Trump has officially disavowed the alt-right. Looks like you fags got played like a fiddle
Even though we're not the alt-right, trump as president benefits us here more than hillary. I don't care what he thinks of it personally.
Of course hes going to say that lol
We know better. Plus its nothing for Sup Forums to drop the alt-right title and just use something else.
We arent going anywhere.
Sup Forums is a board of peace
anime ackbar
who's the alt right?
we're just regular right
JIDF? He's been disavowing us all year dumdum. Trump is not one of us...yet.
>Sup Forums is the alt-right
It seems that the media has played you like a fiddle. You just believe anything they tell you. There aren't any """organized"" right-wing group or movement that most people from this board associate with
were not the alt right. were the meme right
256kbit holographic chess
Who gives a fuck about these labels? Are you a sjw?
Spencers a useful idiot. For the liberals, that is.
1. the left made up the term "alt-right" to smear anyone who disagrees with them on the internet
2. We troll the idiot media and DNC into thinking it is a real thing
3. media picks up on it Idiot ADL calls Pepe a symbol of hate, idiot Clinton talks about Pepe in a speech
4.all the chans laugh
5. idiot stormfags think "alt-right" is an actual thing and start calling themselves "alt-right"
6.faggots and TCR shills go back to step 1.
I don't see him disavowing "the alt-right", but a bunch of people who hailed him like Hitler. Of course he would disavow them, the journalists would make sure of that. They may even have asked him : "See, this is the alt-right, do you disavow them?"
Everyone of us would do the same if elected President of the US. He's not a fucking nazi.
LOL, you think you know us....
/pol is not alt right, we are a religious board, PRAISE KEK!
Sup Forums yet again proves itself as the most sheepish board on Sup Forums that falls for populists
implying Sup Forums is the (((alt-right))) stupid fuckin media meme label
Nobody here is "alt-right".
Why? Because "alt-right" is a boogeyman inflated by the media based on what essentialy was a marketing strategy by richard spencer.
There is no alt right.
Try to find a ideological cosistency between Milo Yannopoulos and Richard Spencer. Protip: you can't.
We are national conservatives, paleoconservatives, national socialists, fascists, anti-globalists etc.
>Everyone of us would do the same if elected President of the US. He's not a fucking nazi.
You must be new here.
Very much checked. And perfectly said.
Sup Forums isn't the alt right you fucking retard
I seriously hope you didn't identify with them
Good thing we were never alt-right. It was always just a term the media threw around
Not like he has much of a choice in doing that. He's still /ourguy/.
Anyone who actually embraced this title is a retard. Which is why it was co-opted by "normies".
I also don't care what Trump says publicly. What matters is what he does. Although he has been "cucking" in interviews.
OP is a newfag
So very true. It was a wild ride trolling the media and watching their heads explode and sitting back laughing.
Kek speaks
Sup Forums is not Alt-Right, it's Politically Incorrect
Thinking neonazism is right at all
Kek has spoken.
The alt-right isn't real anyway
Also Sup Forums must stay in the shadows if we are to operate
No such thing as Alt-Right you absolute fucking knob. It's a meme spread by Sup Forums psy-op trolls(not kidding) and the leftist groups seized on it and now label anyone that disputes them under the same sphere of influence.
Praise Kek!
Sup Forums is always right, not alt right.
not even that. He's likely from twitter
Jesus fucking christ, Kek is real.
Praise Kek.
When the fuck has pol ever been "alt right"? It's a literal name invented by kilebart and championed by faggots like milo and other degenerates in it for a quick buck (gavin)
Subtle troll
>thinking alt-right is a real thing
you should check your brain folds
>Trump not in Sup Forums leesh, eating those "yammies" from its palm, after every trick he makes.
>not seeing trough operation "connect-and-conquer" of Sup Forumss deepest dwelling monsters.
>not pleb
Checked, kek'd and rekt.
Nicely done sir. Perfectly summarized the situation at hand.
god damn you leftists are getting desperate
Oh no, he should have explicitly endorsed an amorphous ideology that ranges from anarchism to totalitarian enforced genocide, yeah that would have turned out well, people would be posting everything that shows up on Sup Forums as if its something trump supports, and be calling for his impeachment tomorrow
How many thread does this fake-news need?
We never wanted to be labeled as Alt-right.
Literally not what happened at all.
Alt-right was a term used by race realists. Then Brietbart and Milo got a hold of it and tried to make their anti-SJW stuff "alt-right", but it didn't really work. Then the media got a hold of it and started to use it to describe all Trump supporters to lump them in with "racists".
To be honest all this confusion is Milos fault mostly.
Alt-right is a stupid label to be honest but all you cuckservative newfags scared of being called Nazis make me sick.
Who else here is convinced that Spencer is a leftist sleeper agent?
Because of this shit nobody will take this board seriously unless we banned everyone under 21 years old
Dude we're not even Alt-Right, that was just a way to label us, and what we are. Simply because they knew they couldn't target us without a name. The people here have differing views. The only one who keeps spouting the Alt-Right meme here, is that faggot Milo and his faggot fanbase cronies.
ahahah Sup Forumstards in shambles
>b-but we never been alt right it's just propaganda from libtards
>1. the left made up the term "alt-right" to smear anyone who disagrees with them on the internet
that's why i love you interent politicucks, you spend all day accusing the other side of the very things you do yourself.
>the right made up the term "sjw" to smear anyone who disagrees with them on the internet
Because he's the president America deserves, but not the one it needs right now.
also I wonder whit what names they will come up in the future so far
>internet hate machine
>hackers on steroid
>domestic terrorists
I'd disavow a strawman created by the mainstream media as well. what's your point?