Hello, I am newfag.
Is pol alt right or not? Are you serious and alt right, are you serious and just don't like being lumped together as one cohesive group, or is this all a meme?
Hello, I am newfag
Other urls found in this thread:
Just like the concept of "millenials", the "alt-right" is just a meaningless buzzword invented by the media so they lump an entire, disconnected group of people under a single name that is easy to blame or discredit.
Shut the fuck up and lurk moar
idk dude are liberals a cohesive group?
We're paleoconservatives.
Heil Trump.
Yes. The alt right isn't everywhere. But you can find it on Sup Forums, the donald, breitbart, eight chan pol, and several alt right twitter networks
they also leak on other boards on Sup Forums as well, be aware
Gas the kikes race war now
Fuck off, leddit.
Titles are stupid and lack full understanding of the complicated political climate.
It's like how MGTOW is. If men were really going their OWN way, they wouldn't be a part of "suck my dick monthly meetings" by joining a group.
How will TSR ever run cover?
leslie jones is alt right. she's actually the leader
We're not "Alt-Right". We are always right :^)
The (((alt right))) is a jew media invention. Like (((conspiracy theorist))) or (((healthy transvestites)))
Didn't the term "alt-right" come from a faggy nu-male journalist that was getting tired of being BTFO'd by internet troll that he assumed came from this board? IDK why Milo and others embraced it and tried to make it go mainstream.
I'm a Trumpublican desu
Why do we even need a new buzzword when we already have "far right" and so on?
it's all a meme.
we just hate everyone.
including you, shithead.
No we really just hate Jews here. Aside from that we don't have much of a single political ideology.
Fucking Jews though man...
Fuck the label "alt-right"
That homo Jew Milo who says he speaks for us is an infiltrator and not /ourguy/
Oldfag here, 8 years+. Ron Paul Revolution 2008 was the meme back then on /n/ - News
Sup Forums is an imageboard nominally focused on the topic of politics
It's users may be affiliated with a broad range of groups, but the board as a whole does not subscribe to any one ideology.
Hi newfriend :^)
Sup Forums is satire. I know a lot of the capital letters and infographics make it seem serious, but its just a wide spread and deep in-joke. The clue that has informed most new members recently is the worshiping of a frog, but you must have missed those posts.
Please do not think that any of us actually associate in any way with the 'alt-right', white supremacy, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, xenophobia, or any other bigotry. We are board of peace, and come together to satirically mock the bigotry that is so wide spread in western culture. However, should we be widely exposed, outsiders would no doubt, as you have, misconstrue the posting here as serious. In that vein, please kindly note all of the above then get the fuck out.
It's another bullshit label made up to section off people that the tumblrliberals and the media that controls them disagree with.
Alt right was a term for Trump supporters who weren't traditional conservatives.
No one on pol or even the Donald referred themselves as alt right. It was simply a label, not an organized movement.
The left has gone out of their way to label all of Trump's online supporters as "alt right nazis." Hillary herself did a small presser on the subject. By pigeonholing Trump's supporters as part of a fringe movement, they are attempting to impede Trump's ability to govern and scare away his normie supporters.
This is an obvious Brock move.
This spencer clown is being given a voice by left wing periodical "the atlantic" (who paid for his press conference.
CTR shills are now on sites larping as "alt-right neo nazis" in an attempt to divide and conquer.
Don't fall for it!
Don't allow yourselves to be labeled!
Shills are everywhere.
(Pic very related)
This guy gets it.
Don't fall for CTR divide and conquer.
That text should be a sticky.
Most of us are alt-right, then there's some who are natsoc, fascist, paleoconservative, anti-establishment, libertarian etc. I guess you can group then all into the alt-right but it's intellectually lazy.
There is no "alt right." It was merely a label to explain nontraditional trump supporters. (as opposed to the usual bible thumping, braise jebus crowd).
I wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment, but this place is just as guilty of using labels to unfairly demonise and discredit groups of individuals.
