

This whole situation is so autistic it hurts

He who owns the youth, owns the future. I'm proud of this young white warrior following in the footsteps of his elders.

Fuck you you anti white cuck.

>implying he isn't a bullied little white boy being cucked by Jared who is banging Little Asian Misses Sallie

Hitler was a cuck, too.
He wanted to commit suicide with his Jewish Girlfriend who then told everyone at college and they all laughed at him. Just remember that cuckboy.

Cuck cuck cuck cuck

Leslie jones is the leader of the alt right

Nice lies leaf

when is sam hyde, the true ringleader and mastermind of ((((alt-right)))) cobra command going to show himself???

>Hitler was a cuck, too.

We have so many cucks here that there is a good chance that the next Hitler is posting on Sup Forums right now.

This. There appears to be nothing anyone can do to stop it either.

Unlikely. Hitler was a Liberal Arts student.

So was Stalin.


Must be a cuck if he needs an alphas advice on banging slutty women.

Stalin was a seminarist studying to enter the church.

And he was denied access because the administration preferred degenerate jew art.

Sounds eerily similar to what's happening on campusses today.

>twitter bans all of the real alt-righters
>leaves this duffer
>24/7 news cycle complains about alt-right racists taking over government
>people try to find the alt-right on twitter

you know, i'd be more pissed at the various acts of collusion if they didn't keep tripping over themselves like cartoon villains.

oh god, that is so fucking cringe inducing

You're just noticing? Only autistic faggots on Sup Forums supported Trump

At this rate Sup Forums will return to its left libertarian roots because they don't want to be associated with all of this.


>LEFT-libertarian Roots

Twitter is banning real Trump supporters and leaving the shills.

The attempts to subvert couldn't be more obvious.

The Shill has just been suspended, twitter is banning EVERYTHING

>left-libertarian roots
And when was that?

Poor kid is gonna get bullied to death
>nothing of value *sniff* was lost

>by being funny we saved the next generation
feels good

Eh, admittedly I should have written Sup Forums rather than Sup Forums. I mean during the Bush era.

I think Sup Forums is still pretty leftist outside of Sup Forums. Although Sup Forums has successfully spilled into other boards.

I mean, to a degree, Sup Forums is pretty leftist outside of Sup Forums,/k/,Sup Forums,Sup Forums,/mlp/ and any board where politics aren't discussed at all. The libertarian part is up in the air though


THIS IS Sup Forums


Not really. /k/, /fit/, Sup Forums, /diy/, and half of /r9k/, /sci/, /ck/. Those are just the boards that I visit, and I'm sure that there are more boards that lean right.

What did he mean by this?


you think when you retards sperg out on some other board and another wandering Sup Forumstard joins in that means you successfully promoted your archaic views? kill yourself


The kid is based, standing up for western civilization in the 7th grade and all that.

Sup Forums is right too. Remember they fought feminazis in Gamergate.

By 2017 "alt-right" is going to be what "bronies" had become by 2012. A cringy movement of 13-15 yos who want to be part of a cool "secret club" that the "badasses on Sup Forums started."

>comparing a loosely defined "movement" that's against modernist degeneracy to one of the most degenerate atheistic subcultures that has ever spawned from this world

So you actually take that bio absolutely serious?

Uh... yeah. It fucking is comparable.

Just like MRAs are cringe, and that MGTOW bullshit.

Get over yourself, fedorable :3 Tee-hee!

Whatever it actually is doesn't matter; they like it because it's stupidly funny yet obscure enough to make them feel better than everybody else. I fucking swear on my life that if this kid was the same age four years ago he'd have a profile pic of Rainbow Dash. This is just how internet-browsing kids at that age act.

The groups are really fucking similar in form even though they're different in content.

I thought Sup Forums was more libertarian. They literally just want to be left alone to play their Nintendos and the Segas.

bush was a zog puppet fuck off

who are you quoting?

i fear for what comes next

>inb4 centrist-right furries and trannies influenced by Milo


wow that brought back memories

It seems to me that Sup Forums is a little left leaning, but are sick of the shit that media and government corruption has dragged us into. Then again, a lot of Sup Forums is like that as well.

Not true, Bronies have more in common with numale journalists. It's the exact same leftist manchild psyche that produces all this filth.