Alt Right was responsible for Ghostbusters flopping
Alt Right was responsible for Ghostbusters flopping
The left was responsible for making it
Check mate
They've managed to stretch the term "alt-right" so now everyone can be labelled a nazi, because Ghost-busters fucking sucked. I assume, I aint giving no money to harambe kikes.
Being complete shit played some part.
How can something that doesn't exist fight wars?
name pronounced;Fayg
Hitler commanded me to talk shit on that movie until nobody wanted to see it.
Oh god I hope they keep this up.
It's just like the left to do something like this. Find a reasonably effective tactic, then immediate run it into the ground to the point of looking like lunatics.
I thought he was in movie jail?
I saw the movie and I have to say the movie was just unfunny.
Now you can say that I have a biased opinion for going on Sup Forums and being against modern day feminism, but I just didn't enjoy the movie.
There was two genuinely funny parts in the movie, and one of them was from an extra (police officer, for anyone who saw it). The rest of the jokes were forced and scripted. Even the parts that claimed to be "off script" just seemed forced. I'd give the movie a 2/10 solely for special effects.
So the alt-right is so far:
>fbi honeypot
>not real
>hardcore naziswhowanttokill6millionjews
>a vaguely centrist opposition group who likes memes
Help. Which is it?
I identify as alt-right and I laugh at the notion that we actually had that kind of numbers. lol
Not being able to be shown in China is responsible for Ghostbusters flopping
people who don't go to hollywood movies are antisemetic altrighters
Its a vague decentralized group that is opposed to liberalism. Somehow, they made a big fucking tent for us. Oh, we deplorables.
all of them
Make another one. Seriously, just make another one. After all, it wasn't accepted because of nazi subversion, right? Make another one and get your money back.
>War on
Holy fuck this guy sounds narcissistic.
No one cares about your shit movie. Your legacy is nothing but trying to re-hash an already told story.
so after the hate died down me and my wife watched the new GB film. it truly wasnt that bad, had some laughs. but the thing is it wasnt GB tier. thats all. they should of had a pass the torch situation in the movie, becoming the next gen of GB. instead the did a reboot like the GB never existed in the first place and spent 75% of the movie explaining how this new GB came to be
well, shit
How about you break the term into its literal meaning... Alternative Right
It's a big catch-all to cover every right wing person who isn't a neocon.
The term "alt-right" was created by SJWs and liberals to silence people who disagree with them on the internet.
Once you can label someone as "alt-right" they can be dismissed as a racist, homophobe etc.
oy why won't the stupid goyim see my progressive movie oy vey stupid goys
Just shoot this man. I've heard enough of his whining.
Fucking Jews, man
It's not real. It's a label created by our enemies. Alt right are a mixture of young conservatives who stopped giving a fuck about appearing mean in the eyes of liberals, nationalists, ethno nationalists, and outright fascists. They only work together because of a common goal, once they out the radical left they'll struggle with one another for supremacy. That's a long way off though because the battle for europe is just starting. The main reason we banded together was to oust the radical cultural marxist leftists from power and to oust the neo conservatives from the GOP. For awhile there actual right wing views had no voice because neo cons are actually jewish Trotskyists if you read their history. We won the biggest battle, because as the US goes so does Europe. Their control of the media was rendered irrelevant by our constant pushback
They're trying to pigeonhole us into one ideology by labeling us, then claiming the worst representatives possible as our leaders, it's a jewish psychological trick to attack the "other" and prevent other actual right wingers and centrists from helping us. We aren't a group with a set unified ideology, as long as you're not a leftist and not a neo con then you'll probably find a niche. It's an alliance of right wing groups but not a group itself.
the media hasn't learnt anything, eh?
What was the police officer part?
Wtf, I love fascism now
It's anything you want it to be.
Join us.
Or scapegoat us.
Or declare there is no "us".
Who gives a shit. It's all a messy narrative. Old media wants a boogeyman and goddammit they're going to get one!
Does anyone here actually belong to the (((alt-right))) most cancer shit I've seen all year.
Oy vey! Not the alt-reich!
So does that mean they're finally admitting that its a flop?
>shit director
>no script
>terrible leads
>Leftists not taking responsibility for their own failures
Not surprised, tbqh.
it was terrible
youre a pleb
It's everything opposing in some sort of way a media narrative.
>make my bed
>lay down in it
>realize I'm 6 feet underground
>start cursing the people that put me in there, litterally have to make up people because I don't know who did this
Not true i watched it with my mum and sis and they both said it was shit
This. They took a fucking EASY way to make money off a reboot and dumped SJW propaganda all over it. It worked for Star Wars because the fanboy base is far larger, but Ghostbusters it did not.
>f-f-f-fucking alt-right!
They can call us what ever they want, in the end their sad attempts to lash out against us will always fail to hit their mark against the shadowy army of internet autists that's always deforming, changing, and moving just outside their reach.