In fact I go as far to say the increasing use of labels is part of the reason for the massive dumbing down of political discussion that has occured over the last decade. It simplifies the argument and allows for incorrect, false simplified answers to complex problems. To extend on this I feel like the internet has exacerbated this due to the proliferation of content that only requires a short attention span. That sort of content is far more engaging and it's messing with people's brains so that they can no longer (or at the very least no longer seek out to) engage in long form, complicated content that provides a greater perspective on the issue.
It's killing politics in the western world (as people continue to shit all over and forget about progress that took 100s of years) and this place, and many others, are without question part of the problem.
its all meme fagit kys
Donald Trump is not Hitler. I don't see why people are making a big deal about him disavowing Neo-Nazi behavior
I would say yes, but only from the shitlib's definition of the term alt-right, in which they made a big tent for us deplorables.
We're mostly just on the right end of the spectrum, and tend to be pro-nationalism, and oppose things such as political correctness.
We tend to insult Christians for being sensitive, too, and now its moved on to feminists and the like for being sensitive. Whoever tries to impose PC, gets it.
Most people here could be considered "alt-right" if we're to take that label to mean what the media has made it into. That means they have typical paleoconservative values, which seem far right in this day and age.
A good chunk is also properly far right, natsoc, what have you. This chunk overlaps with the preceding group.
Then there is a tiny slice of libertarians, who are in my experience unwelcome and derided as liberals.
All in all, Sup Forums is a bit of an echo chamber but you can find a few people willing to have a productive discussion so it's not entirely correct to assume that this is the home of the "alt-right", a label with specious origins to begin with.
>Hello, I am a newfag
no one here calls themselves alt right we are the progressive right or the progressive conservatives
He has to govern the whole country, of course he's not going to say he agrees with them even if he does. Trump is not and has never been alt-right anyway, he just indirectly advances their cause.
'm an independent/somewhat middle grounded, prob closer to a left libertarian instead of a right authoritarian. I just really hate the extremism that all of this election stuff is getting to. I'm a minority here though.
This is all satire
>gas the jews, race war now
I mean who would unironically want to do that. It's not like the jews ever did anything
Humans need to stereotype and simplify in order to have any hope of understanding their world, but I suggest that the pushing of the "alt-right" label is particularly insidious since it's pushed by The Media™ in order to serve The Narrative™. It's not an organic growth like "SJW", it's manufactured (in our parlance, a forced meme).
Right. Haha and I love hummus! Haha
this is no doubt the most important bastion of the alt-right on the internet
and they are getting BTFO right now and lose their minds
i knew this though
Alt Right is just a term
>I suppose we are
>some of us are not
>we still support trump for other reasons; most of us weren't enacting violence anyways
alt right is a good idea, but they're not ready for prime time
The alt-right doesn't even exist. It's a name made up by a few youtubers and someone in the hillary campaign.
Nailed it
As always, first post is best post.
Sup Forums is a meme factory, but hardcore people like project purge and storm front and daily stormer shill here to recruit memesters. intelligence agencies come here to manipulate them, and I come to research all this slide into crowdsourced dictatorship and also troll
CNN and hillary are the ones that ran with "the alt-right"
We are a board of peace
So what is the alt right outside of Sup Forums? Whenever I see an article about it they're usually referring to a Sup Forums troll with anime or pepe avatars spamming racist stuff on twitter... so is Sup Forums and maybe reddit the entire "movement?" Oh and I guess that nutjob Tila Tequila? If so, then who gives a fuck?
>Hello, I am newfag.
lurk more faggot
If you're serious about this question, its a mix of things:
AmRen and Daily Stormer are the "white nationalist" and yes, the more hardcore racist elements.
Hestia and Neoreaction form a large and imo more intellectual faction otherwise.
There's Unz, etc, with paleoconservatives and the like. One could argue manosphere owns a place too.
