>LIVE Now (03:17 PM EST) LIVE: President Obama Awards the Presidential Medal of Freedom (11/22/16): youtube.com/watch?v=71yiJfhVAS8
James Murphy
we got conned, Sup Forums
Nicholas Morgan
What's everyone so butt hurt over? Did I miss something?
Noah Thompson
James Moore
Henry Lopez
Here's the deal
Trump went to NYT in a closed door meeting with reporters, editors and execs
A few of the Jew reporters at NYT, instead of listening to Trump, were fucking with their cell phones on twatter and tweeting out whatever it is they thought they heard Trump saying, or believed they heard Trump saying in their twisted little minds
They're lying kikes
Until we see a video of the meeting, believe nothing
Prove me wrong >Protip: You can't
Kevin Watson
>when shill imbecyles actually believe word-for-word that Trump 'praises Clinton Foundation' and 'thinks that NYT is the crown jewel of journalism'
I don't know what's more beautiful to hear: Trump's single most hated editorial board being played like a fiddle, or shills' impotent squaking on /ptg/ switching between multiple VPNs reformatting oneliner copypasta about Bush comparisons
Austin Morales
King nigger's jokes are the worst jokes
Wyatt Price
I'll bet any amount of money that Obama uses this speech to make subtle jabs at trump
John Peterson
>tfw Australian and PoE servers are down
Logan Long
I am Donald Trump.
Tyler Wilson
You guys have been saying this since he won lmao
fool me once...
Nathan Perez
ignore the shills m8
Matthew Harris
Obama was the most anti-Israel president in modern times
Meanwhile Trump is a kike sock-puppet and his daughter literally sucks jewish cock
Connor Cruz
Didn't know pic related happened on election night. It gave some libs PTSD
Carter Lewis
Ignore them.
They have no objective or endgame, just fucking with you.
Ian Ross
The failing New York Times twisted Trump's words as they always have done and shills are pretending they believe it.
Joseph Carter
Josiah Scott
>ban on all foreign lobbying >pro kike try again
Levi Flores
>tfw you actually believed Trump was a nationalist and not another kike servant of Moloch
Aaron Perry
What a shit shill.
Henry Murphy
An unclaimed skelegate appears HP: 50 ATK: 10 DEF: 2
Christian Clark
>Media: Trump is literally Hitler!!! He is supported by racist boogeymen who want shoah everyone!!! >Sup Forums: No he's not lmao >Trump: No I'm not, lmao. >Media: Sup Forums BTFO!!!!!
Cameron Lopez
I heard Frank Gehry is a terrible architect. His buildings leak over time because they catch water. Nigga can't even spell his last name right
Ayden Nguyen
hell yeah, we were too busy watching results on here to notice. I saw a couple posts on it though.
Lincoln Myers
Oh shit, I didn't know Iran was allowed to have internet.
Charles Moore
Mason Perez
Juan Evans
Grayson Thomas
REMINDER The God Emperor just destroyed ALL the Jews' attack narratives against him. They are now toothless.
Ethan Reyes
I'm scared
Trump played into the media-narrative and disavowed. Doesn't that show the media now knows that they can make him disavow anything if they just shill enough?
Zachary Rodriguez
>tfw you actually believe shilling after Trump has already won has any effect
Isaac Hughes
Nice job idiots. You just elected Bush 8.8.2. You got played.
Elijah Lewis
2 confirmed trolls so far.
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Evan Young
Eli Hall
You sure do smell familiar A lot like David Brock actually What cologne is it that you are wearing today user?
Samuel Powell
>tfw you believed Trump would actually save America
Chase Phillips
>the Australian, Romanian, and Macedonian have been in this thread for literally 3 hours Hmm, really makes me think.
Robert Hill
Or you got played... The Clintons are long time friends of trump you goon. What in the fuck made you think trump was some right wing savior.
Gavin Reyes
Heil Trump! Right guys?
Daniel Bennett
Nice try petrol sniffer
Dominic Taylor
Very good article
>12 Fake News Stories from the Mainstream Media
With all of the politically-charged talk about banning “fake news” sites, it seems appropriate to review some of the worst fake news stories pushed by mainstream media outlets. No matter how large your family gathering is this Thanksgiving, you won’t be chowing down on a turkey as big as these phony stories from A-list television shows and publications.
Walter Duranty and the Holodomor: The mother of all fake news stories must be New York Times reporter Walter Duranty helping Stalin’s Russia conceal the Holodomor from the world. Duranty helped the communists cover up one of the worst crimes against humanity ever perpetrated, the forced starvation of over 1.5 million people in Ukraine between 1932 and 1933.
