Should we start a White Hispanic movement?

Should we start a White Hispanic movement?

White hispanics who aren't mixed with indio genes should not be blamed for mestizo IQ rates and mestizo crimes

All these alt right channels are good and all but they keep acting like "Hispanic" is a race. It's why I refuse to sub to Stefan or Jared Taylor

Other urls found in this thread:;jsessionid=BB593FF422D178BBC4D77D3B455EC0D9.f01t03

>t. pablo "i swear i'm white" gutierrez

Emotional meme argument

Me: 1
You: 0

Fuck off if you're not gonna make a real post you nigger

>op confirmed for latrino

Latino and Hispanic are not the same thing

I suppose you need a permit to read and make an argument in England too?

I'm not here for meme arguments

fuck off right now


pick one m8. if you want to be an honorary white you'll shut the fuck about your mongrel half

No we shouldn't. It may have happened organically if Cruz became president though since he was very white. White Hispanics may have been looked at as diiferent from mestizos.

It's too late.

Le "real latinos and hispanics are actually white" maymay

There are still a LOT of blue-eyed blondes with Type 1 skin in Spain--and even in Portugal.

In Mexico, you run across people who are entirely European and many Nordic types of well. The Mestizos are just the majority population in Mexico now ( and the ones who are crowding past our border, also ). Peasants shouldn't be allowed into the country.

You can't be "White Hispanic", because Spaniards are not White to begin with. The whole meaning of mongrel is that it's not 100% pure you retard.

If the NATIVE population isn't 100% (or I'll be kind here at least 85%) pure European, it's a mongrel population, by definition.

>the H1 mtdna which is found in high rate in iberian population and north african, is almost half in iberian populations.

Pic related, U, T and J are also nonwhite.


Let this meme die pls

Any race could be hispanic, hispanic is not a race.
Mestizos that are too dumb to put "Mixed"
Hispanic is not their race because hispanic is not a race
Their race is mestizo or mixed
Fuck those beaners
Emotional meme argument, you are not coming with any actual points
Spaniards are European, they are colonist, they are proud people regardless if their hair if brown and black. They should not be blamed for indio aztec rape baby crimes.

The moor meme only affected the most southern of the spanish

Muh fee-fees>science
>the most southern
We don't consider Spaniards White, sorry.


The reason why iberians share haplogroups with north africans is due to ice age migrations between the continents.

DNA similarities show that iberians are MUCH closer genetically to scandinavians than they are to any north african population.


Spanish always have been, are and will be more white than the subhuman untermensch auschwitz bound vodka drinking slavshits

So no one in Russia is pretty much white because the mongoloid finno-ugrs have been intermixed with subhuman vodka drinking slavshits and tatars - right?

>no argument
>draws a line at random

What happened?
Moving the goal posts now?

Oh well at least you aren't using haplogroups anymore.

Exactly, and how are Finnish people among the most white in there? WTF, he is retarded

>this fucking thread again

Second, we observe that Finns, Mordovians, Russians, Chuvash,and Saami from northeastern Europe do not fit our model (SI12; Extended Data Table 3).

To better understand this, for each West Eurasian population in turn we plotted f4(X, Bedouin2; Han, Mbuti) against f4(X, Bedouin2; MA1, Mbuti), using statistics that measure the degree of a European population’s allele sharing with Han Chinese or MA1 (Extended Data Fig. 7). Europeans fall along a line of slope >1 in the plot of these two statistics.

However, northeastern Europeans fall away from this line in the direction of Han.

This is consistent with Siberian gene flow into some northeastern Europeans after the initial ANE admixture, and may be related to the fact that Y-chromosome haplogroup N30, 31 is shared between Siberian and northeastern Europeans but not with western Europeans.

There may in fact be multiple layers of Siberian gene flow into northeastern Europe after the initial ANE gene flow, as our analyses reported in SI 12 show that some Mordovians, Russians and Chuvash have Siberian-related admixture that is significantly more recent than that in Finns (SI12).


>white hispanic
>white hispanics

That does not exist. It is a fantasy, a myth. Go deal with your self esteem issues somewhere else, Pablo.