Basically its opinions all over, unified only in that they are "deplorable" whether it is anti-feminist, anti-diversity, anti-democracy, or the like.
>Humans need to stereotype and simplify in order to have any hope of understanding their world
This I totally disagree with. If you stereotype and simplify then you don't understand the world.
People don't want hard answers or hard truths, they want simplified bullshit and this is the case across the political spectrum. This election didn't have any policy discussed because the vast majority can not handle talking about difficult, complicated issues with no simple, correct answer to associate with. That's why it was useless bullshit and twitter memes. It was an embarrassment on both sides, in my opinion, and I'm sure it's the new normal.
Politics is supposed to be boring and tedious, because when you get down to it, the real day to day, then it is both those things. But the news media needs to spin these things to get you listening. They need to make their cheese and they've done that by repackaging politics into this exciting, dramatic story where there are only winners and losers.
> but I suggest that the pushing of the "alt-right" label is particularly insidious since it's pushed by The Media™ in order to serve The Narrative™. It's not an organic growth like "SJW", it's manufactured (in our parlance, a forced meme).
I, again, disagree with this. SJW is as dangerous as Alt-Right because both terms are routinely used to paint both the left and right in ugly, simplified and stereotypical ways. Ways that force the political discourse between the two to the fringes and separates people. That's the real narrative, but I'd be surprised if most people here, who are happy to engage in that simplified, Us vs Them style of new politics would ever even bother to consider if they're still getting played.
Also I feel like the same way many here reject the term Alt-Right for being an unfair (simplified!) representation of people's thought and feelings many on the left feel the same about being painted as an SJW.
People are complicated and different.
Alt-right was created by libtards to group people together and shit talk them. It doesn't mean anything. Sup Forums isn't a part of it.
Good. Fuck the nazi's. They ruined a perfectly good movement by taking innocent lives.
Had they be more careful we might have actually accomplished something.
I mean seriously, have you ever wondered why the Alt-Right is a leftists worse nightmare and an SJW the rightists worse nightmare? They're caricatures and labels designed to make you hate and despise the opposition. You begin to think of those against you in those visual ways and go straight to that caricature. It stops any sort of engagement between people and retains the political and economic establishment.
These terms push the conversation to the very fringes, away from the shared sentiments and opinions and towards the very definition of evil. It's shameful that so many are duped by this. The internet has made it too easy.
Pol is pol. Alt right is alt right.
Sup Forums is satire. Now fuck off kike.
Look up the definitions of
Then look up
Then you tell me
Alt-right is a trick to isolate anti-liberals, the only label we need is American then we dominate the cultural war. Alt-right is a shill label.
I wish I had something to add, more than just "I agree completely," but there it is. This is why it's so difficult to get anything done now, is because everyone believes the other side is either an SJW cuck or a alt-right racist fascist. No one wants to meet in the middle anymore and have a genuine discussion.
That is the beauty of ditching labels.
Once we meet at the middle it will be a national socialist conclusion as there is no other way to satisfy both the borders and the safety net without it.
Pol = alt-right
Always has been up until today when their ideology was mocked and rejected by nearly all of society.
This is what happens when you give a bunch of autists a computer and tell them they are smart and should start a political movement.
Watching pols implosion is sad to watch to be completely honest.
>I wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment, but this place is just as guilty of using labels to unfairly demonise and discredit groups of individuals.
True. Nevertheless the Left has made it part of their mantra to take on as many labels as possible so they really do it to themselves.
Believe what you want, as long as you're willing to have a discussion when we get there, and not just instantly go full Night of the Long Knives.
We're just memeing bro
Eternal Anglo is right desu
Sup Forums is the front line. shills are deployed from redit and tumblr. we argue they leave. this is fucking stalingrad
And we keep all our guns, illegals get deported, no more birthright citizenship etc. but you guys chose Hillary instead of Bernie so thats your bad.
Your tears are delicious CTR, and your party will die.
We where never Alt-right faggot, you just want to label us because it makes us an easier target.
