What do you guys think? We can just rebuild our deep ports on the northern borders.
Calexit proposed zoning
>giving national territory to a bunch of complaining high schoolers and autists.
>county based
Get them all in one place so we can eventually carpet bomb them. Just like Israel.
How about this, cut off their water supply and electricity supply?
We kill any traitorus fuck that dares steal our land.
Then we deport the survivors that didnt fight on our side, deport them to the other side of mexicos souther boarder, so whent hey try to walk back, they find out just how effective a wall is.
>Get them all in one place so we can eventually carpet bomb them. Just like Israel.
We must become the Jew.
>Trump: I call on citizens to take up arms against traitors of this nation.
Fuck please this.
No, like this
The coastal mountains are an excellent barrier, and i deliberately cut them off from the Colorado so they are extra scorched
We'll build a wall on the gap near the bay
Why give them anything?
Just do The libs barely have any guns and tyrone and jose are nothing but third worlders who would get smashed by a combined loyalist militia/vengeful police/military task force.
Don;t give them Shelter Cove or any of the Eel, they don't deserve it. Russian river is just water pumped over the hills from the Eel.
If they don't want us don't let them steal our water
I didn't give them anything
The plan is to pretend we gave them shit, but cut them off and not give them food so they die without us having to fire a bullet, acquiring free real estate later
guys we can't give them fucking pebble beach, the city of san francisco or the redwood forests
give them LA, san diego, san bernardino, coachella valley and some other desert shitholes
then build the wall
i feel like the cali coastline and tourist economy is big asset for us, why give the beautiful beaches to beaners when we can just drive them out?
Never give up land. Never. You make this same thread every fucking day and we tell you the same thing every fucking day. NEVER GIVE UP LAND.
That is all.
How about you give California back to Russia instead?
California may bring in a lot of money, but they also bring in a lot of debt. California could never handle itself on its own. They have no idea how to handle money and they would never allow someone who does to be in office.
Just point me in the direction to no-mans-land so I can be king of the hill before my backyard propane tank ignites my nuclear reactor and there goes the neighborhood for good.
>The US needs California more than California need s the US
BE ADVISED: No one actually like Hollywood. Now that they aren't actually making any new movies, we loose literally nothing.
please send the American military to save the 33% of Donald Trump voters who live on the west coast beach communities. We are all prisoners of war living in our own state. Please do not forsake us and let california secede
*Please do not forsake us by letting let california secede
How about this
San Fransico is oblierated from existance and the rest stays with America
How about we take some more of your land instead?
How about we make Crimea Great Again?
>including orange county
kek speaks
some user posted this last night.
Fuck Calexit. CA is prime real estate that's currently being wasted by a bunch of beaners, gooks, and pooinloos. I'm not giving up that territory just so they can LARP as north mexico.
California doesn't need to exit. Californians need to exit.
If you want real geopolitical protection you'll move to Michigan.
We're a peninsula that would require a smaller wall on our southern border.
It's a damn shame its still full of niggers.
Whites fled into Michigan for the drugs and left when automobiles were designed and made by robots.
So here we are, pretty safe from the elements but hating each other for sticking around.
Create a corridor to the ocean through North San Diego and South Orange counties
Also keep Vandenberg Air Force Base
You guys don't realize just how serious separatism is, do you?
Even if this happens, the US will no longer be considered a great power.
Why do you think Russia fought to keep Chechnya and China keeps Tibet under tight control?
Because losing territory is a glaring sign of weakness.
America won't be "great" again. It would be downgraded to Britain or France level and Russia will be the New Great Power. Only if the separatist movement remains a shitty parody would things be good.
The entire tech industry was created by whites and some east asians, which continues on through today. We're only propped up economically by poo-in-loo visa workers who get paid at hugely undercut wages (plus chinese sweatshop factories). Blacks / latinos combined make up less than 10% of the programmers that actually matter.
If Silicon Valley were to be either annexed or chopped off entirely, there will be so much white flight into seattle or elsewhere that the industry as we know it today will be completely uprooted in 20 years. Same thing will happen to hollywood - all the jews will leave as well when they realize they cant blend in with the mestizos anymore.
The people's republic of the bay area will fall in 1 single generation, and the SoCal empire will take even less time.