Is she the hottest first lady in the history of America?
Is she the hottest first lady in the history of America?
Well, her or Jackie O. 1A and 1B for me.
michael obama is clearly better looking and also has a bigger cock
>he doesn't know
Fake tits
Fake lips
Fake face
Fake ass
Fake tummy
Fake tan
Even with all that work by surgeons paid by little donald and they still can't get her to look remotely like a woman, but I wonder if the donald actually likes women with manfaces, given his history of failed marriages with women who look like goblins and Bethesda NPCs.
Can't really grasp why ameriturds would find this attractive, maybe because the trump dried cum gargling fanboyism is still going on
It's a toss-up between her and Jackie O. Two hotties with real class.
Trump has dated/married some of the hottest supermodels over the last 40 years. Guy has great taste. He would even date his daughter if she wasn't his daughter.
Barbie is obviously the sexiest ever.
Jackie was thiiiiiccccc
Its a prety good sized cock, while Barry was fucking sweet Sophie Trudeau, good ol Justin was getting his fill of her dark thicky
She makes hillbag look like a potato digger from Romania.
>Jackie was thiiiiiccccc
The fuck are you talking about? Jackie was hungry as fuck.
Post nudes.
> Implying I wouldn't put them on my jail cell wall
she looks pretty much the same as when i attended uni with her.
thanks for your input you mexishit latrino wetback nigger
>my husband just got his head blown the fuck out
>guess I'll marry some old Greek guy now
disgusting trash
Does my opinion on your manface plastic body fetish hurts your trumpbabby sensitivities? Perhaps you should request for trigger warnings before entering the thread, trumplet
I would say you are lying
why won't western people get pretty after surgery like gooks do?
I would say you're a dirty beaner who's angry uncle Juan won't be sending dollars anymore. :^)
That's literally how women have worked forever before ~70 years ago.
Find a successful husband to support you and if he dies you had to find another one.
It's the traditional and conservative take on womanhood and always has been.
Melanija Knavs, me and 2 classmates in Sevnica in 1991.
Melanie is like if JFK divorced Jackie and married Monroe (who was way hotter than Jackie btw)
>People actually think Jackie was as hot as Melania
Don't get me wrong I'd happily be in a relationship with a girl that looked like Jackie but her face was kinda plain and just a little funny looking.
Melania is a sex kitten. And looks fantastic for 46.
let's not kid ourselves, jackie is ugly as fuck
People only took note of her because she was dressing well
Eyes too far apart.
I don't economically depend on any money remittances from the US, nor do I have any family, friends, or relatives who are undocumented in the US. I'm 28 years old and I have a stable job in a company that offers electronic payment solutions nationwide.
Whereas you will always be a filthy serb trump shill who has been, and will continue to be poverty striken while lashing out bitterly at those he perceives to be inferior so you can sleep at night.
>Monroe was hotter than Jackie Kennedy
I'm not sure that needed saying
>I don't economically depend on any money remittances from the US, nor do I have any family, friends, or relatives who are undocumented in the US. I'm 28 years old and I have a stable job in a company that offers electronic payment solutions nationwide.
>Whereas you will always be a filthy serb trump shill who has been, and will continue to be poverty striken while lashing out bitterly at those he perceives to be inferior so you can sleep at night.
you’re 28yo and you’re still shitposting on 4chin and arguing about pointless things with strangers?
you just posted a pic claiming to be you in uni in 1991. if your lie is true (which its not) youre far older than 28. So now you're implying hes pathetic for being 28 and still posting on 4chin?
youre confused. you just got btfo by a mexican. just go home Miroslaw
TFW the hottest flotus of all time is not mentioned:
>Confirmed rug muncher
>Married her cousin
>4 term first 'lady'
Nice mullet, stefan
I'm resting and cellphone shitposting on my sofa after a good meal, you don't wanna go into that territory because you're either a kid wasting your time pretending to be an old timer who attended university with the first lady of the US, or you're actually older than me and are doing the same things you accuse me of.
Holy fuck she is fine. Where do I find a woman like this?
was she a whore?