>EU Army to be ratified… saddling Britain with £420mn annual bill despite Brexit vote
Fucking KEK
EU is humiliating Britain
Thanks for paying for our future army, Britcucks.
>EU Army to be ratified… saddling Britain with £420mn annual bill despite Brexit vote
Fucking KEK
EU is humiliating Britain
Thanks for paying for our future army, Britcucks.
The same army that Remain told us would never happen.
Fuck this gay earth
Can't wait for a few years from now, where we'll be getting articles about how the EU army which Britain pays for is forcing Britain to remain in/rejoin the EU
Wouldn't this give Leave more leverage now? Or is UK too far gone?
BRB, gonna go smuggle guns to white german people, and well as detailed blueprints of every major building Merkel uses.
(Just kidding intel agencies... but seriously, it would literally be THIS easy, kindly advice the EU that it does not want a civil war from the true German people that have been screwed over. That money could fund AN army, but whether or not it's your army is another fucking thing)
>EU down 100billion since brexit
>humiliating Britain
It's cool. We'll just divert a week and a half of the extra money going to the NHS to cover the military bill. That still leaves 50.5x£320million additional funding for the NHS every year following Brexit
The Remain campaign should be prosecuted for misleading voters.
Why are they flying all the same flag?
Its almost like th EU is actually a country and the "countries" are just states.
I'm going to collect all the salt from your tears cunt.
Unifying all the lands and destroying their independent cultures is part of globalism.
>Thanks for paying for our future army
You'll be fighting against it in your life time. Screenshot this.
Federalisation has been the open goal of the EU for more than a decade now.
Just realizing that now? Lels
So will all the non-muslim people of Europe.
That's their goal.
The EU has
>common trade policy
>Its laws overrule national laws
And most of it done by deception and lies.
5 times a referendum which resulted in anti-EU victory has been declared void/ignored/done again until the right result is got.
The most powerful faction in the EU is not elected at all
what if I told you slavs are the mexicans and muslims are the blacks of the united states of Europa?
The entire point of the EU since its inception has been to create a country that can compete with the USA to push toward the future goal of a single government.
>No it's not, all the politicians and news channels say so
French style revolution when? I want to look Markel dead in her traitorous eyes before she's slaughtered like the pig she is.
EU internal rebellion when?
How exactly would the UK be forced to pay for this? Like just say no. If my ex girlfriend told me she was buying a gun and told me to help pay for it I would say no...
>5 times a referendum which resulted in anti-EU victory has been declared void/ignored/done again
why do you cucks put up with that shit?
There is a reason why they are introducing even stricter weapon laws.
>Americans elect a pro-Russian, anti-NATO president
>Surprised the EU has shat itself and rushed through the """"EU Army"""""
All your tards imagining faceless stormtroopers on every street corner with blue and gold on their arms are hysterical.
The EU Army is basically just a European NATO. We had this during the whole Leave campaign too, there are millions of solid reasons for hating the EU but having a nervous breakdown over the EU Army concept whilst still being an active participant in NATO is dumb.
Just look on the bright side; more motivation to trigger Article 50 rapidly and might light a fire on some of the 'Soft Brexit' politicians to pick a side.
>Le Pen
It's happening slowly and surely
I always say gypsies as the mexicans, but id say
>French style revolution when?
now plox
all the non cucks immigrated to the USA
everyone in europe right now are the descendents of the filth who stayed behind
>The most powerful faction in the EU is not elected at all
The EU Commission is elected you tool.
You're right about the other bits though.
western europeans are very much the latinos of the EU pal, minus the food
It's over, Brexit is confirmed. It doesn't matter anymore. EU just wants to make Britain pay for the army. If they don't like it, then they can trigger article 50 now. Why wait? If UK wants to play games and stay in EU as long as it's comfy for them, then pay.
>Try to form a Constitution
>The French and Dutch referendums stop it from happening
>Push it through anyways, renaming it "Lisbon Treaty" so the national governments don't have to go through referendums in order to ratify it
Fuck democracy amirite
this pretty much. and in my country, there is no serious party, that would go anti-eu tbqh
>the filth who stayed behind
>Fuck democracy amirite
fuck anything that tries to steal your own country from you.
Don't worry man, the black market is always lively.
>slavcucks are this mad they cant come to our superior country
face it we destroyed you and made you a laughing stock
Lol so say "fuck you we're not paying"
What are they going to do? Write a strongly worded letter? Without the UK the EU will collapse economically. They can't afford to squabble with them when the Russians are looming looking for weakness to exploit.
