Woah. This is very powerful, and true. What is your response?
Woah. This is very powerful, and true. What is your response?
Definitely caused the following:
- noggin' joggin'
- cranial fluids flowing
- energized my grey matter
- activated my almonds
>What is your response?
Don't buy houses you can't afford
>I don't know jack shit about Wall Street desu
How anti-semetic
It's only partly true.
The real answer, as always, is that you've been fucked by Jews.
Hide and slide of course. not an argument.
>supports clinton, the wall street candidate of choice
REALLY makes you think!
You're an idiot who doesn't understand how illegal immigration hurts the unskilled labor job market. Nor any of the other impacts it has and it's interaction with wall street. Which is a whole other can of worms that you are equally ignorant about because you only know what that cuck john oliver told you.
>take back money from rich people by electing democrats
>democrats decide to give mexicans a share after legalizing them
>mexicans have now factually stolen your money through it being redistributed from the rich who stole it in the first place to the mexicans
Then can we kill them?
>Don't hate or blame X, hate or blame Y
No, I can hate both. Also Wall Street is the entity that directly profits from illegal immigration the most.
but wall street is using illegal immigrants to lower wages?
Of course Democrats love to see brown people picking harvest on plantations.
...You're thinking of Government.
Both did.
>implying it isn't both
Wall Street gave my job to Mexican immigrants, and gave them risky housing loans, that when the housing bubble burst ended up hurting me doubly.
This. All this. Democrats dont want us to take their new slaves away.
>the mexicans aren't the problem, you silly right and your scape goat
>here the real answer is our scape goat wall street
You know what is problem? Loans with interests... they create debt and are really fucked up in concept, irl they are even worse
what will both groups do once theyve been replaced by androbotchines
Why can't it be both?
Yes, very powerful and true, OP.
However, we still don't want them. So since you feel so strongly about this, you and the rest of Canada can have them all.
the people on wall street own corporations and hire people from other countries and use them as slaves and abuse our immigration policies for cheap labor which not only affects the working man losing their jobs but the economy as a whole making us have a cyclical recessions which we're in and about to head in another one.
People who post images from that sight should be banned. Is there even one post using them that wasn't complete shit or bait?
>You're an idiot who doesn't understand how illegal immigration doesn't effect the unskilled labor job market because white people wouldn't do that work anyways
White people never picked the oranges and cotton. Niggers did that. Now it's just Mexicans. Stop being a nigger lover.
>As for well paying manufacturing jobs?
Illegals don't take those.
China did take some of those via outsourcing, but if it didn't then India or some other country will.
Even in the BEST CASE where no jobs are outsourced. Many of these non-college educated white men won't have manufacturing jobs either because technology has increased efficiency (and will continue to do so).
Stay salty faggot.
The Jews and the Browns; they both need to go.
I don't give a shit if mexican immigrants want to come over and pick food. I have a problem with the people hiring them at $1 an hour for ILLEGAL immigrants.
There is nothing wrong if they want to hire some legal immigrants who are going to be forced to pay taxes like the rest of us as well as the owners of said plantation owners paying their fair share.
People who are absolutely retarded [see: you] are worse for the world than loans.
>There can only be one thing bad for the middle class
>Therefore illegal immigration is good
Leftists really are retards.
>muh legal citizens wouldn't do that job anyway
That's a shitty excuse. They don't do the job because some illegal came in and took it.
My town has had illegals in manufacturing. The city west of us used to have a huge problem with illegals working in the meat packing plant.
I'd say your the kind of liberal fag who only knows what the heard on the daily show or from kikebook but the use of nigger tells me that your a nat soc fedora tipper.
>Occupy Wall St. got coopted by Wall St.
>changed its name to "Occupy Democrats"
>makes memes blaming the opposition for being Wall St.
>millennials are such empty-headed robots that they believe anything they are told on Facebook
>Clinton loses in the most epic political implosion of a generation
>democrats fracture and the party dies
Since it led to you losing, I'm fine with it.
desu i dont see a lot of wall street types working under the table construction jobs for pennies
>They don't do the job because some illegal came in and took it.
Even if there are no illegals. Niggers won't do jobs anyways.
Even if niggers don't do the jobs. They jobs won't go to $15hr labor but to robots.
Even if they can't adjust to use of robots and are forced by every factor and all the stars aligning. They wouldn't be able to keep down their prices and go out of business and thus said job is eliminated.
Look at Detroit/Cleveland/Chicago.
All those old auto jobs will never return. Some will always exist, but the number of hired manufacturers will never reach what it once was. Japanese auto companies have been making their cars in the states for years now but they and the American auto companies don't need nearly as many workers due to automation and robotics.
>I'd say your the kind of liberal fag
This is why you're retarded. I never stated my position on illegal immigrants (I think they should all be deported btw), but you can't accept a different argument because your head is up your ass.
You're right. Mexicans aren't steeling my job.
H1B visa curry niggers are though.
The fact that you can sit there and say hurr these jobs will never come back only shows what a redditor FAGGOT you are. Go the fuck back there nigger.
The issue in places like Detroit are the economic policies. You're just proving me right that you do not understand how all of this shit is interconnected.
Will EVERY SINGLE JOB come back there? No. Already automated a lot. Will the job market improve? Hell, it's improving right now.
>get told
>hurr u redditor
KEK stay salty unemployed nigger
Your entire argument is hurr durr ROBOTS AND AUTOMATION!
You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Go back to r/futurology
My thought is that it's obviously retarded and that the sort of people who create these must be university educated
>university trained
>hurr u redditor
>Go back to r/futurology
Good job exposing yourself as the redditor there.
Do tell, how did they steal my job?
Yeah nigger I go on Reddit all the time at work bc I'm bored as fuck. I hate every single one of you faggots.
They wound up devaluing it by shuttering factories and American manufacturing to offshore them for a profit.
>I go on Reddit all the time at work bc I'm bored as fuck.
At least put some effort into your lies.
You also browse Sup Forums as well as reddit and you're not employed.
Considering I don't have a home, a job, or a 401k...
>Make joke about how horrible Wall Street is.
>Wanted to put in candidate completely controlled by Wall Street simply because she had a pussy.
Liberals really don't think things out before saying them do they?
Solution of course is to kill both.
>(((occupy democrats)))