Are you that half-Moortuguese I doxxed a month ago? What's good buddy?
Somehow vodkaniggers have no Tatar and mongol ancestry

The American Journal ofHuman Genetics (Volume82, Issue1, 10January 2008, P. 236–250)
Whatever shitskin. It also shows something else. Estimating the Proportions of Northern Germanic and Gaelic Ancestry, confirms that non-white maternal ancestry is higher in Southern Europe than in Northern Europe. Here is a list of populations, followed by their percentage of "other" mtDNA in parenthesis. "Other" includes both sub-Saharan L lineages and Asian M lineages.
Bulgaria/Turkey (2.92%)
Southern Italy (2.42%)
Spain/Portugal (1.99%)

Fuck Med shitskins

I look like this, and no, we should just join the white movement honestly, why? because mestizo's are fucking terrible, and even if you speak perfect spanish they say stupid shit like call you gringo, constantly, they should all be beaten to death, but you know thats just my opinion.

Somehow vodkaniggers have no Tatar and mongol ancestry

Haplogroup R1a (Y-DNA) – 19.8% to 62.7%, with an average of 46.7%
Haplogroup I (Y-DNA) – 0% to 26.8%, with an average of 17.6% (All regions), and 23.5% (Central and South Russia)
Haplogroup N (Y-DNA) – 5.4% to 53.7%, with averages of 21.6% (All regions), and 10% (Central and South Russia)
Haplogroup R1b (Y-DNA) – 0% to 14%, with an average of 5.8%

N1C1 is mongoloid in nature.

As for Tatar, refer to Also

"But it is also known that some families of ethnic Russians intermarried with Finnic and Uralic peoples and with Volga Tatars centuries ago. Geneticists found that some Russians are related to the Merya and Muromian peoples that inhabit the north-central part of the European side of Russia."

Russians are the most mongrel people throughout all of Europe, THE MOST

Stop trying to be a special snowflake, faggot.

You're white, or you're not. It's that simple.

>t. "white hispanic"

Pablo is a european name from spain you fucking leaf

"Hispanic" genes from spain don't make beaners brown





Says nothing that doesn't confirm what I have already said

"other is genetically highlighted by the pre-eminence of haplogroup (hg) N3 and is most parsimoniously explained by extensive assimilation of (or language change in) northeastern indigenous Finno-Ugric tribes."

"The study of Suslova et al found indications of two non-Kipchak sources of admixture, Finno-Ugric and Bulgar: "Together with Tatars, Russians have high frequencies of allele families and haplotypes characteristic of Finno-Ugric populations. This presupposes a Finno-Ugric impact on Russian and Tatar ethnogenesis.... Some aspects of HLA in Tatars appeared close to Chuvashes and Bulgarians, thus supporting the view that Tatars may be descendents of ancient Bulgars.";jsessionid=BB593FF422D178BBC4D77D3B455EC0D9.f01t03

You are just a durnken slavshit, brought over by the Rus only to be sold towards the muslim Arab buyers.

Even the mongoloid Finno-Ugric Russians are more European, you're a mere slavic drunken slave

Seems legit
With Finnics, yes. with Tatars - no

What's your end-goal?

and thats invalid how? There are sources with studies on the page, can go to the original study and read it through.

The southern part of what is today Russian land is and was literally fully filled Turkic people.

24.1% of Tatar people hold R1a haplogroup (which finds consistency with Russ'as plurality as a whole) and 33% percent hold N haplogroup, which again holds true as is Finno ugric, those two alone already make up for majority

You are Tatar inbreads, like Peter The Great

p.s. "european" Rurik. Russia's first ever ruler. pic related you drunken slavshit

>grandmothers parents immigrated legally from Spain
>grandfather immigrated legally from Spain
>grandfather loved America so much that he refused to pronounce his last name without making the J sound like an H
>when I asked him why he did this he responded with "We speak English in America. If we were in Spain the J would be pronounced like an H"
>I then asked him about Mexico
>he responded with "Mexicans are subhuman. Never let anybody lump you in with them"

RIP grandpa you were based as fuck.

>when we study genetics of English we look at the pakis

Nice dodge, subhuman Treblinka grave digger.

Where's your "at least 85%" now you mongoloid tatar drunken slavic piece of waste of shit?

Funny thing is, Pakis are actually caucasian people, unlike the Russians

pic related with Hitler and WHITE Arab

Alright Hispanics, let me break it down for you.

You've got the white hispanics, those are the people from Spain.