If Wonderwoman flops you alt-right fuckers are gonna pay mark my words.
All they had to do was tell a good story, but instead they formed a narrative around "girl power".
more like paul fag
>Anyone who didnt go see Ghostbusters is alt-right
No wonder Trump won.
What ended up being the end result for that movie anyway? Did it legit sink?
Maybe if the movie wasn't all shitty improv comedy from unfunny women filled with panderous cameos it would've done better
>the ((((alt-right))))
when will this shitty lugenpress meme end?
Conan is good to be honest.
Wrong on all fronts.
It's a group of white nationalists who just want their country to be THEIR country, they don't want to be minorities in their own fucking country.
I love this post
it's a catch-all meme from the kike lugenpress to explain why their influence on media, public opinion, and politics are waning, because of course, it can't be because of their constant lying, attempted manipulation, and general retardation/incoherence
I'm just going to preface every online comment I write outside of Sup Forums with "Alt Right here-"
Leftards were tired of imaginary white supremacists and cartoon frogs.
Now they have a new scapegoat.
A basket of deplorables to dump everyone who doesn't agree with the globalists agenda into.
Basically the literally Hitler meme on a larger scale.
You do realize Sup Forums isn't alt-right, right?
Paul Feig's attacks on cinema patrons and shitty ideas was responsible for Ghostbusters flopping.
Does it star Tanit Phoenix? Was it made without SJW baggage? Is it actually a good story? Does it reject CGI in favor of "real" special effects? Does it at least have some nice femdom?
Something tells me the answer to all these questions is "no."
>the shit film i made only flopped because of online bigots
>kkk isn't relevant anymore media has figured out that people don't care about it anymore
>invent something g called the "alt-right". That doesn't exist
>claim every racist troll online is a part of this shadowy group of secret nazi's
>blame everything on this group
Did he left just cross the rubicon into conspiracy theory nutcases
Who is that faggit with the hitler haircut?
Hold up. Better or worse than Ghostbusters 2?
Nigga please. That's just my drunk ass cousin.
Daily reminder that there is no such thing as the "Alt Right"
The director was responsible for it flopping.
Because it was a shit movie.
>invent something g called the "alt-right". That doesn't exist
How often are you retards going to repeat that?
They didn't invent it, it does exist it just has nothing to do with this board.
>Better or worse than Ghostbusters 2?
Worse. The POWERFUL WOMEN in the new Ghostbusters only caught one ghost. Which they later released intentionally to silence a critic, but in doing so ended up killing same critic.
It was an overall forgettable piece of shit. I'd rank it only a few tiers above Inspector Gadget on the scale of pointlessness.
well said
Made a couple hundred million worldwide. It grossed more than it cost to make, but probably lost money overall if we really knew its advertising budget. They were probably also banking on selling merchandise, but odds are this movie didn't do anything to sell more of what was already popular merch. No one wants merch of this movie's characters, that's for sure.
What really killed them is that the movie couldn't be shown in China. It's a colossally stupid move to greenlight something you expect to make a billion dollars when it's forbidden in China.
We are basically like the T-1000
said like a fuckin god
1. the left made up the term "alt-right" to smear anyone who disagrees with them on the internet
2. We troll the idiot media and DNC into thinking it is a real thing
3. media picks up on it Idiot ADL calls Pepe a symbol of hate, idiot Clinton talks about Pepe in a speech
4.all the chans laugh
5. idiot stormfags think "alt-right" is an actual thing and start calling themselves "alt-right"
6.faggots and CTR shills go back to step 1.
No, no, the movies that were major blockbuster smashes were all complete shit also.
Oy vey, what a fayg!
Not really. It flopped because it looked like shit and had no jokes. Seriously, if you saw it you couldn't identify but maybe 3 jokes that had a set up and pay off. It was awful screen writing, no directing and was all more or less improv done terribly where everyone was the quirky comic relief. They recycled special effects from Pixels and just slapped it together
Fieg blaming anyone else for his bad directing and Sony's inability to put out a good comedy is just pathetic at this point and that's the real punchline of the movie.
1. A. Made up to tar and feather the American Nationalist (Tea Party) movement so they never become mainstream
what kind of moron has a franchise that was pretty much 99% white men, and decided to make it an SJW shitfest?
The Alt-Right is nothing more than the boogeyman for MSM to screech about since they see the writing on the wall and know that the American people as a whole do not trust them or take anything they say seriously. They coined the term, and decided "who" it was.
It's the death-throw for MSM.
so most film critics are part of the alt-right?
I never gave it much thought what Left and Right ment in American politics. All I needed to know was that it is Democrats and Republicans.
Now the term "Alt Right" is constantly confusing me. Whatever Alt Right is, is pretty much Left thats not Alt Left.
so alt-right is the new anonymous
I still prefer minarchy with a touch of single-payer healthcare desu
does conan even bother with any political stuff? I havent watched him in years
the alt-right ate my baby
What a feig
I loved this guy in heavyweights