Can someone prove that David Duke and Richard Spencer are "controlled opposition plants"?

Can someone prove that David Duke and Richard Spencer are "controlled opposition plants"?

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Don't don't you think this is too much of a coincidence,
>have an obscure Neo Nazi be reported on
>have the whole media group Trump supporters and people like him together
This is a major step to subvert a organization plant some crazy or atleast elevate them, then when the average bystanders sees him they'll not want to be a part of them because of the crazies or crazy.

Then when all these people stop joining, rewrite history to make them seem like the bad guys. This is what happened with the tea party and most nationalist parties

I will laugh hard when Sup Forums inevitably ties that fucks with Soros money

We can't
Butthurt Duke haters are Alex Jones drones who never will accept the fact that Jews are behind everything they claim to fight against because Alex is good little puppet of them

so no actual proof. Great.

whatever, if that means war, Sup Forums shitpostan will hit them way harder than they can hit their imaginary pet, altright

I believe they are simply useful idiots and attention whores who adore the media coverage

It is more likely the Koch brothers desu. They hate Trump more than Soros. I have no doubt that they'll do what they did to the tea party

No, he may not be payed but he could be elevated. Also be weary

Every time someone is far right and agrees with Sup Forums, JIDF floods this board and spams "controlled opposition" to discourage people of standing up.

Spencer is usually very careful with his language and is trying to be a clean cut face that legitimizes nationalism in America

His ideas are fucking on point and he isn't a cuck like you pussies

the media is twisting his words and calling him names and now, like clock work, everyone feels the need to punch right and cuck us





Kike media is trying divide and conquer.

No publicity is bad publicity.

Anyone bitching about NPI's coverage is a shill or rube.

It's because of people like you, and your mentality of trying to please the left, that the right was cucked for so fucking long. You are a fucking "dems r real racist" cuckservative.


Call me a cuck, it doesn't make me wrong

why are they shills? let's see.

if you were known as a white nationalist leader you would know better than to publicly endorse any candidate.

that endorsement is like tying an anchor to a candidate. so if you thought a candidate was going to push your agenda why would you want to be a detriment? that only serves the leftists.

so saying Hiel Trump is pretty fucking stupid at your larping festival in DC considering it gives the left another chance to discredit a movement.

it'd be as if you were cheating on your wife and your friend tells everybody about a hot chick your banging.

so Duke and Spencer are either idiots or controlled opposition because they're only hurting the cause.

it's pretty damn clear

Never thought of it that way

Then you're fucking dumb


>if the media stars reporting on you, even if its negative, it's means you work FOR them

>so no actual proof
like always. they're just repeating it until the Big Lie effect starts to work.

>Every time someone is far right and agrees with Sup Forums, JIDF floods this board and spams "controlled opposition" to discourage people of standing up.

>Kike media is trying divide and conquer.


>the media twisted his arm into "hail" salute.


Basically yeah

It's about power you dipshit. White nationalist group have zero fucking marketability or cool factor. It has nothing to do with ideology anymore but rather what these dumb fucking sheep will swallow style wise and then subvert mentally. Jewden Frankfurt School 101.

They've coopted elements of neo fascist style (hairstyles and clothing, take a look at Alexander wang and shit). Any hyper nationalist group will die in this day and age.

The true power brokers in this world are the autist with what they assume is the "correct" moral compass they only have. Rogue alphabet letter agencies alongside other "rogue" elements that aren't fighting for any group other than causing asymmetrical earthquakes that will turn the "battlefield" into a more easier terrain for us to navigate around.

That is what they're going after. Literally those two groups who are the greatest of "happening" agents that guy Sup Forums will ever have.

ya….the alt right has more in common with leslie jones.

if anything she should be the leader of this movement

Spencer is a fucking idiot who tried to commercialized the alt right which doesn't exist. His books are read by edgy Nazis who think everything Jewish is bad and Hitler did nothing wrong, while at the same time bashing Islam the same religion Hitler praised. Meanwhile we have the most pro Israel president elect that he just endorsed
FYI I hate Israel

Jesus Christ the shills are coordinating

I'm sorry I just don't want to end up like the tea party

1. the left made up the term "alt-right" to smear anyone who disagrees with them on the internet

2. We troll the idiot media and DNC into thinking it is a real thing

3. media picks up on it Idiot ADL calls Pepe a symbol of hate, idiot Clinton talks about Pepe in a speech

4.all the chans laugh

5. idiot stormfags think "alt-right" is an actual thing and start calling themselves "alt-right"

6.faggots and CTR shills go back to step 1.

I'm saying they elevated him OR planted him

Oh no! Solidifying into a voting blok? How terrible!