Switzerland will join the EU in your lifetime, by hook or by crook.
Screenshot this.
The E.U. promised there would be no E.U. army.
It was part of the remain campaign.
The E.U. is against Fake News. Therefore there is no E.U. army.
It is not elected, it's approved by the parliament. National governments suggest their candidate for the position, and the EP votes to either approve it or disband it
There's a difference
That means America is offically globalist :^)
What'll happen if the UK says no, with their greatest ally Trump to back them up?
Calling all normal countries!
Bros! If Britain, US, France, Poland(V4) would gang up on Germany - well - imagine the smell of fleeing burning gays!
Learn to use grammar, cunt!
Those brave britbongers voted leave and now they are all under internet surveillance and paying for the eventual EU invasion into britbongistan.
So long, goodbye britbongers. :'( Very brave, much loved.
Make it happen.
pic unrelated, from the gun show i was at the other day.
What would happen if Britain just said no and didn't pay it?
Also, what the fuck Britain why aren't you out of the EU yet? Didn't this vote happen like 5 months ago?
>Independent France and Britain aligned with Russia
>German led continent wide super army formed
Now we just have to sit back and wait for Serbia to do something stupid.
Just quit the EU if you don't like it, cucks.
Slovenia will be forever loyal to Germany.
We need an EU Army.
How is Trump anti-NATO? He just wants every member to pay the agreed price to cvover their protection because everyone in Europe aside from you and Poland are fucking leeches spending none of their money on their own militaries and just expecting the US to foot the bill and count the bodies should a war happen.
Anyone in NATO who does not pay that 2% should be left to Russia to rape and pillage as they please.
>there would be in any time more money in a different european country, than in switzerland
i wanna see this
And the Bongs still try to argue with me that they aren't cuckd
Top fucking kek
The worst parts of an EU Army are
>The EU Army will be able to go on strike
>Civil unrest in one member nation can be suppressed using troops from a different member nation, reducing empathy between the citizens and armed forces
That's basically how most democracies work.
In the UK, the people vote for MPs, and the leadership of the party with the most MPs chooses the Cabinet, which is the UK's equivalent to the EU Commission.
If you're goint to call the EU non-democratic, then the UK and pretty much every other nation in the West is too.
I actually want to server in the EU army. That would be rad as fuck, literally the Enclave from Fallout.
Theresa May doesn't like Trump.
Can't wait for Frexit. Enjoy your shit army with Germany full of syrians and some nations like Greek or Estonia
Armies have always been able to go on strike. Kilometres of French front line trenches were left empty multiple times during the first world war because they just walked out of them and fucked off until they weren't treated like shit.
>Civil unrest in one member nation can be suppressed using troops from a different member nation
This is the big one that you yuropoors should be terrified of.
Fucking this.
What's going to happen when muslims countries start sending rapey ass fucking peace keepers to areas of civil unrest?
Can you imagine seeing an army of tanned Germans tear gassing rioting Greeks?
It's going to be full dystopia.
I won't we are cuckd, we have a vatican like private city in the heart of our capital, called 'The City of London'.
Our nation was directed to start WW2
Our Royal Family primaey line was over thrown in the 1930's.
Our Government was silently coup d'etat in the late 1930s from Chamberlain to Churchill.
The British Empire was sacrificed to achieve the aims of another (((group)))
We are now being actively ethnically cleansed in our own country while also being subjected to overwhelming marxist propaganda via media.
The EU Army concept is EuroNATO.
They're not going to disband national militaries, it's just unifying command and control and, in the future, some standardisation of equipment/munitions to aid interoperatability.
To my knowledge, despite NATO existing for decades, the USA, despite having far more control over NATO's military power than the commanders of an EU force would have, have never ordered NATO troops to annex a member state.
Besides, the UK has fucking nukes and the British Army, cut to the bone budget wise and hideously undermanned as it is, could still kick the shit out of the next two EU military powers in a defensive war anyway so I would get your knickers in a twist over this. Storm in a teacup.
>People elect people to the parliament
>the biggest party forms the government.
Compare to
>people elect the European parliament
>People elect National parliaments
>National parliaments(government) suggest their candidate to the Commission
>EP approves it.
The people have no power in electing the Commission.
The Commission is inherently undemocratic. There are no elections how to choose the commission. The ruling elite names the commission.
What's going to happen when Merkel gets her way and Turkey joins the E.U. and now you have Ottomans running through the Mediterranean shoulder checking the swarthy Europeans like it's 480BC.
Best timeline, truly.