This was the worst of many lies Duranty told in the service of Soviet communism. His fake news helped sell communism to impressionable people around the world and changed the course of history. It’s one of two fake news items on this list sanctified with a Pulitzer Prize, which has not been revoked despite strong calls to do so. (In essence, the Pulitzer committee insists Duranty deserves his prize for everything he wrote that wasn’t an outrageous lie.)
The New York Times institutionally refuses to condemn Duranty or acknowledge the depths of his deception, portraying him as the victim of Stalin’s “powerful and omnipresent” propaganda machine – an excuse heard again from the mainstream media in other settings over the years, when they explain how they had to play ball with horrible dictatorships in order to gain access. CNN executive Eason Jordan’s 2003 explanation for why his network concealed so much grisly news from Saddam Hussein’s Iraq is a prime example.
No, he's manipulating them not the other way around.
Chase Gomez
>what is david duke
Camden Sullivan
Same shills out in force from last thread, really makes you think
Samuel Gray
Liam Hill
mental gymnastics much?
Evan Young
we ruined Sup Forums just so some faggot sell out could become president
we gave kikes a chance,we toned down our core beliefs.....just so we could get fucked in the end
feels bad man....i mean,it was our last shot either way,and we HAD to take it,so we can't be to hard on ourselves
but still,just wish it was real
Aiden Hughes
really? your problem with that meeting is that he disavowed "Heil Trump" guy?
Julian Price
He's obviously planning something. He wouldn't just do something like this unless he had some sort of plan.
Nicholas Phillips
Jonathan Cox
Yeah, it's kinda pathetic now. They might be more successful if they tried to switch their proxies at least
Ethan Gomez
We did it Sup Forums
James White
The alt-right is a fucking strawman you dumb shill.
Lucas Torres
uined Sup Forums just so some faggot sell out could become president
we gave kikes a chance,we toned down our core beliefs.....just so we could get fucked in the end
feels bad man....i mean,it was our last shot either way,and we HAD to take it,so we can't be to hard on ourselves
but still,just wish it was real
Template 54
Jacob Reyes
Here's a personal picture of me on Halloween
Noah Wood
If the "media-narrative" was winning Trump would've kicked out Steve Bannon by now.
But he's sticking by his choice. Trump knows you can't apologize or appease these people. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile.
Isaac Foster
He's used the atomic bomb?
Eli Evans
Aaron Nguyen
Sup Forums didn't meme a President into office
Sup Forums memed itself to kosher status
Wyatt Phillips
>Japs think the White House looks like a European castle Uh... OK.
Andrew Hall
Fight with all your strength, but you will find no quarter. Plead with all your heart, but you will find no pity. Plot with all your cunning, but there will be no deliverance. You have sown the wind, o my best beloved. And you shall reap the most fearful of whirlwinds.
Easton Baker
What's this I hear about disavowal?
Charles Smith
Why are 90% of the shills posts non american proxies? Is this a legal precaution for CTR or something?
Mason Diaz
not yet
Connor Mitchell
I can't wait until he takes up the mantle. It's going to be YUUUUGE!
James Harris
Will keep Obamacare
Border wall will be a fence
Bowed down to the New York times
Listens to Joe Scarborough on cabinet picks
Thinks cliamte change is real, won't back down from Paris agreement
Won't prosecute Clinton
Destroyed the core conservative Republican base for more niggers and cucked whites from the Rust belt
Says the Clinton Foundation is actually good
Thinks Clintons are good people that went through a lot
Disavows his supporters
Brandon Hernandez
you people are so fucking dumb
THAT'S BAD,because they can just call anyone "Alt-right" and now trump has to disavow
Let's talk about the real plant: Richard Spencer. Can we all agree this guy is either the world's most retarded opportunist or a shill?
Gabriel Williams
trump btfo NYT pic related >Janet Cooke’s imaginary 8-year-old heroin addict: The fake news manufactured by Washington Post reporter Janet Cooke received a Pulitzer Prize, but unlike Duranty’s, it was revoked after her deception was uncovered.
Retrospectives on “Jimmy’s World” routinely describe it as a pivotal moment when journalism changed forever… except, as you’ll see below, it didn’t. Janet Cooke was just the first in a line of superstar Big Media fabulists, and her successors were much worse than she was – they fabricated more than one story, and they should have been easier to catch, given the electronic information resources available to their editors.
Another common observation about “Jimmy’s World” is that it slipped past the fact-checking and editorial layers of a major publication because everyone wanted to believe it. Cooke was given not just credit, but credibility for meaning well. The mainstream media keeps making that mistake, with both its own reporters and the political figures it covers.
>Dateline NBC rigs a truck to explode: In 1993, NBC News delivered a historic public apology for staging the test crash of a General Motors pickup truck for the Dateline NBC program. The reporters wanted to demonstrate that gas could leak from the truck’s fuel tank and cause a dangerous fire after a crash, so they rigged it with explosives.
