>Bill gates there
>That Trump hating actor dude also there
>Ellen degenerate
>Full on libcast
Why are there no threads on this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Bill gates is such an autist
None of those people on that stage deserve that award.
Elon Musk maybe
Fuck off /Neder/bro
Wij zorg niet
>elon musk
why? because he makes a car for hipsters?
michaal iordans shoes have gotten me laid. electric cars are for fags
I thought you guys would be interested. I expect Obongo to make Trump jokes and we must he prepared for tomorrow's headlines like :"Obama SMASHES Trump during speech yesterday"
O well I can't make threads I guess :( Should I next time start with "Trump doesn't get it!!!!! Pol BTFO!!!!!!!"?
Because I hate that shit and don't want to do that
We still wouldn't zorg
Why the fuck are they getting awards from the President
Making millions isn't enough?
to remind the pleb masses that they will never be patrician
Because it's obama and no one cares about him
>Wij zorg niet
=Wij zijn niet geboeid
>We still wouldn't zorg
We still wouldn't be geboeid
Dutch is a fucklanguage
michael jordon deserves it yea. most of the awards are jsut going to people that campaigned for hillary
It's a mental disorder.
I couldn't care less. They're all mortals and will all die and rot/be incinerated. No money or awards stop this process.
>Not knowing about their keikaku for immortality
Wouldn't that translated to "We are not cared"
>medal of freedom
>be a muslim, lesbian, popular actor, or rich autist
>get a medal
>Wij zorg niet
william h gates??
why can't they called him bill gates?
No, Dutch is a fucklanguage
Here is "to have"
>Ik heb (I have)
>Hij heeft (he has)
>Wij hebben (they have)
And to not care
>Het boeit ons niet (We dont care)
>Het zou ons nog steeds niet boeien (we still wouldnt care)
It's at some points close to english and on others it veers right away in its own direction. I think it's pretty comfy but eh I live here
>yfw elon musk now makes coal powered cars
Pride is the real downfall of man.
What the hell is the medal of freedom even is? Just a look at me prize?
making fun of Jeb! guacamole is not funny Obama
Ok now you need to explain yourself further
>Het boeit ons niet
Wouldnt that be: "This excites us not"
Since its an "ons" statement, not a "wij" statement
how does Bill Gate feel knowing that he has wayyyyyyyyy more money than everyone in that room combined?
>tfw gotta present a "strong presidential" image
>Tfw manlet
I hope I win
FTFY fampai
how dare Oboingo associate her with these pieces of filth by giving them the same award.
I'm fucking triggered as fuck.
please do not be rude to our friends from the netherlands
>no COME ON AND SLAM in the background
I'm assuming you're using it in the shitposting sense, but it's quite possible he actually is a sperg.
anyone else find Obamas don't give a fuck attitude really wearing now that Trump is elected, like he doesn't take anything seriously and takes the piss out of the country he represents.
Ok fuck I see where I went wrong. I made the mistake because I replied to your mixed english-dutch sentence:"we still wouldn't zorg"
But if I just translate we still wouldn't care it becomes: "wij zijn nog steeds niet geboeid" or "wij zijn niet geboeid" (without translation of "still)
Sorry Ameribro, I'm drunk so maybe I'm translating a drunk right now
He seems like he is going to break down and go ape shit insane any second now.
>challenging us to think
stretching here but he looks like someone who knows something really bad is about to be revealed about them and is trying to cope with the live events as best he can. Like he fucked a load of women and now his wife won't attend the final events of his career.
Lol go fuck yourself poverty-fag.
There's a reason they got billions of dollars in the first place.
>Diana Ross
Tom hanks got one too
I just started watching, who else did I miss?
He barely gave a fuck even before then. Pretended to care for the last 6 months when his handlers told him Hill might get taken.
Outside of that, been taking the piss out of the country
> Lol checkit, US be so white dawg
> OH NO HE DI'NT !!!!!!
Back to business s usual.
>everyone complains about all the actors and athletes
>no one says anything about BASED margaret hamilton
And yet you wonder why these people are being recognized
This is a comedy show
I'm glad we don't have to see this shit for 4 years
forgot image he closes his eyes every time an award is given by him, not 30fps closes and i grabbed it at that moment, every time for a long time.
The only really shitty thing about this to care about is how it makes people think these dancing monkeys are equal to MOH winners.
Basically, stuck-up assholes got pissy because the MOH is the highest award in the world and it overshadowed their Oscars and Grammys and went WE WANT ONE TOO.
As I said, narcissism.
>this whole event
They're trying to remind everybody that they're the good guys by handing themselves an award.
Their reputation really is just that bad at this point.
What the fuck is this shit?
What does the medal of freedom even represent? Is it the same shit as the nobel peace prize?
He gave a medal to Diana Ross. She composed the theme song for Land Before Time, my favourite childhood kino. And what a beautiful song. Makes me cry everytime. So underappreciated too, it literally deserved an oscar!
wtf i LOVE obama now!
He sure Took his time with this one
>Affair confirmed???
Oh well it's over. It was fun but nothing Trump related. Thanks for joining anyway anons!
wew, thats fuck up.
>these people get medals for regurgitating the status quo
>paramedics don't get shit, police officers get called racist, soldiers now have to deal with their MtF pmsing tranny officers who got the position with less than half the training and experience, border security guards get called racist for stopping cartels from taking over border towns
Obama may not objectively be the worst president ever, but everyday he does anything I feel more ashamed of my country. If we had an actual press and not a democratic propaganda machine then he would be a national embarrassment.
>one is a billionaire jew who got there by being incredibly cutthroat businessman
>the other is some lesbian jew propagandist, in the industry run by jew propagandists
>"wow they're so brave"
>"they really deserve those Medal of Freedom"
lol, remember when medals and peace prizes actually meant something?
I swear they just turned this into some incestuous club where they publicly give their friends awards and then suck each other off at the after party.
No, they just go to eat pizza.
Cheese pizza
This, it's blatant what he's doing but nobody in the media will point it out. It's ridiculous it would be like Trump handing out medals of freedom to Chris Christie, Michael Savage, Alex Jones, and the CEO of New Balance.
Funny thing is, I think all of them (except Christie) deserve it more than actors and lesbian propagandists.
There is a very good chance that Trump will give Obama this award
Your language looks retarded.
>Forrest meets the fucking President AGAIN