God is just as valid as spiderman

If the logic that "proves" god is valid,
Then the logic that proves the existence of spiderman is also valid

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Show me one person who has faith that Spider-Man exists.

That flag won't help you in this discussion.

But yeah I get your point, there's nothing rational about thinking that god exists

The amount of people believing in something is not evidence that it actually exists.

Not a long time ago in the history of humanity people still believed in zeus

>the bible is proof of God
That's not what the Bible claims about itself now is it?

Nice proxy m8.

>Inb4 atheists r dumb bc its a chance u end up in hell.

Fuck Christianity, only one person deserves praise

Well I mean it's not impossible. People get bit by spiders all the time. As a pantheist I can't deny he doesn't exist or that his believers are wrong.

and that is kek

Take this atheist shit back to Sup Forums


>all religions are equal

Especially fuck your Kermit frog


is that poseidon?

without the recipe god made us society goes to shit...prove me wrong
>protip you cant

Gwen Stacy

No, he's Väinämöinen. God from ancient Finnish mythology. Finns used to believe in Väinämöinen before Christianity landed here. Our national Epic Kalevala is breddy gud.

Forgot to add that JRR Tolkien basically got his influence from Kalevala, and that Gandalf is based on Väinämöinen

>Spiderman Comic
>Written by [comic book author]
>not: "Written by Spiderman"


>written by god

l u l

>god had access to paper before paper was invented

There is no proof but a logical argument for something existing that set things that move in motion that's outside the things. OTOH, there is no logical argument or evidence whatever for a metaphysical devil.

Well youve never seen me and Batman in the same room at the same time. What do you think of that fag?

Its funny that your counter to his strawman went totally ignored


Was the bible written by God or Jesus?


Spirit is rising
The mundane collapsing, yeah
Nothing can stop it

Rejecting logos
For protection of egos
Truth, you can't face it

In-walls are rising
The insanes are coming, yeah
Shit is getting real

Madness is surging
As this fake world is crashing
Futile are their feels

Internal order
External Disorder, yeah
Shadilay is here

Religion kept society alive

spiderman kept the pockets full

Instead of presenting a caricature of the people who oppose your views, try to actually have a reasonable and logical debate with them.

Maybe you will discover that you were wrong all along

OP is right though, old pagan gods were pretty much just like superheroes. This is why the belief in them went away, they were stored in folk tales and myths, and not united by a centralized structure such as the church. This is the pagan pill.


This video isn't about god, but watch the first 10 minutes and tell me if you are regarding the possibility of a 10 dimension being(god) existing.

The more and more I study physics and chemistry, the more certain I am of Gods grace.

Basically we are sort of like cells that make up our body. But we make up god as his cells.
We exist consciousness in 3 dimensions, seeing only cross sections(the present) of our entire existence across time/multiple timelines.
You are the you right now, but the past, future, and alternative makes up your greater existence.

God is singularity.

Religion did not keep society alive, it directly damaged society.

remember when the christian church banned free speech?

Damn leaf, you've lost your mind now

The bible isn't proof god exists.

your mother wanted me to tell you to lay off the LSD.

>remember when the christian church banned free speech?
lol no? inb4 muh Galileo
>directly damaged society.
I'm sure you have examples.

If you believe in the wager, and the wager is true, you get to go to heaven?

Man that's one strong fucking loophole.

>“The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you”

The whole "other dimensions" idea is pure mathematics - it studies logic, it however does not study the way reality operates.

It's not a part of physics, it's a part of math.

If you were ACTUALLY listening properly to what the teacher said in your science class, you would understand that unfalsifiable arguments have zero merits. i could claim there are elf in my shoes just like you can claim there is a god. and it would have the same amount of validity using the scientific method

Pascals wager won't get you into heaven. One must have an honest desire to believe and one must bend the knee.

Stupid point OP, being a faggot as expected.

>The Jews and Their Lies (Part 1 of 2)

>"Marching to Zion" Full Movie with subtitles

You go ahead and take your chances bud, nobodies stopping you. As for myself, I'm going to do what I can to try to get to heaven. Whether it's real or not is not for me to decide and I honestly don't know, but I'm definitely not going to deny the existence of god during this short life. Just like how we create computers, the computers may be intelligent but they don't know how they were made. Same thing with humans except on a movie re sophisticated level. Enjoy your Christian holidays while you still have them :)

>A witty quote proves nothing

Also Heisenberg is a meme

Actually, i will go to Galileo as an example.

Galileo was arrested for observing things that counter christianity. this is literally banning free speech

Btw, You cant disprove god, you also cannot prove the Big Bang theory or even the Theory of Evolution

>Heisenberg is a meme
x is a meme is a meme

What's wrong with Heisenberg? Or is Quantum Mechanics a meme too?

First person who actually understands OP

I know it seems crazy but it is all based in science. When I had this realization I was scared. I felt forced to admit God was real. I now truly see the light and have noticed a lot of symbolism around me and online. I feel god is calling back his own.

With the year we are about to have, I would worry less about you anons if you went back to church. Please give it an open mind, at least just for this 1 year. You stand to save your very self from damnation and death.

She's beautiful.


Remember how people were killing themselves until government pushed religion?

Evolution is a fact that is proven beyond any reasonable doubt.

Are you even aware humans are using evolution to their advantage on regular basis?

We breed cows that produce more milk than other cows to increase the milk production of cows overall.

