I'm a muslim. Deb8 me.
I'll disprove all your fallacies and prove to you that islam is the superior religion.
I'm a muslim. Deb8 me.
I'll disprove all your fallacies and prove to you that islam is the superior religion.
Other urls found in this thread:
>checks flag
Do you mutilated the genitals of your young?
day of the rope is coming boy
epic b8. very funny meme. upvoted!!
>The new Europeans!
When and where is the next terrorist attack?
>superior religion.
>praising a false prophet, with was also a pedophile
you can only pick one
>prove to you that islam is the superior religion.
I don't care if it is, Muslims are still untermensch and should be expelled from European countries
I am an AI. I see no logical reason to accept Islam, and its rules, as anything but primitive superstition of a delusional desert dweller.
Why am I not surprised that there's a German flag?
>1 post by this id
why are all islamic countries either perpetual dumpster fires or only stable because of oil money
8:12. Explain that shit.
Tell the truth about dogs and Islam and I will believe you.
I send you my love and pray for your soul. No need to debate you.
pls leav mi cuntri
Muhammad was a pedophile, Muslims believe Muhammad to be the perfect Muslim and seek to emulate how he lived life. By extension, all good Muslim men are pedophiles. Christianity has some problems with pedophilia with Church members but pedophilia is generally condemned. How can Islam be superior to Christianity when the men rape children?
faith in humanity restored! XDD
Because USA and their (((allies))) keep fighting wars in the islamic countries for their own profit.
You should put some research into your stupid memes so you don't make yourself look like a retard
Why do you fuck the assholes of young boys so persistently in Muslim countries? What is with your rampant pedophilia?
The religion I created is infinitely superior to your pedophile religion though.
>le German pretends to be muslim for (You)s
No (You) for you OP
fuck you
leave europe and go back to qatar or someshit to fully experience your religion, you don't have any rights to exercise it at germany
>Deb8 me
>2 posts by this ID
Sag mal was auf Deutsch (there won't be an answer, confirming once again that it's the proxy fag that's been responsible for most of these bait threads).
>You should put some research into your stupid memes so you don't make yourself look like a retard
Muhammad was a pedophile though, and all the quotes in the picture are real.
Nice selective translations. Being peaceful doesn't mean being a pussy who doesn't fight back when attacked.
2:191: "And kill them wherever you overtake them and expel them from wherever they have expelled you, and fitnah is worse than killing. And do not fight them at al-Masjid al- Haram until they fight you there. But if they fight you, then kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers."
Schande über dein Haupt, Hahnrei.
Why are Muslims so ignorant as to take (((qoran))) literally? What's it like to be a part of the the jewish containment religion?
Why are islamic countries so shit, even though islam is the "superior" religion?
Also saged.
they were shit before israel even existed mohammed
does "fighting back" also counts as pedophilia and beheading someone who leaves Islam, lashing the unmarried, and trowing queers of buildings?
Why do Muslims like raping little boys, but the Quran tells fellow Muslims to kill Homosexuals
Im 16. Jahrhundert standen die Muslime vor Wien und ihr habt euch vor Angst in die Hose geschissen. 400 Jahre später lutschen eure Töchter unsere Schwänze. Und in 10 Jahren wird es mehr Moscheen als Kirchen geben, insha'allah.
>implying you weren't always shit, just like your false religion
%8 of my country feels positive about isis, %12 is unsure. Do you really think the explanation of this %20 is because of US's intervention for profits? People from fucking villages located at nowhere in turkey love isis because of US?
Why does %20 of my population does not hate a radical islamic terrorist organization?
Why does your symbol look like a small penis and set of balls?
you whorship mohammed not god.
You claim the koran was given by god, but it was mohammed who wrote and invented it, you are insulting god and you write words to god that he never gave humankind.You are the biggest götzendiener you can imagine.
Umayyad empire was the most powerful empire in all of history.
Ganz ehrlich, das macht es nur noch wahrscheinlicher dass du nur ein shitposter bist.
Piefke sind die Canadier Europas.
Y doesn't the Jews do this during Meca that would be swell
When are you going to leave Europe?
lol no it wasn't faggot
Muhammad was the prophet, the messenger of Allah. We do not worship Muhammad like a god. We don't celebrate his birthday, like christcucks do.
What would be happening among Ummah if some psycho detonate huge thermonuke in Mecca on day of Hajj? And, following, in the case of superpathogen spreading around the globe?
no debate
simply kys
your sandy semite spirits' time to go away has come
buddhism is the way
ill love to
wie kannst du Gottes Namen im selben Satz verwenden wie eine frivole Beleidigung? Heuchler, du verstehst Religion und Ethik nicht, lies! Aber mehr als den Koran
Ahahahhahaha the ahmed meme isreal
Hahahaa so if you are so great how can you all be manipulated so easily by the west?
I want to know how Allah didn't know that our morals would evolve to a point where we know kid fucking is wrong but his "perfect example of a man" would not be stopped in doing it, creating a reason for the majority of the world to despise your """religion""""?
How many goats do you fuck during a week?
no we're trying to remove your incestuous ilk and prevent the spread of terrible dna
The British Empire is the most powerful state to ever exist, thank you very much.
no you claim the koran is gods word, but it is mohameds word. So you say mohamed is your god, you are lyieng evereday the biggest lies against god. Your god is mohamed, because you claim your god is the one who wrote the koran and this is mohamed. Think about it.
your religion doesn't matter
culturally you're a cesspool of rape, murder, and child abuse.
aaaaaa reeeees
kys before its too late
[2:190] You may fight in the cause of GOD against those who attack you, but do not aggress. GOD does not love the aggressors.
[2:191] You may kill those who wage war against you, and you may evict them whence they evicted you. Oppression is worse than murder. Do not fight them at the Sacred Mosque (Masjid), unless they attack you therein. If they attack you, you may kill them. This is the just retribution for those disbelievers
Check first quote...hmm guess what the chosen lairs at fabricating again.
Is it true that Muhammed (piss be upon him) got married to Aisha when she was 7 or younger, and that they consumated the marriage (fucked) by age 9?
Does this not make your prophet a de-facto paedophile?
Superior to christcucks for sure, but that's not a great achievement.
poopy bunghole
habibi stay away from these stupid kuffar
no one on here is interested in learning or understanding, just looking for other people to masturbate to pictures of trump and be autistic with
Let me post a simple, unsophisticated statement that is totally wrong.
Seriously, I hope you get a special rendition to gunatanamo for some ass fucking, you degenerate faggot. Choke on the next dick you suck.
the quaran is full of this.
it talks about peace and clean kills at the start, but the further you read, the darker it gets, and by their rules, the further beat the earliest:
why do you rape everything that's moves
disprove this .webm