>Speaking of online support, did you ever look into Young Independence? I receive emails from them despite not being a part of it, and it really is just teenage alt-right fucktards. One of them even had about "KEKS" and "BASED MILO" in their fucking manifesto (pic). If this is the future of the right in the west then we are well and truly fucked.
Yeah, it's awful. They're the biggest supporters of Douglas Carswell and Suzanne Evans too, paradoxically.
David Young
Any recommendation to our broken system then?
Charles Morris
shit thread AGAIN
however >Bump 4 Julian
Gavin Cruz
honoka+karen 4 eva
Landon Torres
so? aslong as they work hard and pay the taxes and they work alot harder then us native anglo saxonic people.
Landon Wright
Jose Baker
Julian Bailey
Is Julian still alive?
Jace Reyes
Jace Cox
>trying to replace karen
Colton Allen
He said city not Caliphate.
Robert Price
Jack Robinson
Why are women in pictures these days more masculine than men? It's fucking pathetic
What the fuck has happened to our men? Have they no self respect? They're just skinny faggots now
Luke Fisher
Who was in the wrong here?
Blake Evans
you nordies are the worst you share blood with the irish in fact most of the native british does
Julian Kelly
Thankfully I live in the comfy Leicestershire suburbs.
If I lived in the city, I think I would have offed myself a long time ago
Nathan Davis
Justin Hernandez
doubt it
Lucas Walker
So fellow britbongs do you feel safe in your town? Tbh my town is fine until night then its like the purge and I lock all the doors and windows.
Oliver Martin
Mosely trip for whoever wanted it.
Christian Young
Blake Barnes
I'm past that stage, I'm not young anymore (I don't mean that to be patronising). The world is divided into two groups Dupers and Dupees and always will be.
Charles Reyes
>tfw no Anglophile Yank gf
Connor Gomez
Nicholas Lopez
Kevin Lewis
Jayden Jenkins
Julian Campbell
i feel safe my town is ok not at many darkies
Leo Flores
Was Leicester, now London.
Parker Hill
Austin Carter
I live in Lincoln. Lots of Chinese but they're alright. I don't feel unsafe at all.
Levi Peterson
I hope you don't mean they're alright to be here. Just to be around.
Jaxson Torres
I would kill to have my neighbourhood filled with Chinese people instead.
Logan Torres
I live in a semi-enriched bit of Bristol. Someone was stabbed on my road within the last year but I can't rule out British chavs being responsible. There was a black bloke not far away who murdered his brother with a potato peeler. Despite that I have never had any problems aside from someone breaking into my shed a couple of weeks ago. I've had trouble in much "nicer" places.
Think how ignorant the average member of the public is. Now consider that half of them are more ignorant than that.
Isaac Gonzalez
guys my town is trying to make a mosque corbymosque.co.uk/ thinking of spray painting a jewish pepe on it
Lucas Gomez
>People claim that they won't be fooled by Blair and the "All style, no substance" approach of politics ever again >Vote for David Cameron twice and love Theresa May
>People claim that they won't be fooled again after our awful misguided war in Iraq >Public support for attacking Libya and Syria was and is still huge, we helped overthrow Gaddafi which caused the migrant crisis and if it weren't for fucking Ed Miliband we would have attacked Assad too
People are fucking pleb scum
Jordan Rivera
spray a spastika on it
Owen Moore
Wyatt Smith
Guys there's a dodgy estate near where I live full of rough types.
Every time I walk down the street the same cars are there and always people inside them.
What's going on, drug dealing? Should I ask them to stop?
Carter Jenkins
Chinese tend to contribute and don't commit huge amounts of crime. They are super isolationist though and keep themselves to themselves. They don't integrate with British culture well. You never see a Chinese bloke in a pub for example.
Nathaniel Reyes
Hudson Carter
>Vote for David Cameron twice Debatable
Lucas White
dunno about at want to make them feel like the joows are after them you know false fag style but open to ideas
Noah Brooks
I noticed that too. They all claim to hate Carswell and all view themselves as "BASED FARAGIST PEOPLES ARMY AGAINST KEKS XDD" yet their alt-right beliefs are almost exactly the same as Douglas's, with a few minor exceptions.
People really need to stop seeing themselves as either "Faragists" or "Carswellians" or whatever. The way I see it, you're either Tory infiltrator (Carswell, Evans, etc.) or not.
Andrew Johnson
That didn't answer the question. Do you feel it is okay that they are in this nation?
Lucas Murphy
It seems as if these threads have lost their way.
Adrian Bennett
>What's going on, drug dealing? Should I ask them to stop?
yes that sounds like a really good idea
Blake Morgan
Please don't, if you're serious.
Brayden Fisher
Are they brown? If so maybe a Rotherham type deal.
Gabriel Anderson
Alexander Harris
>What's going on, drug dealing? Should I ask them to stop? You have a choice between getting stabbed or cautioned for wasting police time, then stabbed
It's just Reddit's time of the night Yankposters don't help though
Carson Rivera
I do. If their numbers remain low.
Jeremiah Perez
some of them look blacker than ainsley harriot and there's a bunch of them in like a minivan type car.
Nathan Phillips
lads you're scaring me.
please move to the Isle of Wight.
it's safe and comfy and we have a moat! even the chavs here are respectable. we have beaches and we get sunshine and red squirrels and forests and it's wonderful.
please. these stories of cities are scaring me. i want to save you all.
Wyatt Ramirez
rob them get a fake gun wear a pepe mask become los pepe's
Nathan Reed
Definitely some prostitution/diddling type deal going on.
Nolan Phillips
It's because they despise any trace of conservatism
You see it on Brit/pol/ a lot, if you bring up sexual politics, drugs or religion, the average (((libertarian))) will become absolutely indistinguishable from your average Momentum cretin
Did anyone see based god empress Ann Widdecombe BTFO (((Women's Equality Party))) this morning? Is she /ourgal/?
Nolan Reed
Hey look a white child!
Camden Rodriguez
stop caring at this point plus i am behind several proxies and its was satire ; )
Ryan Davis
>The Monarchy post-Charles I almost hope that republicans tear it down
President May is a small price to pay for not having a King that sucks nigger cock and tells us that we're a bunch of bigoted shitlords in his Christmas Speech