Do not reply to threads about
>the alt-right
>Richard Spencer
>Trump backpedaling on campaign promises
>Trump not pressing charges on Hillary
These are all disinfo threads created to demoralize us. Hide and sage, motherfuckers.

Other urls found in this thread:


thought something was up with all these retarded threads.


Don't feed the obvious trolls.

Its current year for fucks sake.

talk about echo chamber

Thanks for showing the way to the good threads

muh safe space

Typical shitbag fucktards that don't have either the intelligence nor the balls to deal with the truth

You ignorant scumbags want to MAGA - go an hero

...fucking stupid shitskins...

tfw dear leader doesn't even like you



looking at the catalog today

>omg guis richard spencer
>guis omg , dick spence!
>richard spencer, richard spencer

literally who?

and then

>hey guys can we all just agree [some blanket faggoty statement about alt right or pol]
>10 more exactly like this

i fucking hate kikes

"Drumpfkin" should wordfilter to "Benjamin Fischbein"

>Do not reply to threads about
>>the alt-right
>>Richard Spencer
>>Trump backpedaling on campaign promises
>>Trump not pressing charges on Hillary
>These are all disinfo threads created to demoralize us. Hide and sage, motherfuckers.




we need better ban system, it's obviously a raid.

>>Trump backpedaling on campaign promises
p-p-please dont point out how I got taken advantage of by a buffoon status-quo goon

Not just them, Reddit and Sup Forums are being monitored and slid at times by JTRIG


MODS, be careful about any new applications, they've invaded the mod group of several subreddits concerning Assange and 'other' Govt groups and delete/slide anything containing sensitive material

Hell, they've probably invaded the mod pool here years ago, but oh well.

tfw you live in an era where emotional appeals hold more weight than facts and people are too uneducated to care or even be aware of this

>disinfo threads created to demoralize us

The second part is probably true, but how can they be "disinfo" if they're factually accurate?

Richard Spencer is an embarrassing Nazi larper. Trump won't be prosecuting Hillary, overturning gay marriage or deporting more than a fraction of the illegals in the country.

Just suck it up and move on.


The election is over, buddy. Your God Emperor is now America's stress ball for the next 4 years.

Bump to slide other threads

You're all government shills now

leftypol is the future of pol

(You) are all so obvious.

Gonna copy pasta you op

> to demoralize us
It's maybe a little late for that, no ?

I saved that image from /r/EnoughTrumpSpam. Does it trigger you that I use multiple internet sites at once? Can you handle this real redpill or are you just going to collectively put your hands over your ears and shout CTR?

this 100% the fuck is going on

>they've invaded the mod group of several subreddits concerning Assange
The last couple days of this shit show I've become 100% sure that it's been because we're asking questions about Assange's location.

>we're still being raided weeks after the election
Sup Forums's ego is outta control

heil guys have you heard the latest news from a credible outlet that donald trump disavowed our alt right movement what a creep right we should burn our trump hats and make america clinton again we were never racist to begin with just confused and afraid now we can make it right again and say no to trump and his misogyny and antisemitism

ahahaha yes reddit faggot

bumping hard


Trumpgen is a fucking disaster right now, using same folder of common pepes plebbit used to try and fit in

Keep sticking to your safe space. Don't go out of your way to expose yourself to views that might challenge your own. Are you afraid of changing your mind? :)

Daily reminder that paid third-world trolls are using Canadian proxies to shitpost on Sup Forums. Do not reply to fucking leafs either.

I think what trumps done so far is awesome.

Hes saved ford jobs.
Raised the value of the dollar.
Raised the stock market.
Stopped war with Russia.
And hes not even president yet. Imagine what 4 years will be like.

Alt-right thanks to Spencer has stabbed trump. Us in the liberty movement, condemn nazis sabotaging trump. Believe what you want but dont sell out like spencer the nigger did.

totally canuk fuck

>Are you afraid of being wrong?

The fire rises

It's not CTR. It's butthurt Hillbots who can't get over Hillary's smug face being cracked. Remember they always used to post that smug Benghazi face? That face got fucking cracked in the jaw. How does it feel seeing that, Hillbots? CRACKED INTO A DOZEN PIECES.

that yeezy shit be real tho

The flood of CTR fags is lolz...le'reddit at it's finest. Probably trying to generate more CNN headlines.

you will be so tired of winning you will say please mister trump we are tired of winning please dont win anymore and donald trump will say we will keep winning and we will win win win we will make america great again

This, take a bump, OP.

He was talking about people giving Nazi salutes

Trump supporters aren't "alt-right" any more. Trump won the presidency. Now Trump supporters are just "right". Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz are the new "alt-right".


>The Clintons are good people
>I disavow most of the people who made me President
>Thank you New York Times for butt fucking me in your offices

You guys picked a real winner. Good job.

But trump knows what energizes us. Butt hurt liberal tears.

Thanks for the bumps. Now kindly fuck off

I browse sites from all over the political spectrum, take in information, make judgements, and use critical thinking to make up my mind. Do you know what critical thinking is?

Do they teach that in your education system at all? You know, your education system. That rack of magazines that shape your worldview, those ones you see at the mart when you're waiting behind 3 other sharters to buy your canned burgers and 2 litre sodas.


I'm so glad you made this thread. Fucking jewish tricks have no end. Fucking (((Alt Right))) "zeig heil" kek. It's so blatant. I guess CTR/JIDF got some more shekels from Soros?

Why the fuck are they still trying so hard? They lost.

Is it just residual tears or is there something more sinister at work here? I'm honestly enjoying my salt harvest the last couple weeks but wew, Sup Forums is a fucking shithole right now.

Newfags need to lurk more.
Pic related is a rough simplification.

I guess the only positive outcome is that they will destroy reddit even more when they go back.

>implying you can play 23 d chess and kill the other players

its just a game fagget , they will not be that rude as to hurt another player, thats why we got pieces who do the fight .

Canned burgers is a meme food for people to make YouTube videos about.

>hurrrrrr imma eating trek burger inna can guys

Also, they are from Germany, as was the very idea of burgers

You don't belong here

Sup Forums in a nutshell.


Oh look.
A fucking leaf.
Probably one of the infamous CTR leafs.
I hope you have a means of defending yourself. Your info is all over the chans. The other sites don't have qualms about personal info.

It's probably the same old butthurt JIDF shills we had before the murrican election

bump! Amen!

>be chilling out maxin shitposting on pol
>a horde of alt-right neckbeards storm into my house
>please m'sir, help us, we want out of our country and we heard from the CTR database that you're a tolerant, peace loving individual
>our country has been taken over by fascists, we were the useful idiots this whole time
>we want out

I will gladly welcome the Trumpfugees and furnish you with maple syrup and weed.

Not everything. Just BLM, Antifa, Open Society Foundation ...


Ive also noticed that Millenial hate thread are not just being pushed but, Pro """"""based gen z"""""" threads are being shilled.

They dont like how Sup Forums mostly millennials meme'd Trump in.




> (((shut down))) any conversation that doesn't support our master

>be ctr employee
>bump "ctr are shills" threads
My payouts are gonna be yuge!!



>bored SHIT lords larping as CTR for KEK's

>all CTR shills are going to be unemployed in January