>tfw Islam is unironically reintroducing modesty into Europe
>tfw Islam is unironically reintroducing modesty into Europe
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Modesty should be enforced by social stigma and an internal sense of decency, not by the threat of being stoned to death and/or decapitated.
Just because those inbred troglodytes will rape an infant child if they don't cover their hair
Doing stuff because white men don't want you to isn't modesty.
Wise words, user.
There is nothing wrong with bikinis. Before the invention of the swimsuit people would swim nude and a family day at the beach had to be segregated by gender. Swimsuits have allowed the beach to develope a social place while maintaining some modesty.
Burkinis on the other hand are just plain silly, and by the strictest Islamist intepretations of the quran they are still too indecent for women to wear. They are a great example of how European culture is being islamized by an inherently carnivorous ideology. It starts off with burkinis being allowed, but then comes bikinis being banned, then burkinis being required, and finally you have bathing machines and segregated men and women's sections of the beach.
Islamization doesn't happen all at once. It starts with us kaffirs being made numb to some Islamic customs being practiced in public, and then they gradually start intoducing more while pressuring the kaffir to start adopting the more seemingly benign customs. Another example is the meat-- it starts with Muslims pressuring the grocery stores to stock halal meat, and ends with them pressuring the stores to stop stocking non-halal meat and pork products.
fucking coward
shut your fucking mouth degenerate pleb
>tfw Islam is unironically reintroducing modesty into Europe
It brings many wonderous things
Literal cuck detected, you think they didn't have swimsuits before women decided to whore it up at the beach? You might as well let your girl walk around in her underwear everyday since it's literally the same thing.
post your feel when Islam will arouse the will and fanatism in our German hearts again to another strife for world conquest. this time with a billion of followers behind our armies which will finally purge the earth of degenerates and subhumans.
what happened here? What russians did to her?
Men's swimsuits show as much as our underwear too. It's social context. Swimsuits are for relaxing in the water and sun while underwear is to keep your junk from making your clothes dirty (except for bras, which provide support for a woman's breasts and keep their nipples from poking out).
I see a fat girl and a sea mine
And look how that worked out for us. Not that I'm advocating for Sharia or any of that, but leaving it to society will ultimately fail every time.
Not an argument
How many Muslim women have been stoned to death in Europe for failing to wear proper clothing?
There is nothing wrong with nudism.
Nudism is essentially Aryan.
Go back to tumblr pls
they can't because it's not their culture
how many women have been stoned to death in iran?
don't let them take over
The fin speaks the truth, nevertheless their men would probably go ape and conduct impromptu shariah courts if their women were choosing to do this en masse.
Yeah, raping is really modest.
>60% white nigger approves savegely murdering women
color me surprised :^)
Nevertheless they seem to have control without stoning or hanging people on the streets.
I agree with this, but I can't help thinking that has a point. It hasn't really worked out for us, has it?
we need islam in the united states
overweight hambeasts need to cover up
Cut off head to 4yo russian girl under her care(parents are morons) and openly walk with it near subway station.
>What russians did to her?
Almost nothing, what she deserves... She was declared insane, and was put in psychiatric hospital at prison under arrest.
>wonders if he's the only nudist on Sup Forums
Executing your wife by dragging her behind your car while 2 year old son muhammad watches
so you like other men oogling your wife thinking about fucking them? You fucking cuck nigger
It worked. And then the post ww2 social revolution/sexual liberation happened. We no longer have that social stigma and we no longer teach or expect an internal sense of decency.
Muslim women in european countries don't have to worry about that.
The problem was we let feminists trick other women into accepting female indecency. Redpill enough attractive women into shitting on sluts and all of a sudden you'll see women begin to cover up again instead of wearing strings at the beach.
Motherfucker who gives a shit about modesty at the beach. God damn, pick your battles faggots
Yer man in the back ground. Kek.
This is what the typical slutty women wore to the beach just in the 60's. Compare that to this Things are getting out of control
This, we are supposed to be above the threat of violence in order to behave well, if this is what we need then we no better than niggers.
In white countries (not America or Arabistan) women being naked does not imply she is a slut and fucks around.
this. as much as I hate today's degeneracy, going full totalitarian will only make it surge even more later.
I just hope we learn from the mistakes that were made in the recent decades so it's used as a lesson for later.
u wut glockmaker?
But is Islam the solution?
Can't we come up with a solution ourselves? One that doesn't require a backwards religion/ideology.
Yeah it's the same way in African countries, your point?
Being naked is perfectly normal in Europe, nothing sexual.
We meme it into reality, friend.
Speak for yourself, I keep my wife modest but show off my mistress. Sluts are to be fucked and displayed.
> Solving problems by putting a rug on it
Shitskin problem solving capabilities everyone.
>so you like other men oogling your wife thinking about fucking them?
Of course I do, faggot.
If they don't want to fuck her then I'm with an ugly woman.
This conflicted feelings I want the world to return to traditionalism and for people to stop acting like degenerates but don't want it to be sandnigger tier sharia that makes people do it. Maybe a tax would be less nigger tier.
No wonder the mormons are right and when Jesus comes again it will be in Amrica.
Good luck with that when your wife and daughter see how every other woman dresses at the beach and does the same.
a hijab comes with a certain baggage.
you know, like a fucking swastika.
We meme decency, modesty and virtue into reality?
I think that's a nice new project for meme-magic after the presidency.
That's now how you spell 'the dark ages' OP. Silly.
Two classes of people. Educated women just don't dress like chav sluts.
>implying Jesus cares about your nigger continent
Canada might be saved, though.
How fucking gay is Finland?
Can someone photoshop the sweat rag in plz
Are you kidding? "Educated women" are even more likely to dress as sluts because they were taught in Uni about sexual liberation.
Even if that were true, Europe is 10x skankier than America and 100x than is acceptable
Is he /ourguy/?