>no family, no children
>just "dedicated whole life to fighting"
>yfw "warrior monk" is military slang for "raging homosexual"
Why are some people on this board defending this sort of degeneracy?
>no family, no children
>just "dedicated whole life to fighting"
>yfw "warrior monk" is military slang for "raging homosexual"
Why are some people on this board defending this sort of degeneracy?
Other urls found in this thread:
Mattis is a bad ass
Be afraid
You don't know what you're talking about. Mattis has almost slayed as much pussy as he has towel heads. Almost.
If you seriously get stuck up on homosexuality this bad maybe you should just accept eternal defeat.
boy pussy is just alt right term man.
Nothing wrong with gay people, focus on the real problem instead.
Proofs? His family life is kind of missing something... most likely a husband.
Shills go away
If he kicks the rapefugees out and keeps them out he can get ramrodded by Oscar and Mike 20 times a day for all I give a damn.
it does not work this way
you claim he is a faggot
you must post something that approves your theory, or get set of repeating numbers at post end
Do we even really care about homosexuality? Seems like a non issue to me. I sincerely don't care. The man is a savage and a true leader and a brilliant tactician. I fear nothing with him as Secretary of Defense.
Also, fuck Amos.
I don't have a family or children. Am I gay?
yes, according to Sup Forums's airtight autism logic.
Dont care if he's a faggot or not, still one of the better towel head slayer & strategist we have.
Learn to greentext redbitor
I'd you're looking for an opinion to mimic, yes homosexuality is disgusting and against the bible
wow its not a leaf
But sometimes it takes a wizard to make it work.
fuck off kike
>all of Sup Forums is gay because they are virgins.
I'm gay but I'm not a virgin
Damn. I should probably tell my friends so they can send the death squad. It's been nice...
>all gays are virgins
>wants a picture of General Mattis sucking a cock and getting rammed in the ass
I mean his private life is pretty lacking, don't you think? I googled "General Mattis women" and the pic related came first: even he is laughing at the idea of having a nice female booty to bang. Already because of his marine background he is more likely to do some ass pirating than pussy slaying.
For example General Petraeus is a true alpha male. He was chasing that pussy so bad that they eventually had to sack him because of it.
Yes you are Mattis.
He's a Zionist shill AND a faggot?
Don't Ask.
Don't Tell.
Fuck off faggot, Sup Forums loves traps and boipussy to.
a few mine can just rise above the need and devote themselves to something. something like killing and war.
Give it a try. My closet case friend felt a lot better after he was able to confirm that we were just having fun making gay jokes and didn't really care.
War rape isn't degeneracy, son.
>he doesn't know about hitler's gays
I came here to post this
say that to his face faggot.
don't ask, don't tell bruh
Of course he must be a gay if he isn't married. It's not like a gay man has ever married a woman
Fuck off fag maybe he hasn't found the right one or doesn't trust them enough to marry them
Am I projecting?who are you my mother?fuck you!!!
Mattis is married to the battlefield.
To the gas chambers
I've been going to sea almost 30 years. Just never found a wife. It's tough to keep a relationship going when you are gone for long stretches.
If you really believe what you wrote, you are far more ignorant than those you wish to chastise.
Battlefield doesn't have a butt to fuck, although BF series is total ass.
You get awful lonely there don't you...
Tesla lost his taste for women. Maybe Mattis has just seen too much and he's going his own way.
U ever "swab the poop deck" on those long lonely sea journeys?
If you are asking in earnest; Sometimes. Mostly I'm pretty content.
*Qu'ran, mudshit.
You have a very narrow out look on life. You just assume these things about a man you have never met. You have no idea who he is. Not everyone is a degenerate. However he is a Marine and they love drawing dicks on everything. Marines are obsessed with dicks. Its really odd.
Kek...no...it's more like 5 years down the road you hear from somebody that "X and Y" were fags.
That sounds more like an eunuch desu.
>Masculinity is about trying to get cummies
>However he is a Marine and they love drawing dicks on everything. Marines are obsessed with dicks. Its really odd.
Military is gay as fuck, so maybe that's why marines excel in it so well?
He has to fuck men because women are to delicate for him.
modern ships don't have a poop deck.
I've heard what happens on submarines, stays on submarines. Is that true?
Try going to war, slaying adults and teenagers, then come home and try and blend into a PC society. Then try maintaining a marriage.
>Protip: you cant
t. US Army Infantry
>someone who hangs around other men is automatically gay
you need grow the fuck up you drunk finn
here is a more pertinent question: what do we do about the finnish problem?
in my estimation they give the leafs and abos a run for their money.
Mattis could fuck every mans ass in the entire USMC and still be 100 times the man any of us are.
WTF are you talking about? Mattis isnt a fucking faggot you fucking faggot.
Get fucked, our vice-commander in signal corps in reserve officer school was exactly like this guy. And everyone looked up to him.
Äitis on homo
Kuole syöpään
It was until fucking Mabus started letting roasties aboard the boats.
You wouldn't say shit to his face you pussy
Homo the way /k/ is homo, which is to say, ammo > hoes
These faggots were probably gay enough to get conscripted. Hope your ass didn't bleed while typing that.
>talking shit about Mad Dog Mattis
Get the fuck out and go pleasure yourself to Anthony Weiner's (((abs)))
"Powerpoint makes us stupid."
Gen. James Mattis
>Be afraid
>>Be very afraid
I killed 50 before the Tojo's blew off my shins
Usually I respect Finnish posters. Not today.
Mattis is a bad ass a real fucking general not some pentagon ladder climber who ass kissed his way to the top.
I expect better from you next time.
It is like he is some sort of holy person to you who is above all speculation and ejaculation... a bit like Prophet Mohammed...
>dissing one of our kick-ass generals
>thinks this would be a first
>has no comparable generals AT ALL in finlank
wew lad
Maybe he's asexual
TFW no good boipucci in Oki and liberty to PI is secured.
Your jealous is showing
Does Finland even have a military? What the hell do you people even do all day?
He's murdersexual, you twats.
Gen Mattis is not only not gay, but he is as redpilled about women as any longtime Sup Forums dweller. I actually personally know the guy, and know that he has taken a girlfriend now in his retirement.
>mfw Gen Mattis scolded me in 2007 for breaking up with my gf because she was a decent woman.
>m-muh general is gayer than yours
You are clearly getting an erection from this thread, don't you try to deny that.
stay strong burgerbro
>I actually personally know the guy
Yeah mate, I'm sure you do.
It's ok Finlad, big brother America will protect you since you can't protect yourself.
Who's defending it?
Fuck off CTR shill.
Not everyone is mentally ill finland
I'm sorry MCAS Miramar has more planes than the entirety of the RAF.
>this faggot projecting again
>saged and hidden
bout as believable as him not knowing the guy.
being gay is not the problem,being a faggot is
Was in USMC 05-14. Mattis was my CG IN 07-08
So what?
He's murdersexual
Killing people makes him happy