Now of the people from Spain you've got 2 major forks in that DNA.

Fork 1 is Muslims who invaded spain, remember the Spanish Inqusision? Yeah, that's what they were getting rid of, Muslims. Muslims invaded and raped your people, burned down your churches, and raped your nuns in mass.

So we get the first line of Spanish mongrel, the Muslim.

Next they conquered South America where they raped native en mass, which is where the second fork comes from, that's the Aztecian mongrels.

If your Spanish lineage managed to avoid these two forks, you are white.


Hernández, Haro, Heras... wich one?

You're such a faggot post your face with timestamp let me see your amazing white beauty, I see the mongol russian and you like fuck off you retard nigger.

You literally used colonial pet monkeys ETHNIC RUSSIANS had conquered as an example of genetic make up of ethnic Russians. By that logic - English are half niggers and half Indians
>people with racial views like Hitler
Hitler was a cuck on race, mudslime lover, chink admirer and anti-colonialist. Pic related - Hitlercuck bows to a chink diplomat. Nazis will defend this shit.
>1/4 yids were considered "Aryan"
>1/2 yids were considered half breeds - mischling. Some were classified as Germans, some were issued Honorary Aryan status or German Blood Certificate. Ernard Milch, Emil Maurice, Bernhardt Rogge, Arty Johannes Zukertort, Karl Zukertort, Helmut Wilberg, Paul Ascher, Walter Hollaender and the likes
>when he decided to create Ostlegionen that included untermenschen like turkmeni, chechens, azeris, ingushes, tatars, uzbeks, kazakhs served; he issued some bullshit papers about them being somewhat honorary and noble races. I don't think he believed in it, but betrayal of the Race Spirituality for the sake of appeal to subhuman turkics...
>he allied with the japs and did nothing to prevent pons from making death marches with European blooded POWs
>he allied with multiracialist judeotatar-lover Pilsudski, instead of Dmowski
>he allied with clearly subhuman Bulgarians
>he was pretty friendly with islam
>he could have been more accurate and less hotheaded when doing expansion and restoration of the German Lands

Pic - Hitler receives the Finance Minister of China, Dr. Kung at his villa in the Berchtesgadener Alpen. 100 million Reichsmarks were loaned to China.

Real White Heroes are Belgian, British and Dutch colonists who didn't waste any time and genocided subhumans.

Faces are misleading..

Ethnic Russians were Varangians, they have conquered slavs.

Slavs in Russia today are what niggers are in America.

Rurik was a Finno Ugr, as were the Volga Bulgars - the Rus.

"The 10th-century Persian traveller Ibn Rustah described how Swedish Vikings, the Varangians or Rus, terrorized and enslaved the Slavs taken in their raids along the Volga River.[41] Slaves were often sold south, to Byzantine or Muslim buyers, via paths such as the Volga trade route. Ahmad ibn Fadlan of Baghdad provides an account of the other end of this trade route, namely of Volga Vikings selling Slavic Slaves to middle-eastern merchants"

Hitler had almost everything about race.

The slavs have achieved nothing, not before, not today, not in the future. The most prominent figures in Russia are of no slavic blood.

Rurik, Nevsky, Peter the Great, Stalin, Catherine the 2nd, Putin.

The English are Anglo-Saxon - Germanic in nature. Angles, Saxons and Jutes.

The Rus are Varangians, the Russians are those under the Rus control, meaning Tatars, Finno-Ugrs and Slavs. Slavs were used as slaves by those very same people, and their number was in plarality, the only reason Russians speak a slavic language today.

Slavs were nothing more but serfs and bullet meat shields, not fucking conquerors.

Bulgarians were the only aryan slavic race, because they have more Turkic genetics, as opposing to the Russians, who are mostly slavs therefore subhuman

Islam has good things in it that it fights for what it believes without fear, whereas the Slav shits will cry and whine the moment you take their vodka away from them

>English are Germanic

>Rus were Volga Bulgars

>Rurik was Finn-Ugric

Yeah no shit moron

The Japs and Chinese were honorary Aryans. because the foundation of their long lasting culture had significant effects

The slavs had no culture but being slave labor, that is why they're inferior as opposing to other Russians like Caucasians, Tatars and Finns.

Slavs were and are the real subhumans, with very little significant history to show up for them. He did the right thing for wanting to exterminate them, as they have nothing to themselves but serving their masters.