Britain could 1v1 the EU and still win. France has no heart in it. Germany has no armed forces and is using the EU as an excuse to rebuild its military. Every other nation is completely irrelevant and will get fucked when Trump stops defending them.
Not even bragging. Our forces are under funded as fuck.
Lel no. I don't see how it could go voluntary and if your paid goons survive the invasion, the EU will sell you to Russia to find people willing to do a second invasion.
I guess its just the swiss then.
>tfw Lord Kerr just said the native population of Britain are stupid and need to be replaced by young migrants.
Should have got out while the going was good.
>France has no heart in it
Yes sure, you people doesn't give a fuck about """asian""" pedophiles in your country but want to fight against other nations.
Top fucking kek
>those digits
>Corbin makes your nukes unconstitutional and sell them to Brussels
Good job digging your own deathbed, EU fucktards.
Them and what army is going to make them pay Mohammed?
I wonder if you could compel commonwealth members like Australia to engage in your defense.
>That's basically how most democracies work.
With one key difference:
In most democracies parliament has the last word on all matters.
But at the EU the commission can act without approval from parliament in many cases.
The EU parliament is really just an advisory board, it has very little power. - and for good reasons.
Isn't this what UKIP and the Leave campaign warned of? Thereby proving them right again.
>The EU Army will NEVER happen, not in 50 years let alone 2 years-Every cuck remainer,mainstream politician pre vote
Leave campaign proven right. Time to enact Article 50. We can take the short term hit by cancelling all foreign aid. In fact we shouldn't even be paying the £350mn a week to the cunts anyway considering we've been frozen out of all meetings. EU is nothing more than a gravy train of corrupted anti Europeans.
Next up. Turkish entry into the EU thereby completing the Islamic invasion that began so long ago. The leftists have done in a few decades what Islam couldn't do for nearly 1400 years. I hope they all burn in hellfire for what they've done.
>pay for an army that will be used against you.
Time to bomb the krauts again?
>That's basically how most democracies work.
no, thats how a representative democracy works, and in this case its a "representative representative" democracy.
There are so many layers between the people and the actual politicans you can hardly call it a democracy anymore.
Also, only recommended people can be assigned as commissioner, you as joe schmoe can't candidate for the presidency or any of the commissioner post unless you get recommended by the European council.
In any real democracy every citizen can run for every political office. I can run as major of my town or as president of my nation.
wouldn't need to. us would defend her. we've been slow in the past but we would never watch a land invasion of the uk
>Globalism is a right wing conspiracy
Shit like this only proves that more countries should leave the EU
Wasn't disrespecting my dear frog. I mean you have no real heart in being in the EU. We're the allies, especially if based Fillon wins.
>Yes sure, you people doesn't give a fuck about """asian""" pedophiles in your country but want to fight against other nations.
It could actually happen. The """asian""" pedophiles are handled by the police, who are crippled by political correctness. The military isn't.
GTFO with those jew meme guns
is fillon anti-eu?
Are you retarded? America is the first one pushing for a globalist world to make a profit.
>420 million a year
We send that to the EU in a week now.
>What would happen if Britain just said no and didn't pay it?
That is obviously what is going to happen. This article is in russia today for fucks sake
Not because he's anti eu, but because he's an Anglophile, which desu are the same thing.
>saddling Britain with £420mn annual bill
My God. That's 420 million pounds that could have gone to the NHS instead :^)
>420 million
Literally less than 1/1000 of the u.s military budget
(The one that we disclose anyway)
It's literally nothing
>russia is dangerous, lets build a bigger conventional army!
>"but russia only dangerous because they have 11k nukes"
whats the point. a nuclear power is a nuclear power. you can't do anything against them. if you want protection, start building more missile defense systems and nukes.
m8 it'll take 2 years from when we TELL them we're leaving to actually officially leave.
We wont be out of the EU until the middle of 2019 at the earliest. It's like if Texas decided it was going to leave the US and form its own country. A lot of paper work and jewing to do
>it's just unifying command and control
OK. Who will command? Who will control? Unelected, unaccountable Commissioners? That certainly sounds reassuring.
Of course you will, and that's why EU needs to team up with Russia and China to fuck you up.
Unfortunately that's not gonna happen with our braindead politicians.
But your people don't give a fuck about """asian""" terrorist attacks that kill hundreds of people numerous times a year and you think you're going to stand up and fight other nations? Your first act of war is always immediate surrender
Top fucking kek
It would never happen because the UK didn't want its sugar daddy America's NATO to become obsolete.
Thanks for shilling so hard for us ;)