Let's take a moment to appreciate how BTFO Drumpfkins are right now.

>Drumpf won't prosecute Clinton
>Drumpf disavowed the alt-right
>Drumpf will build a fence instead of a wall
>Drumpf is hiring insiders to his cabinet
>Drumpf flip flopped on the muslim ban

You still lost tho

>Drumpf didn't apply blind trust
>Drumpf forced south americans to allow his building projects because he is now a president
>Drumpf made his daughter to "CEO" and asked her to meet PM of Japan
>Drumpf thinks nepotism does not apply to his decicions
>Drumpf is already waging war with his neocon friends

Drain the swamp, Good judgement, toppest kekkest

How does this make Hillary Clinton president of the united states of america?



He's gonna get ass raped for the next four years.

>win win

you're retarded. trump never said he would do any of that.

>they out themselves this easily

just crooked hillary would have on all the stupid fucking sjw stuff. it's called politics and is not uncommon

You forgot the climate change.

Sore loser pussy. I'm good with Trump, I expected him to be more centrist. What will you cry about when he actually makes things work?

>implying we give two shits if he completely 180s on everything.
This was nothing more than a fuck you to the establishment who wanted Clinton. I couldn't care less what happens at this point

I just wanted Hillary to lose and I only lean to the right because I like liberal tears more.

Liberals too dumb to know or understand Trumps strategy right now. When he has not even been sworn in to anything, lmao.

>believing what the msm tells you after they lied through the entire election.

>Drumpf flip-flopped on his anti-war platform

>Drumpf flip-flopped on his campaign to help "the little guy" and to stop free trade agreements to stop offshoring corporations to foreign nations for cheap labor



>Drumpf won't prosecute Clinton
He's assigning someone, saying this is a way for him to avoid Obama doing a pardon by finding her on a technicality
>Drumpf disavowed the alt-right
Who cares, what is alt-right?
>Drumpf will build a fence instead of a wall
>Drumpf is hiring insiders to his cabinet
>Drumpf flip flopped on the muslim ban

OP destroyed.

>let's take a moment to pretend I know why anyone voted for Donald Trump
Let's not and say we did. sage

He didn't say he wasn't going to prosecute Clinton

His cabinet is full with alt-right

The wall is scheduled for "rapid build"

The Muslim watch list, extreme vetting and blocking immigrants from certain Muslim nations are all part of his agenda

Your bait is weak and your topic is shit