Why are slavs so utterly miserable?
It's 25 years since the commie shit, they should be western tier already. Is it because of their genes?
Why are slavs so utterly miserable?
It's 25 years since the commie shit, they should be western tier already. Is it because of their genes?
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Estonia, Czech Republic and Slovenia are doing really good.
It's da whyte menz who b keeping us down mah gopnik
Eesti is Beesti
But you aren't Slavs anyway so
memes aside, the situation here is far better than 25 years ago when the commie regime fell, but the communist "elite" is still alive and in power structures, we gotta wait for them to die out or kill them or vote actual competent people, and thats pretty hard since elder people vote for their fucking social democrat bullshit
Where's that picture from?
and this situation is pretty much the same in all former left4dead communist countries of eastern europe
it's overlooking Chernobyl
Slaves aren't white and they need to be genocided
don't be a fool, every single country left for the soviets post ww2 suffered catastrophic economical damage that takes decades and decades to heal
please take your nomads back
Balkans have been plagued by the wars that kept tearing the land up. They havent fully recovered, doesnt help their divided
Genetically Balkan slavs have more in common with Greeks and Turks than they do with northerners like the Polish and Russians
Poltards should do their homework, pretty easy information to be found, can't blame you tho. They dont want you to know
Food is cheap, rent is cheap.
Can't complain.
Said the fucking poo
Alpine Master Race
with higher education it is cheap, what exactly are your qualifications?
Comfy desu
I have none, yet. Basically living off alimony, slowly finishing education.
>it's 25 years since the commie shit
you fucking retard
poland in the late 80s and early 90s was more capitalist than the us are today
the taxes were about 3 times lower during the commie rule than they are today
almost noone from the old establishment left
they just tweaked our commie constitution and called it the embracement of capitalism
the current party introduced a plan that gives families ~120$ per child, lowered the retirement age and now are blaming the rising debt and economic stagnation on the "opposition controlled businessman"
>going full obongo on gov debt
>nothing to worry about
sure you one-demensional nigger
why would you even fucking care about anything else than your own ass?
>I will never live in that world
H-hold me
>buttmad slave
Communism fucked up that region, socially and economically and politically, for about 45 years
In 20 years they will be Western tier
tell me then, who do you think will eventually be held accountable for the debt, def not the clique, i dont want my children to die for israel while the red shield gets paid royalties for an eternity
>t. quafresh
you got your answer faggot
oh sorry we memes now
le fuqin subhuman slavshits amarite? xD
>It's 25 years since the commie shit, they should be western tier already.
Perhaps they were better off under
Countries such as Czechoslovakia were technologically advanced and self-sustaining. Then communism ended and now their governments are EU/US/NATO puppets who are bleeding them dry.
>in 20 years they will be western tier
yeah because west will be shit too then
The country most to the west is Portugal, €984
Slovenia is €1023
We better than the westernmost west
careful what you wish for, this play pretend papermoney value roleplay shit can end any second now, money is absolutely worthless
>In 20 years they will be Western tier
I really hope so since I'll be moving then from this cuck hellhole
>Milan, 5k.
imagine living there with your 10/10 pure black woman, with your mixed race children.
cant wait to find myself a black woman.
Because there is no government, only western puppet trash to make us noncompetitive because we mistrust the jews
>Russia starts being competitive with western europe
>BAM civil war and communism
>Commies start being competitive by accident
>postcommunist states achieve idiotic levels of economic growth
mi smo se zajebali sto smo dali kretenima da nas zarate.
>old map
It took you 70 years since WW2 to get you where you are now. We only had 25 years. I'd say we've done pretty good.
But why is Old Europe so stagnant?
I guess they had it good and just want to play it safe.
we keep the wages down to keep immigrants out
>The country most to the west is Portugal
no, it isn't
serb bro wanna trade diesel fuel for chocolate bananas? like in the good ol' times?
That map is literally from 2016
Lol what does that prove?
but you are right croats arent from the same genetic lineage as romanions as the rest of the balkans
you got left out man
>It's 25 years since the commie shit, they should be western tier already.
you can't undo 40 years of soviet fuckery with 25 years of EU gibsmedat
especially when a bunch of ex commie elites are still in positions of power and fucking shit up with corruption left and right
Saint Pierre and Miquelon
According to most positive estimates, Latvia should overtake the EU average in 10 years.
This graph pretty much shows what the Euro has done to Southern Europe.
To be honest Portuguese businesses can't seem to get a break. They lose great talent to france and england and then they lose against other nations manufacturing.
Redpill me on Eastern Orthodoxy.
Why does it turn people into fucking degenerates?
Trips of truth :^)
That's not Europe lol
If you think it is, I can get you stuff which is even more to the West
Nice digits friend
average wage in Israel: 2409.97277 Euros
The Baltics, Slovakia and Ireland are the Eurozone though.
We paid our 2008/2009 debt in three years, but there is no end in sight for you or the rest of South Europe...