Can't hear you Celt shitskin over your Norman and Jewish overlords lol

>>>Rurik was Finn-Ugric

According to the FamilyTreeDNA Rurikid Dynasty DNA Project, Rurik appears to have belonged to Y-DNA haplogroup N1c1, based on testing of his modern male line descendants

>English are Germanic

The English are a nation and an ethnic group native to England, Their ethnonym is derived from the Angles, one of the Germanic peoples who migrated to Great Britain around the 5th century AD.

>Rus were Volga Bulgars

No, but Volga Bulgars were a part of the Rus.

In 921-922, ibn Fadlan was a member of a diplomatic delegation sent from Baghdad to Volga Bulgars, and he left an account of his personal observations about the Rus of the Volga region, who dealt in furs and slaves

Brondsted (1965), p. 267

You are a retard, typical for a subhuman, wasn't expecting more.

when is this meme going to end, the Saxons and Angles ruled over England with minority rule, Germanic DNA makes up 30% of the average Englishman, we are Germanic in nature, but really in DNA

You can't hear me because you're getting whipped on the back too loudly by an actual non-slav Russian for now doing your serf work well enough.

That's true, scouse have nothing to do with English for example, they even say it themselves

Germanic isn't DNA though either.

Germans for instance have very little in common in DNA with Scandinavians, but they are united by their Germanic ethnicity.

>actual non-slav Russian
Russians are not Slavs, stupid shitskin. Name me purely Slavic ethnicities
Nah mate you are shit tier nation of Celts. The first person to apply the Anglo-Saxon label to Britain was a Benedictine monk named Bede, whose sweeping and long-definitive ethnography of eighth-century England was about as precise and scientific as you'd expect for the era. Bede's history declared that Britons descended from two Germanic tribes and one Dutch: the Angles, the Saxons, and the Jutes. But these migrants only started moving in after the Roman Empire's fifth century withdrawal, and anthropologists today do not seem to consider their impact as nearly so definitive as Bede did. Anthropologists have disproven some of Bede's key claims, which long supported the idea that England is inherently Anglo-Saxon. Bede says entire German regions emptied onto the British isle, but today it looks like only perhaps 10,000 to 25,000 Angles and Saxons crossed over during the centuries of migration. These migrants settled in among the millions of people who were already there, ruling over parts of the island until the eleventh century Norman invasion.

You don't know how we roll here. Non-white=subhuman

They don't have to be pure, but they can be within a majority. Of a nation-state does not even have a majority but is filled with minorities, then it cannot call itself x, for the lack of x having the clear majority.

Russians aren't slavic by their origin, they aren't slavic by their number, not by the origins of their homeland and not by their historical and cultural significance.

Every single slavic nation out there, uncluding Bulgaria, has that slavic majority, while the history of Russia was built on Varangians with a territory that was filled with Finno-Ugric people and Tatars, only later incorporating slavs as slave labour.

And till this day, slavs in Russia chieved very little outside of sniffing glue and drinking vodka.

Also Jutes aren't Dutch are you moron, they are Danes. And Dutch are also Germanic, so why say two germanic and one Dutch? idiot.

You aren't a fucking part of this thread, you're a part of your local slav squat community on a lunch break from cotton field picking.

You'll be the last person to ever be a part of our community you parasitic vermin.

Let me explain it to you stupid,Celt shitskin. Slavdom is more of a cultural thing, thanks to Slavophiles. Pure Slavs are Slovaks, Poles and Slovenes. Serbs, Croats, Bosnians, Albanians are mix of Illyrian, Slavic and Turkish. Russians are Baltic, Finnic, Norse and Slavic mix, Czech are Germanic and Slavic mix. So, not all Slavic racially but they are placed by many into Slavic cultural area.
>ruled over Tatars and Finnic
Learn history,Celt shitskin. Tatars were never part of Russian nation on equal footing before USSR emancipated them. They were not allowed to settle in cities or Russian areas too. And Tatars became part of Russian Douchy only in 16th century when Ivan IV decided to conquer them
Germanic as continental Deutsch,not sub racial group

>>Celt shitskin, how does that ever work? Celts are known to have some of the thinnest whiteskin out there, making them look appear pink and hardly getting sun tan. You are a real stupid slav, even for a vermin.

