as if people would randomly start sieg heilling at one of his shitty talks... it's as obvious a false flag as the black church burning a few weeks ago
Nice try fed
This whole "alt-right" fiasco was fucking stupid anyway.
The majority of people on Sup Forums don't actually self identify as being "alt-right"
Honestly I can see pick related happening, but I think it will be because most of the trump supporters here grow up, get jobs and gfs and lives. Then soon after, libshits, broken and looking for a place to spout bullshit, will find Sup Forums or a place very similar and the cycle will begin anew, only now on the left side with a new generation of people.
Cap this, attach to that pic.
4 years of non-stop meltdowns from the left is going to be awesome. LMAO for attacking Trump because he didn't turn out to be an extremist
Abandoned who?
>It came from the NYT because he sat down and did an interview with the NYT.
Exactly. So you are asking me to trust an illegitimate, left-wing, anti-Trump soapbox to deliver accurately what Trump actually said and the context in which he said it. I won't do that. I don't trust them.
You're free to take their word on it though.
Ultimately it matters little. I don't particularly care if Trump disavowed the alt-right or not. That has nothing to do with me or why I voted for Trump. But I'm not going to take the NY Times' word on anything. Ever.
If you have audio or video of Trump saying these things, let's see it. But you don't. You have the word of a left-wing Jew who works for a globalist, anti-Trump publication. Yeah, real reliable stuff there, pal.
If you're not extreme/outer right you might as well die right here right now.
>b-but I never said I'm alt-right
>alt right a meme!!
top kek. Those nazicucks are hilarious.
Well, he never claimed to provide the final solution to the jewish question.
The things he's going to do are good enough for now. Of course he isn't going to say that he's sympathizing with neo nazis.
What the fuck is "alt right"?
the alt right is a strawman propped up by the msm and trump can disregard it just as easily
That's been true since the beginning tho. You can't change the past to fit your retarded leftist delusions.
100 posts in and none of your niggers have pointed out he disavowed the Nazi larp faggots but the title is ''disavows the alt right''.
As in,they're putting the label of Nazi larper on the Alt-right and you idiots are too blind to see you're just going with it and asking yourselves ''w-why did Trump disavow us ;-;''
good job WRECKING Sup Forums