Why are we so superior? What's the core reason for this? Why rest of the world looks up on us?
Why are we so superior? What's the core reason for this? Why rest of the world looks up on us?
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Americans feel jealous.
Without even realizing that if there was no German/Dutch immigration there land would be full of Irish negros, spics and more negros.
>list does not include big White countries, like France, Germany, USA, UK
People like those irrelevant shitholes because they're not threatening.
These country don't spend shit on defence. This will change soon. No more socialist policies for you.
This. Just feel-good circlejerky. People like you because youre irrelevant. Peope hate the strong ones.
Wash your poop hands.
>Poos in loos calling whites negros
Homogeneous comfy societies. What's there not to like?
the fuck is this?
most rapes from imigrants or somthing?
Why so self-hating Achmed-Sven
What kind of ranking is this and why are the cuck countries above Switzerland. Toothpaste if you fucked this up I swear I'll sell you to some sandnigger kingdom.
I would love to have some National socialist policies though.
May Kek (DBUH) make it so
The Ancient Romans conquered you white savages.
Without Mediterranean and Middle Eastern influence, you would still be running around with pointed sticks and sacrificing your children to some pagan deity.
Check 'em
>implying mountain niggers have ever done anything
you're a landlocked stepping stone for muslims who want to migrate to france or the UK
He's got a point tho.
This is pretty much a "countries I feel least threatened by" ranking.
Thanks for listing all the countries to be the next Greece/Spain. Socialism is writing a check your arse can't cash in 5-7 years. Hold onto your butts, more of europe will fail in 3-5 years.
Your snownigger country is not white either
>Next greece/spain
yeah.... no
Don't get too comfy whitey, I beez coming for those bitches and benifits soon enuf son.
Abdul has my ship ready >:)
There's Canada though, which is not homogeneous nor comfy
They're just a beta bitch country that isnt threatening
Damn it feels good to be swedish, getting head from liberals all over the world due to our moral superpower
Our pharma firms are making the drugs to treat your autism though
If Ireland is on the list it means its a meme ranking.
All we have going for us is relatively homogeneous whiteness.
Iktf brother
I guess being a cuckold has is benefits
>May Kek (DBUH) make it so
Can't let those got unchecked
for some
for others
>banks which is just a sensible answer to being surrounded by mountains and thus remain neutral
other others
>colonialism + some smart planning
remaining 3
>smart planning
Banks represent 6% of our GDP
Explain this
now. but it gave you a nice boost in the past.
Ofc once you’re full of money you can diversify economy
Love how you admit it, beta cuck. Know your place
Slovenia gets 5 billion € from EU, why can't it diversify economy?
because we gave back almost as much.
i think the difference between give-receive is about 300mil, which is nothing.
pic related
0%, toothpaste nigger
It's because Slovenians can't into business coban
to be fair (no pun intended) the irish are legit white. like, persil fucking white. takes those motherfuckers an entire week to turn pink on a beach.
Can I join?
we’re reluctant to sell companies to foreign investors, which may or may not be good in the future. We simply value what is ours, more than for example Estonia, Czech Rep., Slovakia. That’s why not that much money is poured into Slovenia because we’ve always done almost everything by ourselves.
I guess you could call that "can’t into business", but we like it that way and we’re self-sufficient and not complaining.
EU bureaucracy is another thing. Nothing that is given by the EU is actually fully received. EU get it back (most of it) one way or the other.
keked and saved
>we’re self-sufficient
>needs EU funds to boost economy
>needs NATO for protection
What these numbers even mean? Number of faggots per 100k?
Seems a dumb strategy to growth.
3 of the top 4 and big SJW hubs.
This is a piece of (((media))).
Wonder what could be behind this, I wonder...
Holland and Sweden are fucking lame. The rest are great.
Yes, goyim, follow in the footsteps of Sweden. Look how high they score on the (((((RepTrack Pulse)))))
I explained the EU. If you refuse to acknowledge it, you can at least stop shitposting.
NATO protection.. Against who?
if you let foreigner investors that buy companies in your country, you can’t really know whether or not they will decrease the standard and marginalise you. We’re a small country.
it worked for Estonia, but nobody here has the guts to do it because once you do it there’s no way back.
Kys nigger
We don't fall for alt-right/alt-left memes and instead favour nuance and govern our countries sensibly.
Literally nothing wrong with being alt-right though
So, are you saying slovenians cant handle foreign investment because it will bring money and help the country to grow?
What kind o investment will decrease the standard of living and marginalise citizens? Abortion hospitals? University of Faggotry?
>favours nuance
>Watches his government accept Xi's this week.
At least their streets don't look like this
Saxon Blood
That's why
There is, it's shite.
Lol who cares.
I'm struggling to see this as a civilisational issue, comrade. There's just too few trans people for any of their issues to be a problem imo
This 2bh
Like 5 members of Trinity's Qsoc will avail of that maybe. Why waste energy caring?
>reputation ranking
>actually caring what turbonormies think about anything
>getting this butthurt
I don't know about the rest of them, but sweden is fucked and does not deserve its reputation. But normies love their memes I guess.
fucking hell
What I need to do to become as great as Switzerland?
It's because they've realized you can maintain morality and function as a society without antiquated religious dogma dictating your every move. These countries are among the most secular in the world. Imagine how much nicer the middle east would be of they adopted modern secularism. Keeping some cultural influences from religion are okay, but following it by the letter unironically is cancer.
Bugger off poo
I don't know... Pray for a miracle?
India is a filthy country
You're right though. All of the above nations have a heavy white majority, and where there are nothing but whites there is nothing but prosperity and happiness. I'd go as far as to say that this factor is the only reason why they are better than the rest of the world in terms of happiness.
God isn't near us, I guess your religion should point a light. Are all swiss protestant?
being evil
stop responding to that poo
>Are all swiss protestant?
No. That's not it. We got plenty catholics, protestants, jews, hardcore jews, spaghettitarians, buddhists, paganists, atheists, and maybe even a bunch of muslems.
Then we should be 1st
I'm so envy of Switzerland.
We can't have guns to kill thieves. There was an old lady who killed a thief with a gun she inherited, she was sued. Another guy who worked for Uber killed 3 niggas who stole him. He was in the army, so he could have a gun but they are doing everything possible to deny him this right.
We aren't free economically and most of the taxes just sustain the real thieves who steal everyday. It's not even news.
Our media is even worse than that of the US. Theres no alternative view.
Shits depressing.
suck your joint like a good netherregions and listen to my facts
>and where there are nothing but whites there is nothing but prosperity and happiness
Yeah what about slavs then?
Nice facts you got there
Is that what it means to have the highest rape rate in the world? Does that make you better than everyone?
Slavs are aryans
This meme needs to stop
We are more aryan than slaves
>a site Huffington actually shills for
Doesn't mean shit when we're all miserable as fuck.
>highest rape rate in the world
Yeah, pick one m8
Shut the fuck up snow nigger gook
we must say goodbye to one of us lads