“We deeply regret we included the inappropriate demonstration in our ‘Dateline’ report. We apologize to our viewers and to General Motors. We have also concluded that unscientific demonstrations should have no place in hard news stories at NBC. That’s our new policy,” the statement declared, leading viewers with some unresolved questions about why it wasn’t their old policy, too.
Dateline NBC was far from the only example of dubious product-safety reporting. It wasn’t even the first time a vehicle was rigged to explode for a major network consumer report.
Jason Phillips
where is this from?
Anthony Wright
Won't prosecute Hilary. Keeping parts of Obamacare Praises NYT
He was a Cuck all along.
Jason Turner
You don't deserve those numbers, shillerino.
Ryder Reyes
This guy knows whatsup
Mason Lopez
It's just butthurt globalists.
Ignore them and keep supporting DRUMPF.
Jayden Ward
What are you even shill about?
Luis Sanders
hold on, let me go get my fucking magnifying glass for thumbnail retards
Joshua Brooks
>he thought trump was different than hillary
you got played son everyone is a puppet Sup Forums btfo
Jace Hall
we did it pol we finally put a liberal in the white house, woah
Sebastian Thomas
Of course, We already fucking won. But the shills and trolls dont want us to believe that.
Jayden Moore
I saw it live on Fox. It was awesome.
Brody Martinez
believe what you want
maybe i am wrong and the media are just being kikes again,
PLEASE let that be true
but i can assure you i am not a shill
Carter Bailey
>Jew says nigger to black Trump supporter on CNN Damn
Jaxon Sanders
guys I think I fell for the Trump meme
Jonathan Bennett
>they don't even switch proxies
Top zozzle.
James Hughes
Trump is not a white supremacist or a Nazi. He's a civic-nationalist.
He simply disavowed beliefs he doesn't support. How is this surprising to anyone?
Alexander Clark
Everyone who ever unironically yelled
is BTFO because Trump said he wouldn't push emailgate, despite what he said on the campaign trail.
Also he expressly disavowed the "alt-right." To me that means a command code in Mario, but to the Media it's the modern brownshirts. Or something.
That's what everyone's mad about. Me too honestly, feeling a bit played. But then again, it's all KEK's will and he's all about chaos.
I'd just like to figure out how he got his PA request through so brilliantly. I thought we were former Sup Forums and could see through this shit.
maga awoo not gonna boo hoo sad it's true a big fuck you
Daniel Harris
Laugh all you want. You're only laughing at yourself. At best trumps gonna be a dubya. Which is still better than Hillary, but no real change. And yes, trumps been good friends with them for years.
Julian Sanchez
What country did whitey emigrate into? >Stephen Glass: The enduring icon of fake news is Stephen Glass, whose fall from grace was chronicled in a major motion picture, Shattered Glass. The truth caught up with him in 1998, when it was discovered a great deal of the content he produced for The New Republic and other publications was wholly or partially falsified. In recent times, Glass has revealed that he repaid The New Republic, Rolling Stone, and Policy Review at least $200,000 for over forty fabricated stories.
Some speculated Glass fooled so many editors because he had “wonder boy” star power and great personal charisma. Others thought it was because he understood and flattered the biases and expectations of the publications he worked for – he sold them stories they wanted to publish, surfing the early wave of “narrative” obsession that has completely consumed mainstream journalism over the past two decades. Glass invented people, organizations, and events that lived down to his publishers’ darkest expectations of every social group and profession except their own.
He was so productive, and so good at fabricating “evidence” to back up his claims, that it simply didn’t occur to his marks that he might be faking so much of his work. (A fascinating 1998 Vanity Fair account of Glass’ downfall noted that he instantly whipped up a phony website for the software company he invented for his final phony article, and drafted his brother to leave phone voice mails in the role of an imaginary company executive, when he learned fact-checkers were digging into the story.) Why generate fraudulent stories when honest reporting would have been less work?
Those are blind spots that broadly affect news consumers, and producers, to this day. Detail implies veracity, we incorrectly assume that only lazy writers would fabricate stories, and too many stories are “too good to check.”
John Evans
Chase Gonzalez
Just another narrative being pushed by MSM don't worry
Gavin Young
I'm glad Trump disavowed the alt-right!
Eli Campbell
More like >Build wall >Thats alt-right >Oh okay >Build wall
They're setting the alt-right up as a evil strawman. Why would you not disavow a strawman?Obviously building a wall isn't neonazi white supremacist shit. Don't be such a shill you dumb faggot
Mason Roberts
3 confirmed trolls so far.
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Gavin Lewis
Jackson Williams
It literally does not work when you gloat, you dumb faggots.