Italy and Portugal have been completely stagnant since 2000. The other countries grew because of the same reason we grew in the 80s.
>Russia is the last bastion of whiteness
Neither are the Azores
The east will catch up when the west becomes a caliphate.
>>>Post soviet bloc nations get leaders helped into power by western multi-nationals in exchange for privatised national infrastructure.
>>>The immense wage gap between east and west and free movement instantly robs the east of their top scientific talent.
>>>The west gets all the talent for quarter of the wages, while the east has no infrastructure and no workforce.
Thank God you westerners are destoying yourselves with Islam. We'll be getting our chance with Putin soon, thank you very much.
Be sure to check on your genetic superiority in one generation's time.
We also have the least amount of sexual partners but the most sex/month per couple.
We are P U R E as fuck bro.
They are what, then? America? You have to put them somewhere and since most of the islands are on the Eurasian plaque, it only makes sense to put them in Europe. Also, they are closer to Europe than to the Americas.
Then why is your country HIV infested shithole?
Marxist education has nothing to do with orthodoxy nigger
what's that supposed to mean?
If you consider continental Europe only, the westernmost point is in Portugal, near Lisbon.
If you consider the whole Europe, the westernmost point is in Azores.
Iceland BTFO
Poland banned all abortions, even rape or incest.
>they should be western tier already
they have been poorer even before communism
Have you read anything about the Wehrmacht war crimes or communism in the Soviet bloc?
If you live in the Nethermemes you have a 2.85 more likely chance to have AIDS than if you live in Poland.
And the population of Azores is 250.000, so it's not that small. They're not just some desert islands.
no it didn't. They have passed a law that gives you money instead when your child has disabilities
>It's 25 years since the commie shit, they should be western tier already. Is it because of their genes?
I don't think abolishing socialism magically undoes all the damage to people, social cohesion etc. and damaged people usually raise damaged children which doesn't really help recover.
people who get abortions here are usually gypsies or whores butt Russia was always degenerate
>Why are slavs so utterly miserable?
We aren't miserable, things actually got much better since 89.
>It's 25 years since the commie shit, they should be western tier already. Is it because of their genes?
It really isn't enough. East Germany is still far behind West Germany, so you can imagine how slow rebuilding is when you need you rebuild whole country, not just half.
thats russia
that place is fucking cold dude
Why the fuck is there a metro station on the left in the middle of nowhere? Silly commis, that's not how you do it.
>half of the capital city has no water, people go out with buckets to manually pump water and then bring it home
>food and daily groceries shortages
>queues for cigarettes, sugar, coffee
>daily limits on how much one person can buy, regulated via coupons
>you are not allowed to open private business, only if you are in Communist Party, which then takes large share
>no maintenance, railroads are built but can't be replaced every 35 years (maximum allowed age per standards)
>despite people have almost no cars, there is fuel shortage in country
>you are allowed to drive your car on even dates if you license plate number is even and vice-versa
>budget is disproportionately spend between different republics, the high income ones get the highest taxes and lowest part of the budget
>regular blackouts
>if you mention any of this problems you and your family get visited at 3.am
>keep happy face and hide hunger all day
>get out of the communism
>get rid of all of these problems and start from the bottom in capitalist world
Yes, they did kurwa.
Continental shelves, man. The Azores are on the North American plate
they built the city around the metro station, pretty cool huh?
obviously this data is legal abortions only
can't exactly collect accurate stats on illegal ones
based on the estimations i found of illegal abortions in poland, it is 20% of total pregnancies max, which is far lower than orthodox degenerates
Russian Orthodox heirarchy is completely infested with former KGB agents and informants
Patriarch Kirill himself was literally a KGB agent and is still on the FSB payroll
go look up Father Gleb Yakunin who was put in KGB prison and labor camps for speaking out against their manipulation of the church and then excommunicated in 1993 for exposing their total marxist corruption
Have you no faith?????
Because that's the edge of the city.
may i know where is that pic taken from?
They did media storm over it and back out from it after country-wide protests.
Majority of HIV cases in european countries are from drugs and gay sex and the Netherlands has a lot more of that then slav countries.
The continental shelves are the light blue parts in your globe, m8.
why are you stagnating?
Poland has lower prevalence of HIV than Western Europe
wtf is with Portugal??
>6 years of nazi plundering
>45 years of commie plundering
>Get out of the Soviet Union
>Tie yourself to another Soviet tier union after a while
>obviously this data is legal abortions only
then Ireland is wrong. the abortion rate is 0.45%
If God gives you lemons, you make lemonade.
Still, you don't build the stations 20 years before they are needed - that's just retarded. You can dig the tunnels, though.
In Lisbon, for instance, there are tunnels halfway dug in certain places, which is where they are thinking of expanding the metro network based on how the city was expanding at the moment.
Yeah wtf is with Spain not showing their numbers?
But our problem are drugs. Lot of drug addicts on the streets sharing needles.
We need a fucking Auschwitz for that people.