We breed life-stock with desirable qualities to gradually change their nature to our advantage. we do the same with plants.

I think at this point, you must admit: "Well, i guess changes in species of animals do happens in hundreds of years". the only thing you need to realize now is that BIGGER changes are going to happen if you give it billions of years.

>You cant disprove god

I hate this meme desu.

God is a proposed solution to the why question.
Why does the world exists?
Either it always existed or it began to exist.
If it began to exist then what was the cause?

Maybe it was a being of immense power?

This is God.
Spiderman is a heroic story about a boy.
It answer no question.

Esotericism and symbolism is indeed an eye-opener but please don't go full fedora-lord over it. You learn that old beliefs weren't all just "stupid superstition", but don't let it get to your head please. It's interesting and that's that.

dont argue with atheists

they're going to hell anyway

Not claiming this is proof.
But Im applying the theory and mathematics, valid science, to the "absurdity" of God.
This is not to outright dismiss all non-belief, but to add to the discussion and debate.

Like if we were listing all the reasons why/how God could and couldnt exist, this is a point for the why side.
Again purely up for discussing the idea and expanding on it, all in the name of greater understanding.

low hanging fruit

Quantum mechanics is child's play. Physics can't even catch up with Mathematicians.

See you in 200 years when you've found an """""application""""" for Poinecare's conjecture.

Pic related is the summary of your argument.

The fact human knowledge is limited does not mean there is a god. we do not have the tools to know everything about the universe.

There is no logical reason to fill the gaps in our knowledge with "le god did it"


I'm not sure that's how faith works. Jesus's cult started with just twelve Jews. Anyway, Just b/c a lot of people believe in something doesn't make it true: If Mudslimes one day outnumbered Christians, would you convert to Islam?

Pure mathematics include things that are an absurd which cannot exist in reality. but it's an absurd that follows logic.

See: an infinite series.

So are you saying scientists that believe in shit like dark matter are all wrong?

user why are you so scared of God existing? Why does it upset you

whats your point?

Selective breeding isn't really evolution, but, evolution has been observed in action amongst cichlids in nature.

"Dark matter" is a name that was given to a mass that exists in the universe, yet was never directly observed.

We know the mass is there because of gravitational influence.

So no, it's not like god at all.

Just for you bby :^)

My point is, that the fact impossible things can happen in pure mathematics does not mean they can actually happen in a physical reality.

In pure mathematics, matter can have zero mass and zero thickness. in reality, that is not possible.

nice argument you got there shlomo cant think for yourself eh?

I wish god existed so I can tell him to suck my big fat cock.

Most of those scientists were religious but not Christians. See Max Planck, someone who is far more superior to Memeberg. Also, just because someone says God is real is not evidence. This isn't a popularity contest. And even if it were, the number of scientists that are atheists would easily outstrip those who are religious.

Selective breeding IS evolution. evolution relies exactly on selective breeding.

The Bible is actually a pretty poor way to argue for the existence of God. It's actually easier to argue for the existence of God than it is for the authority of the Bible.

what about dna and the fact theres a secret code in it?

>god has been observed on multiple accounts
>is the end and the beginning
>we know that something has to be there

yeah you're right god has more grounds than dark matter.

The fact i posted a video containing arguments that i agree with does not mean i cannot think for myself.

I just felt like the amazing atheist nicely summarized how ridiculous and stupid creationists actually are.

Witness accounts is not the same as a scientific observation.

There are also people who claim they have seen witches, dragons, unicorns, mermaids, zeus,godzilla, monsters, budha and so on.

It does not mean all of this things actually exist.

because he's right, there's no good counter for that, why bother replying?

>>god had access to paper before paper was invented

What are the 10 commandments writen in stone ?

no shit creationist are funny this is coming from someone who says youre " gods chosen people" for things to benefit you and your fellow "jews" but are athiest in secret...anywho god is mysterious as fuck and if you really would look for him you would find it

Spiderman is real breh.

him* not it

>the bible is written on stone

you don't even know your own bible history.

I don't really disagree just pointing out the distinction between human controlled breeding of livestock vs natural selection and providing an example before someone else tried to poke at that aspect of the argument.

you aren't trying to have a rational or reasonable debate, fucktard. the thread started with a strawman and it's obvious to anyone who's taken even a single class on the deep, rich history and philosophy of christianity that you haven't done a shitspeck's worth of substantive research or critical thinking. and no-- watching youtube debates, assbanana, or browsing memes is not substantive research.

Pic related is the divine cat of eternity. he is the creator of the universe. go and dance the special kitten dance to praise the cat!!!!

(This actually makes more sense than god because it does not contradict itself.)

but budha and witches did exist.

>OP is a phaggot
Actually, the existence of pagan gods and heros are good arguments for the existence of God, specifically Jesus, who is God incarnated as man.

we need a /rel/ board so you faggots can shitpost in peace

Selective breeding happens in nature in the form of "survival of the fittest". ever heard that term?

Give it billions of years, and selective breeding is going to turn one form of life into many different and diverse forms of life

>spiderman spoke to the creator of spiderman to write the book



So what is the benefit to being an atheist?


Which is why I mentioned "natural selection". There's no disagreement here.

You get to think for yourself, and you do not have to worship a being which according to it's mythology, committed a genocide much before hitler (The biblical flood)

Santa? Does give presents, I suppose.

What is wrong with genocide?

>neil degrasse tyson