>Trump denied that he had energized the alt-right, but again disavowed the movement.
>“I don’t want to energize the group, and I disavow the group,” Trump said. “It’s not a group I want to energize. And if they are energized I want to look into it and find out why.”
>Trump separated former Breitbart Executive chairman Steve Bannon from the alt-right moment, insisting that his chief advisor was not a racist.
>“I’ve known Steve Bannon a long time. If I thought he was a racist, or alt-right … I wouldn’t even think about hiring him,” he said.
I honestly don't even know why I'm surprised. Fucking pathetic.
Seriously how autistic is OP to think any public official would be pro alt right.
James Morris
Who the fuck told you faggots that Sup Forums is associated with the alt-right? It boggles the mind
Christopher Thomas
What the fuck is the alt right?
Grayson Perry
How sick are you guys of winning right now?
Why is Trump publicly getting on his knees and sucking the left's herpetic penis? Is he literally a cuck?
Jayden Ortiz
Do you think something has changed over the past few weeks? People still don't believe your narrative, nerd virgin. You know what normal people do when they fail miserably? They try something new.
Charles Perry
It's because Richard Fucking Spencer destroyed the Alt-Right brand within a few hours. It went from 'outsider right' to 'nazism' because of this fucking sperg-artist
Dylan Richardson
>Trump disavows racism
>Fuck Trump
The fuck do you people want? He could declare that white people are evil tomorrow, and you'd probably swing right around and say white people are the best thing since sliced fucking bread. He cannot do anything right as far as most are concerned.