As for what are slavs - not really. You are just coming up with your own terminology not supported by evidence, facts not anthropological community.

Czech are Germanic? What? Holy Roman Empire does not qualify as giving them the cultural Germanic right. Czech Republic is a full slavic nation.

Russia has no slavic cultural era, because it wasn't found by slavs. It's initial vast majority was inhabited by Tatar people and Mongoloid Finnic. It was founded on the basis of Varangian rule, while the slav element of it only later incorporated as a citizen (a surf)

Every slavic nation out there has a clear slavic cultural root, when it comes to Russia however that is not the case.

Tatars pretty much covered a half of what today is European Russian land, refer to Again

No, but Volga Bulgars were a part of the Rus.

In 921-922, ibn Fadlan was a member of a diplomatic delegation sent from Baghdad to Volga Bulgars, and he left an account of his personal observations about the Rus of the Volga region, who dealt in furs and slaves

Brondsted (1965), p. 267"
Unlike the Slavs, the Tatars weren't treated as subhuman vermin by the Russians.

Tatars are 100% ethnic Russians, as Peter the Great and Tsiolkosvky. They have played a much larger role in Russian history as opposing of all slavs in Russia put together. They were within the Russian society from the very beggining, and have intermixed with Finno Ugric and Slavic people. The amount of Norse and Balts in Russia is non-negligible.

24.1% of Tatar people hold R1a haplogroup (which finds consistency with Russ'as plurality as a whole) and 33% percent hold N haplogroup, which again holds true as is Finno ugric, those two alone already make up for majority

And you didn't say "Deutsch" you say "Dutch"

The Dutch (Dutch: About this sound Nederlanders (help·info)), referred to as Netherlanders—a term that is cognate to the Dutch word for Dutch people, "Nederlanders"—are a Germanic
Stupid slavic IDIOT!

>mfw my Polish side is more white than my English side.

Real spanish people are white

>tfw Bavarian and trolled the shit out of some Celt shitskin, moortuguese or asian subhuman autist

Nice dodge, still waiting for reply you subhuman untermensch

Must suck when you're lower even a Chinese in the eyes of the world

mike cernovich looks like THAT?

"Rachmaninov was born in Semyonovo, near Novgorod in north-western Russia, into a noble family of Tatar descent, who had been in the service of the Russian tsars since the 16th century. "

"Muh USSR"

The only people that wern't accepted in Russia were slavs, serfs forever up until Alexander the 2nd.

We in Germany don't consider you to be Germanic lol. Your shithle country is described as Celtic in schools. That's a big surprise because Germany has no federal school program, yet U.K. has Celtic badge to it
So what are you? Moortuguese? Celt semi-Iberian shitskin or some Tatar untermench?

>> we in germany

Only a slav could type this stupidly
A slav with inferiority complex to uncle Adolf for rightfully seeing him as nothing more but an inferior parasitic vermin

At beast you could be a toilet cleaner over there

>>So what are you? Moortuguese? Celt semi-Iberian shitskin or some Tatar untermench?

Untermensch (German pronunciation: [ˈʔʊntɐˌmɛnʃ], underman, sub-man, subhuman; plural: Untermenschen) is a term that became infamous when the Nazis used it to describe "inferior people" often referred to as "the masses from the East", that is Jews, Roma, and Slavs (mainly ethnic Poles, Serbs, and later also Russians)



Can I have a look at any proof for ethnicity based serfdom in Russia, mr Celt shitskin?
Rachmaninoff was of Noble Vlachian family.

Again, Hitler was too liberal on word untermensch.
You proven yourself once again to be one by using wiki on this one and attributing the term to the Reich. What is it, angelsächsischer Untermensch? Still can't recover?

We need a Pan-Euro movement

I'm a white Latin-American and this "Hispanic" race is bullshit. It's awful to be put together with these non white latinos

I agree with you, but frankly, those that are capable of differentiating themselves from the whole hispanic/latino/>mexican idea often have better things to do than start some weird ass social movement that will net noone anything.

You just gave me some link without any pssage or truth, I gave you an actual link where it says he was of Tatar nobility.

Slavs were incorporated as slaves and used as surfs, what other people would be used as surfs in Russia?

Sergei Rachmaninoff: The famous pianist, composer, and conductor was born under the tsars and left Russia on the heels of the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. He was born into a noble family of Tatar descent, which had been in the service of the Russian tsars since the 16th century in northwestern Russia.

