All along white people have been the evil empire. I knew it!
>how does it feel to be the bad guy in real life and in science fiction?
All along white people have been the evil empire. I knew it!
>how does it feel to be the bad guy in real life and in science fiction?
Hating white people is now MAINSTREAM!
So... Why is the "perfect genetic code" that their clone army is based on from a non-white?
Shouldn't they be cloning Aryans?
Playing the game Tie Fighter on PC was my first redpill as a kid. Right off the bat the game refers to the rebels as terrorists and the empire as the safe keepers of the galaxy.
I think it's time for a boycott campaign.
I will now play only as the empire on battlefront. Thanks for the heads up.
fix your font rendering just christ
anything you say on this board is like dust in the wind
you fix your font rendering
So he is saying only whites are human?
And do you know what that "Evil" Empire did. Brought order and peace to the galaxy that the Republic couldn't do. Crime lords were made an example of and fringe systems were protected. War like races were subdued.
What happened after the Empire started to collapse and the New Republic was formed? Massive famines in the fringe systems, bandit raids on supply convey, gangsters once again oppressing the people. What does the Rupublic say about all this? "Not my problem.".
I would rather take the Empire, even if they were douchebags. At least they actually wanted order.
>that font rendering
what in the fuck
it wasn't originally a white supremacist group I guess this self hating cuckboy just now decided to be..
So now we have SJW Wars instead of STAR Wars
>Hollywood has so much money for marketing that they can basically force a film's success
I was upset at first, but it sort-of fits in the lore.
Mostly humanoid officers and soldiers in the empire. 'Alien' forces only used as Aux, and by Rebels.
It doesn't bother me overmuch as the writer trying to shoehorn it in extra.
So instead of getting troopers who are morally ambiguous;
>I'm just following orders, I don't really care about you.
>we are ebil space nayzies; remember the 30,000,000,000 on Alderan
same with the music industry
>here's a little bit of info for you
>as you know wands are used in magic
>traditionally/historically wands are made of wood
>holly wood was used specifically for sleep magic
>"hollywood" has been casting spells on a dumb populice for 100 years :(
Darth Vader is literally Space Hitler!
and holly is associated with Saturn
What is that profile pic? A bunch of libcucks on kikebook have it.
star wars rebels
Why does Liberal Hollywood keep turning out flop after flop of nigger worshiping trash?