so Sup Forums is it really that bad to date a lady who already has children? what if i dont care if she does or not
Women with children
just don't marry her or you'll be cutting her and her little bastards cheques for the rest of your life
Leslie jones is the new leader of the alt right
It's only okay if she is a widow, if you raise another male's kids while he is alive and not even supporting them financially you're a cuck.
You may not care now, but you will my friend. You will.
>buying into the 3D meme
Enjoy spending your adult life unironically saying "my wife's son".
so dont marry her but smash for a little bit
It's your choice. I would never do it. Other people's kids are not my problem. You do not have to "man up" just to make up for the shortcomings of women and their shitty lives. People tell you that you have to do that, but you actually don't.
Not my fucking paycheck pal, you wanna blow 10 grand a year on a kid that ain't yours? Be my fuckin guest.
Yes. It's fucking retarded.
never thought of it that way. im 19 and shes 26
>playing other man's save game
This guy gets it. The woman made it clear when she chose someone else to be the father of her kids. At most youll only be a beta cuck provider. Consider the following. If shes shitty enough to chase away the father of her own kids i doubt shes a top tier lady.
what about women dating men with children?
is this a concern if the man can take care of his kids financially?
I always feel like masturbating when i see 1479492406478.jpg
3rd thread ive seen this in
your forced memes arent funny.
If she's a widow, she had bad cisrcumstances
If she wanted kids but no father because she's a strong independent woman, she's crazy and makes bad decisions
If she thought they would be together forever and had his kids in a premarital relationship, she's a bad judge of character and makes bad decisions
I had an affair with a married woman who had a child. The kid was 8 months old when i nailed her in my apartment and the kid was in his kinderwagen in the living room. she was hot as fuck.
It's only okay to be cucked if it's trump impregnating your wife. then it's an honor.
What if the father of her children died?
>what if i dont care if she does or not
So you dont care, but care for what Sup Forums cares?
Nobody cares for what you care.
Who the fuck cares.
OP here just wanted to say you guys are like my cyber family. Thank you for lookin out
Thats fuckin funny
I would argue that that is fine. Nice digits hitler.
>You're both older, you have your own grown kids, her kids are grown
>Her kids are still young, but you plan to put a bun in that oven, she is a widower
>Same as above, but she is not a widower
>Her kids are teens, their father is still alive, you aren't impregnating her
You're a fucking limp dick cuck
Don't listen to all these Virgin fags.
It's totally fine, bro just make sure that she's not the reason the dads gone.
A Lotta time guys are just selfish assholes(like ones here) and they leave a perfectly good woman with there kids.
Just make sure she's getting max child support from the deadbeats and it won't hurt u at all.
Yea see i never understood why it would be bad for me ya know? Some times Sup Forums seems so conservative just to appeal to their peers
I was in the same boat as you. Think it through. You are young and exstatic that a girl would touch your peen, is my guess. But you should gain confidence from this and dounle down on trying to find a younger gf to wife later.
Yeah, this is actually not her fault, can't blame her for this. The only situation where it's actually the right choice and manly to be a cuck.
Why did she have kids with an asshole then? Is she stupid?
Its a terrible idea.
I never understood this. Why does western culture insist that guys, especially young white guys, are responsible for women and the lives women lead? We shouldn't be at fault just because a woman decided to bang a guy who wasn't father material. IT'S NOT OUR PROBLEM.
the dilemma where im from is that girls blame guys for everything, they are too scared to date a guy because they believe all the stupid feminism shit. I've talked to numerous my age and then later when i look at their twitter page they cry for some pathetic reason. most girls my age are just infected by cultural Marxism
That's exactly what I'm saying, Canadicuck.
Dude, I live in Sweden. If your women are as shit as they are here then just get an asian or conservative slav or something, how's south america for that? Many cuties there, poor as well so you'll be in high demand (don't go for the too hot ones, find love).
>so Sup Forums is it really that bad to date a lady who already has children?
If there is more than one child then yes, 2 is acceptable only if the husband died or there was extreme circumstances
If the child is non-white then yes
If she is unwilling to potentially have a second child then yes
Other issues to consider. If the child is male then it could lead to problems later on
me too
Yes, but with one exception (pic related)
If I'm ever so desperate for pussy and my options are so limited I need to resort to fucking women who have already popped out bowling ball size children, I'm going to kill myself. I can't imagine even considering it as an option, lmao...??
I live in WA libacuck central so they are comparable haha. thanks swedbro.
Only if it's black, or if she's a typical single mother whore.
Single mothers might not always be the single mother stereotype you face.
She could of been brought up in an nti-abortion Christian/Amish family, and was also raped by her ucle.
never judge until you know
but yeah, most of the time, single mothers were just club whores
I don't want to raise another man's kids. At least with adoption the woman doesn't have the man at a disadvantage.
Seriously, sign up on thaicupid, vietnamcupid or some south american version just for a laugh, it's free. See the messages come to YOU or a change, browse some profiles. If you do this, I'm sure that you'll be married within like 2-3 years if you're not careful.
yes it is you fucking cuckold
you can fuck her all you want, but as soon as you start providing for her or her bastard spawn, you enter cuckold territory.
If you like rising Jamal Tyrone al Islams spawn while he fucks 14-18 year old prime pussy you are welcome to do so. This life is not for everybody, though.
The south american version was latinamerica cupid. It's not even racenixing if they're south american, IMO (not that I care though, I like asians).
It's possible for it to be a good idea, just not probable.
Why do people seem to think it's ok for a widow? You're even more of a cuck imo.
just for shits and giggles im gonna try those cupid apps but ik this conservative russian girl in my class that i always kick it with, she probably is the best choice atm
Yes, and dont act like too much of a father figure to them or somehow you will magically become required to support them for 18 years or whatever is left
its only acceptable if she has a good looking "legal" aged fag son or dtf daughter
>be American
>go to prison if you have consensual sex with 16 year old prime pussy
>go to prison if you fuck a prostitue
>go to prison if she revokes consent 10 years after the act
>all because of muh christian values
>producing quadruple penetration interracial creampie rapist murder porn is perfectly legal
if she has children with u its k, but if u rarely have sex with her and have no children, and u end up paying for her children from another man, u r a cuck
>this thread
>tfw no pure Polish qt to marry and have kids with.
Impregnating a girl and then rising the kids to be good nationalists and doing dad-son-activities like taking them to the range and teach them how to shoot and so on is one of my fetishes.