This guy just came from nowhere to be the face of the "alt-right". It's another mainstream media trick. Don't fall for it.
Daily Reminder
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Literally who ?
The (((media))) is trying to have people like us get in a feud with Trump over whether he is disavowing what is probably a controlled op setup event (hail trump). Don't fail for it.
We are on top now keep strong and stay together.
Perfect. Let's keep him that way.
He's been in the movement for years, he started back in 2009.
>He's been in the movement for years, he started back in 2009.
He's a LARPing faggot. Nobody says "hail" in the US. He is there to delegtimize Trumps movement.
The jewish tricks truly have no end.
The controlled opposition (((creator))) of the (((Alt Right)))
He's clearly a fag! Look at that hair and face, I bet you he's got a butt plug deep in him in the pic.
alright user.
Here's your (you)
That is a textbook controlled opposition.
Anyone who thinks otherwise is probably too stupid for this board.
exactly. Nothing to see here.
might aswell sage this shit.
Forced meme of the week! I'm sure that even this post was written by him. He is not our queen, but I would fuck him in the mouth!
Spencer was Sup Forums tier before you even knew what Sup Forums was. He created the Alternative Right.
Before Sup Forums was, Spencer waited for him.
People are fucking dumb.
Fucking retard still living in the past. Rather than promoting a "New Nationalism", they're trying to resurrect the movement of the German National Socialists from EIGHTY fucking years ago!
It's so delicious to see the natsocs implode.
What's amazing to me is that there are people who regularly post on Sup Forums, yet had no idea who Richard Spencer was until yesterday.
What the fuck do you even do here?
I thought Bannon was the face of the Alt-Right.
Coined the term in 2008
Has been doing NPI conferences for years
The reason he came out of nowhere is because HRC started talking about the alt-right
Pic related created the alt right and has been helping Trump gain support since day 1. Spencer or whoever it is hasnt done anything but further push the idea that trump is hitler 2.0
They are total new fags or Cointel pro
He's knew to you? I've been following him for more than a year now.
Don't worry guys I'm here for you.
Protip: Most of Sup Forums hasn't watched The Greatest Story Never Told.
Yes, but Milo is a gay jew, so was untouchable by the media unless they wanted to be called Nazi homophobes.
"le straight white male man" makes for a much easier target for the media to attack.
I had never even heard of Dick until someone started to spam that pic here fairly recently. Where exactly did he came from and what's his game? Is he in it for the money, is he a spook, or is he just a fool?
Sup Forums seems to have gone full retard after Trump disavowed the alt-right, as if he would do anything other when asked directly whether he supported white nationalists or not.
I still don't even know who he is. Isn't his name Richard Spencer or something?
Can the shills please leave now? The election's over and it's time for you to go back.
Spencer's been involved in WN since forever. I remember listening to Vanguard radio back in 2011 when he'd interview Jonathan Bowden before he died. The dude's legit, it's not our fault you don't pay attention enough.
I thought Fins were smart. How fucking new are you?
It was a bit of a joke. Unedited, he also says Heil Pepe afterwards and everyone laughs
no one is
Like 80% of Sup Forums arrived since the GOP primaries. We've hit about a third of all posts ever made on this board since May
So in your trailer park smartness is defined by having heard of this retard? Wew. You might want to start your life from the beginning, Jeff.
Maybe this nigger was in some white nationalism scene of yours from the year 1957, but why would I pay attention to some random guy of zero consequence? Protip: I wouldn't. The only reason I even remember his face is precisely for the reason I stated: threads about him were spammed here recerntly (as in 2-4-month range maybe). You don't have to like it, and maybe you've been riding Dick's penis for your entire life and he's very, very meaningful to you, but to me he's a total nobody.
Literally never heard this faggots name until a day or two ago.
he's just a loser, who was picked up by CIA or FBI for controlled opposition. Best job in the world. You're getting paid to talk shit.
I came here with moot after my tank is fight you all don't know shit About this site and the alt right Spencer what's his face and even milo are literally nobodies that have only popped up on this site in the last two years.
Stop larping
the (((((alt-right)))))) mastermind, who is totally a real thing and not a kike lugenpress invention, is bigger faggot than perez hiltion
He now says he's going to tour College campuses on a speaking tour like Milo did...
Sup Forums is fine enough as it is with no one telling it what to do; chaotic, organic, self-corrects, no leader.
Stay on course, believe and bantz with each other.
Don't follow a so called leader telling you who your are, what you represent, what you do, etc.
Be it Milo or this literally who.
Support Trump in the shadows, we don't need His outright acknowledgement.
The future of Western civilization is much greater than Him.
Sup Forums is great at making memes, not dividing itself over a literal who.
Only stormcucks get hard-ons for Literally Wew.
He's the new media darling after all.
> keep strong and stay together.
You're worse than the Spencer shills. This is an anonymous Iranian pillow sewing forum, not a fucking group therapy session.
Does he really, I am less annoyed then.
No, it's a real thing. They're just this cringeworthy
Be careful, there are plenty of inflators today who will argue with you and tell you that it IS real!
Great film
really makes you think
Lurk moar then fag
>he started back in 2009.