Rachmaninov's ancestors were Tatars and he was quite proud of that. He himself believed his roots go back to Genghis Khan, who came from Mongolia and invaded many countries, including China, Kiev Rus (going as far as Moscow), Crimea, Bulgaria, and most of middle-eastern countries.

You can hear that "middle eastern thing" not only in his Concerti, but it goes throughout his entire output, starting with his first large work--opera "Aleco", then numerous Romances, Preludes, etc. Even in Corelli Variations there is a whole section, completely build on oriental motives.

Beside his personal pride, it has even more to do with fascination of the whole Russian culture--music, poetry, literature, sculpture, painting--by "oriental" themes. M. Balakirev, Rimsky-Korsakov, A. Rubinstein, C. Kui, S. Rahmaninov are only a few names were using motives and structural principles (in fact, rather idealized) extensively. That tendency called Russian Orientalism.

"Gimadieva joins conductor Guerassim Voronkov and the Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra for a celebration of recent works by composers from Tatarstan, alongside vocal masterpieces by Sergey Rachmaninoff, himself of Tatar descent."


"In their khanates the Tatars developed a complex social organization, and their nobility preserved its civil and military leadership into Russian times; distinct classes of commoners were merchants and tillers of the soil. At the head of government stood the khan of the foremost Tatar state (the Kazan khanate), part of whose family joined the Russian nobility by direct agreement in the 16th century. This stratification within Tatar society continued until the Russian Revolution of 1917."

This indicates that Tatars have long been bofre absorbed into hierarchical positions while the slav shits worked on cotton fields.

I think its for Hitler to decide how he gets to use that word.

He had those he deemed inferior (slavs) and those that were aryan and honorary aryan (everyone but slavs, jews and romas)

Pretty rigid actually, I know it hurts you and your inferiority complexes, but your subhuman vermin had achieved nothing it its history, the logo still stands.

Why are Mexicans so obsess with light skin? It's weird af seeing them wearing sweaters when it's 100 degrees outside

Rakhmanov is a Russianized Turkic surname derived from the term Rkhman, meaning "the compassionate" - one of the Turkic names of God. Surnames of this type frequently borne by the descendants of Tatar nobles who transfered their allegiance to the Russian Tsars during the 15th and 16th centuries. Among the Molokans, this surname occurred ONLY in Russia.

dumb slavshit is DUMB

>celt shitskin doesn't know anything about German philosophy
>owns "untermensch" TM
What if I told you that Anglos and Russians are both degenerate yet somehow White races that we should have controlled?
open to page 110-111. I know that given your plebeian background it's highly unlikely you are familiar with heraldry and aristocracy, but give it a try, celt shitskin, give it a try.

>subhuman tatar diaspora revealed itself

Historical revisionism on par with KANGZ

I do know enough that Hitler's stance on slavs were always the same - untermensch

>>What if I told you

What you say does not matter. You're neither Russian nor English, you are a Russian national, but not an ethnic Russian, only a slav.

>>open to page 110-111

Nah, but I am sure you can copy pasta unless it isnt there. (it isnt)

Someone being born in a certain place =/= ethnic origin. It's a widely known fact Rachmnaninov was a Tatar, I gave you plenty of evidence, and you have yet to prove otherwise.


According to an untermensch cotton field worker? Don't think your word matters for much mate. Uncle Adolf had his say.

Yeah, imagine that. Peter the Great was among them.
Revisionism? Pretty mainstream if it comes from main brittanica and national geographic pages.

I know you don't want to be lonely, slavshit, but you were the primary serf, thats your history within Russia.

And btw. Moldavians were most likely NOT Muslim. "Rahmaninoff", from arabic "Rahman" = muslim name. He frequently visited his relatives in the nearby Tatar village Kamkina. He had strong relationship with his Tatar culture.