The KKK has been FBI larping for forty fucking years so it wouldn't surprise me.

tea party was solidified and then cop-opted. This happens to every social movement, eventually, including the civil rights movement -- the last movement to have any credibility.


The tea party is now considered a group of crazies like it or not and part of the establishment. The goal of the establishment now is to make Trump voters into the party of crazies while at the same time scaring independents

Tea Party is fine.

Civil rights movement was dildos all along.

>It's broad and nebulous so it doesn't exist.

Clouds? Clouds don't exist. Sometimes you can't tell one cloud from another so it clearly doesn't exist at all.

No one believes you faggots.

Anyone sympathetic to the Alt-Right knows better than to counter signal other members of the movement and knows that Richard Spencer did nothing wrong.

The controlled media only has power if people believe them.

Show the normies you don't give two shits about their lies, and poof their power is gone.


When can you guys realize that the alt right doesn't exist

Fake news.

Please come back once you've finished high school.

The alt right was made to be a strawman to isolate them from liberals and conservatives

Nice accurate information man! Quick, find me a photo of spencer with his arm up, post your paypal too, when you find it I'll empty my paypal account from elo boosting into yours. I have around 3 grand in there right now, good luck finding it!

>don't talk about Drumpf being a cuck

I would be pissed right now if I bought one of those stupid faggot hats

no, nobody can, because it's bullshit divide and conquer shills throwing the accusations

This. Tea party was an Astrotruf op by Koch brothers that then grew a life and will of its own.

>A region of the political spectrum doesn't exist.

Like I said, no one believes you retards.

He just raised his glass, it was some edgy fags in the audience who did the Nazi salute. Although that was obviously the desired reaction considering he was shouting Hail Trump like a fucking moron.

oops, looks like you cant find a picture, because it doesnt exist and the media brainwashed you, tough luck buddy!

>they elevated him OR planted him
because the common sense explanation that his beliefs became popular isn't a good explanation?
he was "elevated" because the media is now talking about him?
they didn't notice him because this shit is popular, and clinton created the precedent by scapegoating the alt-right?

So, did Clinton plant Pepe?
Did the media invent Pepe?

If they truly are controlled opposition, its not working.

Please read

go masterbate to your stormfag collection after class. He even Says "hail" to get intended reaction too. Jesus Christ, shouldn't you high schoolers be studying?


wrong. It was grassroots and THEN co-opted

>If they truly are controlled opposition

They 100% FBI plants. David Duke always show every election season to endorse a candidate that the left hates. He does it because he taking marching orders from the Feds

jones has talked about jews dozens of times over the past ten years fuckhead.

A board called TRS is trying to control Sup Forums
Don't fall for this stupid shit

I think stormfags are repulsive, actually. I liek spencer though, intellectual WN is not a bad thing as long as it is removed from 50 iq retards like stormfront.

In any case, the guy said he seigd, he didnt.

nah they're really just that retarded

I don't don't. Because the media show up at NPI every year and it was a big deal this year since trump won. They are both bad guys already. Wasting your time countersignaling the right makes you look like a left shill, which you probably are.

Anybody who is actively trying to materialize the "alt right" into a real thing is the definition of controlled opposition plant.

You can tell who the shills are because they respond to obvious explanations like this as highly aggressive stormfront fags who say call everyone a cuck for not embracing Nazi ideology as the new mainstream.

>thinks we are trying to please the left
>doesn't know about moderates and independents

This is why nobody respects you

I think anybody who uses outdated memes should be euthanized
Do you really wanna enter 2017 with memes that 15 year olds on youtube still use and think are funny

I'm not gonna sugar coat it. Memes have a short lifespan before getting picked up by "them"
Sure some might comeback after their exile but the fact of the matter is some just have to die

This. What people praising David Duke and Spencer to understand is that being associated with the KKK or neoNazis or white supremacists is not accepted in anyway by moderates and independents, or pretty much anyone outside of those political circles. The smart ones hide their power level and infiltrate pre-existing political institutions.

The stupid ones say Hiel Trump in front of the MSM.

>I think stormfags are repulsive, actually
Thanks for sharing the official /r/asianmasculinity opinion, Chang. We never would have guessed it on our own.

How did it feel seeing Tila Tequila there?

How come so many r/thedonald retards and mutts don't understand they Sup Forums is a White nationalist antisemitic board?

Yeah if trump is associated with David duke he might lose the election!!!!

Fucking retard kys

No, because they are right.
Because they speak the truth they draw the MSM's hateful attacks.
Some of the people here are so weak they cannot even admit they agree on an anonymous image board.
Obviously Sup Forums is not alt-right, nor is it anything definitive.
Sup Forums is merely a place where people can discuss without fear of repercussion.
But some are so weak that if they even hear their own beliefs discussed in the open and have to hear the MSM attack their beliefs, they immediately recoil in fear and call the man speaking their own thoughts "controlled opposition".
People were saying the same thing about Trump since the beginning.
I'm convinced if Hitler literally appeared in modern times, these fags would call him controlled opposition.