Yet he didn't make so much as a whisper for the whole election.
Now I wonder why that could be?
Hey Chad. Its ok to be gay.
He has been talking of WN for quite awhile my man
great speech,
then he fucked it up at the end.
This projection
The Jews came up with the alt right meme for Hillary Clinton
The mainstream media is dead and buried
Have you guys ever read stuff like Radix or Counter Currents.
The alternative right is a real thing. I don't think Sup Forums is alt-right, it's more of a trolling operation than anything else, but there is a such thing as the alt-right.
Saying that the left invented the term "alt-right" and that Richard Spencer and Ramzpaul are government agents posing to make you all look racist is falling into the cuckservative trap.
Newfags need to double back to /r/the_donald
Daily reminder at last half of Sup Forums does nothing but shitpost and bait.
>the alt-right is a group that has a (((leader)))
better cuckservative than nazi
I really hope you're just false-flagging and aren't actually this cucked.
>This is an anonymous Iranian pillow sewing forum, not a fucking group therapy session.
Upvoted, golded. The whole hugbox and safe space mentality some niggers on this board insist on is retarded. This is not your safe space. This is not your hugbox. If you need that shit, go register on or
You are right, I notice there are a lot more moderates on here since the election.
I've seen "Democrats are the real racists" posted I don't know how many times, I thought we were over that.
Thanks for telling me how to take in this information.
What did he say about Trump? Don't be shy now.
What was he doing saying about Trump during the election? Because he's sure as shit quick to start saluting Der DrumfenFurher now isn't he?
> Radix or Counter Currents.
Why the fuck would I read some nowhere little blogs. You see this flag? You think here to lap up more deadend identity politics from you?
> Saying that the left invented the term "alt-right" and that Richard Spencer and Ramzpaul are government agents posing to make you all look racist is falling into the cuckservative trap.
Did they put you assholes in a salt mine for the last two years? Do you even know what "alt-right" means in contemporary usage? Do you think for a second that Mr Cuck Spence over here can claim to have serious connection with what's been going on since 2014? Because he registered "" and probably 30 other domain names back in 2009?
This guy is a con artist. He probably charged those journalists $50 a head to get in, made bank, then got paid by the Atlantic to have people salute at the end, then got paid for the video after.
Literally no-one heard of this guy around here for the 18 months of this election. That alone should tell you all you need to know.
This is a transparent media strawman.
He's a massive faggot, but you're wrong about him coming from nowhere, he's been around for a while, he coined the term alt right back in 2008 i believe, you're more than likely just a newfag.
I hope he gets stabbed by an antifa goon.
Milo and Spencer sittin' in a tree...F-U-C-K-I-N-G
Fucking jew COINTELPRO JIDF CTR DNC KKK NWO shit man. The jewish tricks have no end.
>In November 2008, Paul Gottfried addressed the H. L. Mencken Club about what he called "the alternative right"
he didn't coin shit
Don't follow him on Twitter or Gab. If you have either, delete your accounts.
This retard is another plant, just like David Duke. They're going to ruin everything our egregore has accomplished through all these years.
Seriously, fuck him. How can someone be so fucking retarded as to yell "Heil Trump" and make the nazi salute while being labeled as "the face of the alt-right" and being fucking recorded on TV?
This is what the "alt-right" has become. Another media owned puppet dartboard. I too disavow this bullshit. We need no tags. Reject ANYBODY who claims to be the face of something. We're anonymous, and should have no spokesmen or anything alike.
He didn't even say anything that bad
What's the big fucking deal
He's literally following a list of things SJWs claimed Trump represents
>out of nowhere
what is hail to the chief?
"Coming out of nowhere" in writing about and publishing this stuff about White Identity for 10 years and coining the phrase Alternative Right?
The Cucks are outing themselves
Why are there like 10 threads on this right? Welp, repostin' this again.
The roman salute is just how we say hello
I don't know, they are revealing their low powerlevel though. Or shills, always a possibility.
Nice Cernovich talking points. Your hero is a jew, a simple book merchant.
TRS needs to actively purge Sup Forums
>This guy just came from nowhere to be the face of the "alt-right"
he has been for months newfag
Yep, just enthusiasm for our fellow man
Who is this fag bloke?
I can't handle all this proof of muh controlled opposition, please slow down
Why does everyone keep posting this faggot.
>fucking kill yourself.
The ai is getting closer and closer to resembling a human.
Because there was this one video and of course you should know every literally who involved on its production.
It's almost as if there's a deliberate effort to spread certain information here.
Really made me think.
He didn't 'come from nowhere' you just hadn't heard about him because you are clueless. Ergo you have nothing to say on the matter and your opinion is dogshit.
>Sup Forums
Jesus christ these shills
Spencer and his sycophants have been shitting up the board worse than the CTR shills did before the elections.
He is nothing to 99% of us, but he has been jammed down our throats the last few days. He is drawing a lot of very negative attention to himself . I am pretty sure that he is the reason behind Trump publicly disavowing the so-called "Alt-Right".
He is the asshole that the (((MSM))) is pointing at to discredit you and I, and I don't want any association with him. Identity politics is what broke the left, and his brand of it will break the Right.