O тюpкo-язычнoм выхoдe, вoзмoжнo из кaзaнcкoй cpeды, cвидeтeльcтвьyeт и тo, чтo в пocлeдyюших пoкoлeниях нepeдкo вcтpeчaютcя Paхмaнинoвы c Tюpкcкими имeнaми, нaпpимep, Mypaлeй (oт иcкaжeннoгo и oчeнь pacпpocтpaнeннoгo в кaзaни имeни, Hyp-Aли).
About Turkic output possible from Kazan environment, evidenced by the fact that in any subsequent generations often found Rachmaninoff with Turkic names, such as mural (a corruption of the very common name in Kazan, Nur-Ali). (translated with Google Translater)

Subhuman slavs ancestors got hanged and whipped by Peter the Great? What's the grudge against Tatars?

The only serf

The ending -in (from Rachman-in-ov) is most typical for Tatar and Volga Turkic/Ugric surnames. The ending -ov (female -ova) is typical for Eastern Slavic, in particular Russian surnames. However, the typical Slavic attribute to distinguish between male -in and female -ina can be observed as well.

Guess what Putin is.
A Veps and something else...

Jesus not this again Ivan

I agree wholeheartedly with this. I have a direct European lineage and a triple digit IQ and I live in a place place where the average on this island is 86. Having to live with fat island niggers is bad enough, but being bundled together with 'em is an insult.

t. Untermensch
Bild relatiert, durchschnittlicher angelsächsischer Untermensch

Nice dodge subhuman

Shame that its mandatory for you to carry that flag, a great nation, but too many subhuman slavshits

But who knows.. maybe its a good reminder of your conquerors.

Peter the Great came up with that flal too, you know.. truly Tatar representative you

>If the NATIVE population isn't 100% (or I'll be kind here at least 85%) pure European, it's a mongrel population, by definition.
>"proceeds to post Haplogroup maps"

Literally the same happens in the rest of Europe where even native Swedes have Mid-Eastern haplos from the Neolithic. You are fucking retarded, you are the Russian shitposting in the MEGA threads, aren't you? What a poisonous moron you are.

He isn't a Russian, he's a slav

I'm good forest savage from Neuburg an der Donau making my way in this wonderful tax-free bribe-friendly society. Iberians are shitskins and I no one can change history. But here is your no less subhuman somewhat Iberian comrade in sorrow from Celtshitskin Kingdom. You have a long road to overcome the fact of your own inferiority.

Blame the hillbilly stormweenies who's only exposure to hispanics is the indio stereotype. They're in this very thread.

Angelsachsen sind eine Rasse von Untermenschen ohne echte Erfolge, einem niedrigen IQ, und einem bösen, gierigen Geiste, vergleichbar mit dem ewigen Juden.

This is like watching someone convicted of a felony telling people how they shouldn't throw litter onto the street

This is all very simple

You grew up your entire life knowing that Hitler considered you as subhuman, you inbuilt an inferiority complex within you, by trying to distance yourself from that mark by false deminishing others of their cultural and in your case racial achivements, due to your own insecurities. Its another reason you try to identify yourself with Germany so much, as if to be "accepted"

Its like children that have been abandoned by their parents having a very difficult time trusting someone with love ever again

You're real pathetic and beyond being broken you subhuman slavshit

I've been following your bullshit for a couple weeks already, never saw you responding to a German in their language nor I've seen any Russian flag speaking in German, using google translator now (or in the days to come) won't work, we know who you are.

Wouldn't be surprised if the Kremlin is following a new tactic and trying to divide Europeans through their internet shills to weaken them. We know you finance parties like FN and such, and it's fine, we will play along, but maybe your aim is even more disruptive now and we have to start taking measures against the increasingly pernicious Russian influence.

We are the first piece of the cake, apparently.

Be careful, you will not be the first to choke on it.

Stop being stupid Russian people are very nice, it's just this one idiot.

Saying that this is some sort of Kremlin tactic is idiotic. An dyes they do have a troll agency to sway public opinion - so what? Ever been to VICE youtube channel? Its filled with Soros bots.

Russia is a friend not a foe, we aren't going to fight between us or anyone. The globalist problem is a global one, whether we are in europe or in asia or the americas.

It's just a stupid idiot with too much time on his hands. Putin has been doing too much good for Russia and World as a whole.

No, shitskin. Everything is more simple: we don't like filth like you. Hence things like Immigration Act 1924
Reminder that Steve King being considered for Donald Trump cabinet position says in this recent interview that Greeks are not White.

At 5:26
Call it D&C, but Purism is alive and well, nothing you can do about it, untermensch.

He said greece is a country of immigrants just like any other country.

Stop shilling untermensch slavshit