>Spencer is usually very careful with his language and is trying to be a clean cut face that legitimizes nationalism in America


don't need it. this alt-right shit was invented overnight and no one had heard of it until liberals needed a boogeyman.

that's not the reason I don't need proof, however. The real reason I don't need proof is liberals are obsessed with a losing argument, and I'm content to let them destroy themselves.

Barking up this alt-right tree is hilarious.

The term alt right has been around since at least 2010 I first came around it from Steve sailer. Fuck off retarded cuck stop apologizing to the left you effeminate low test numale

>don't need proof I just know things

not gonna happen.
Are you so cucked that you can't even get your neurons a buzzing so that you even imagine someone genuinely and publicly advocating White Nationalism. Something the majority of this board made up of thousands if not millions of visitors, whole-heartedly support?

I mean you're in POLAND for god's sake. I thought Poland was fiercely nationalist and anti-immigrant. Do you think all of your own leaders are just "controlled opposition"?

>struck a nerve

Not sure if controlled opposition. But very poor judgment

Stay away from trump

They can push their agenda but by aligning trump, they hurt him

Have some decency now

everything I don't like is communism is an old, old Anglo tactic.

>contributing to discussion
>control Sup Forums

This is the paranoia he mentions. If groups want to come to Sup Forums and have discussions about their ideas you shouldn't feel so threatened. This isn't CTR bullshit like sliding and demoralization.

>Do you think all of your own leaders are just "controlled opposition"?
>Prime minister visits Israel for no reason as we speak.
>natives are being replaced by ukrainians
>middle and upper class is taxed heavily while cesspool gets gibsmedats for literal dysgenics

Why yes, I do.


>The term alt right has been around since at least blase blase
don't care. It's made up bullshit. They could have invented it in the middle ages for all I care.

Alt right is a fancy term for White nationalism

Because they sperg out and are caricature like retards
Notice how media has stopped writing about Sup Forums and concentrated in these two idiots because trying to write about Sup Forums made them look like idiots

Except they actually slide threads, spam and spread their 'propoganda'

Well shit, I feel like that picture should be posted more than the tyrannosaur one.

>90 members left in the KKK
>70 of them have some relation to the FBI be it actual FBI members or informants
>but there's no possible way Duke is a plant
wow you got me

>The stupid ones say Hiel Trump in front of the MSM.
The fuck did the MSM even get an invite to this so called "Nazi Party", why were they filming expecting something to happen, and why wasn't he aware before he started Hailing?

Not trolling, just smells fishy.

Just where is this TRS?

We had a setup like that in a church of all places, where goers "spontaneously" stood up and left, when there was a reading of a letter condemning abortion, and now what are the odds, far left journalists with cameras were on that mass!
Would you believe that?
Later, a facebook group for that event was found.

Because they were invited because it was a fucking psyop

pic fucking related, LA times pushing this cunt

>anything pro-white is a fucking psyop to hurt Trump
Where have all these delusional non-whites come from? Are you all from ?
You need to go back.

Sup Forums cucked by media. Richard spencer going for the big bucks

When the fucking LA TIMES is posting about the guy, with edgy professionally taken photos, and other outlets are taking photos with him in elevators looking past the camera into the nondistance, calling him dapper, it's a fucking psyop

They all just gone done handwringing and crying and now all of a sudden like clockwork, they're all on the same page talking about this guy.

Forced demolition

this. many of the people here are still cuck-conditioned.

I'm convinced now that both sides, for and against these people, are all CTR. we're being rused fellas. Classic divide and conquer strategy and we're all falling for it. We're getting whooped on the front line.

New recruits from /r/The_Donald are still cuck conditioned and need to be freed with redpills. They still think anything pro-white is bad.

Someone start a nigger hate thread.

white nationalism is white nationalism
the alt right is a fancy term for the LGBT wing of white nationalism.

>people are arguing
>The only way to win is by not picking a side and staying neutral
Hello (((CTR)))

>if the media reports on you, it means you were LITERALLY PLANTED BY THEM AS A PSYOP
Have you ever heard of logical fallacies?
Its worth your time to study them before trying to think too hard.

It's a concerted effort against nationalism, not just reddit.

I actually didn't like Spencer that much, because he was too soft, but seeing so many shill threads trying to push the Spencer - controlled opposition narrative, I assume he's for real.

No it's not, and that's the real psy-op: trying to transform the alt-right into the cucked, jew loving, pro-LGBT version that guys like Milo advocate for.