Most of us are far left leaning, we despise the right wing and love communism.
Sup Forums is fashy, always has been.
I guess the fact that none of you agree implies that it's not a unified board with one ideology.
>said the bong as he prepped the bull
We never heard of 'alt-right' or 'breitbart' before. So we're not sure where the confabulation is coming from.
Our Lord and Savior, has and will always be Dr. Ron Paul.
Wonderful. I bet your fat-clogged arteries felt a warm rush of diabetic pride at conceiving that insult.
May aswell be because they are all fucking retarded.
Yes they are. You think they've always been wanting republicans elected? There was a time when this board worshipped RON FUCKING PAUL.
>said the bong as the bull mounted his 4/10 (by American standards) British wife, later inseminating her with a mixed child that the bong would soon raise as his own
You're projecting a stereotype on to me. I didn't support Hillary and voted for Bernie in the Primary. Even then, Bernie isn't my ideal candidate because I detest the way he tends to demonize corporations and the wealthy, as well as continues to push the myth that manufacturing can be brought back as a major source of employment. I also dislike how he solely focuses on colleges when he talks about higher education, and never mentions trade schools as a path to success.
I'm looking for someone who can bring all peoples of the nation together without demonizing individuals as "the cause" of some plight. My search for that candidate continues.
Your only "plight" is get a job and leave you ideology behind.
This is a land of freedom, and you all failed to rob it from us. The end.
i want facepunch to leave
Never forget /n/.
We're not alt-right. We just want to see the world burn or alternatively, Make America Great Again.
I sense some projecting, and I have yet to understand what freedoms "we" (whatever that means), are taking away from you. Care to elaborate my fashy friend?
I'm pro gun, and believe that Obama's current immigration policy of deporting violent criminals is the correct one (a plan that's exactly the same as Trump's current immigration policy minus a wall). I am for birthright citizenship, but I have a feeling having a discussion about its merits isn't going to happen here.
Liberals absolutely btfo
All election campaign they tried to smear /ourguy/ with accusations of racism and nazism.
Now even the liberal media admits Donald Trump is the people's champion who has the moral authority and mandate to heal the racial divisions engineered by Obama and Hate Monger Hillary.
Easy. Gun control and freedom of speech.
My right to say anything that isn't slander or libel and my right to keep any common use weapon as stated in the laws of this land.
Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
We're not even an homogenous group.
We don't even know why are we united here. And this "united" is arguable.
The only requisite is not to go to cry to your safe spaces when you're called a faggot.
Isn't it amazing how labels can cause you to generalize entire groups? I don't want your guns friend. I grew up in backwoods Indiana, Kentucky, and Northern Minnesota. Do you think I give a damn what you do with your guns?
As for your freedom of speech, you can say what you want. That being said, there's a difference between saying something as a part of a larger point or to emphasize a statement, and simply being rude for the sake of being rude. I agree, SJWs go to far, but that doesn't mean that saying nigger to a black person's face because you think its funny when they get mad is socially acceptable. You do you though
if the alt right is just a buzzword, then why did god emperor Trump fall for it?
checkmate in 6th dimension
Despite what people say, yes. Being alt-right at it's core means being etho-nationalists and fighting racial hypocrisy. Most of Sup Forums fits that.
The term was coined and propped up by the media.
Months ago on twitter there were #whatisaltright / #altrightis
^ the media trying to create a fake trending hash tag so people would know the term and the people would fill in a set of rules/ideologies "alt right" follows.
Ive seen it manufactured. Its fake.
Sup Forums is as alt-right as much as you get poontang, which is to say none at all.
Do you want All Right to mean Natzee?
Then what is the Alternative Left? BLM, Black Panthers, Miss Black America?
You know, you have to agree to be a slave.
>Just like the concept of "liberals", the "media" is just a meaningless buzzword invented by the (((insert something here))) so they lump an entire, disconnected group of people under a single name that is easy to blame or discredit.