How long are you going to give Trump before you give up on him?
I'll give him two years, but if he does virtually nothing in the first year, I'll be rather miffed.
How long are you going to give Trump before you give up on him?
I'll give him two years, but if he does virtually nothing in the first year, I'll be rather miffed.
When he says "curved" does he mean "curbed" as in "thrown out to the curb"?
I can't wait til I can sue the government for revoking my social security.
I dropped him this afternoon. I don't need two years to identify a cuck traitor
I'm thinking he means curved as in they curved around him and didn't touch his dick.
he told Alex Jones, the leader of the alt right, that it would be a year or two for him to get things going.
Trump will just become another politician:
Promise the world, do nothing.
He won't prosecute shillary, that's the first broken promise. The first of many.
kys faggot
You instant gratification niggers need to go back to Africa.
I'm going to be supporting Trump the whole way.
excuse me? who told you that you could use that kind of language here?
>only giving Trump one year
Why? Are you looking for a reason to be mad?
He was elected for four years.
>Trump must meet my completely made up, based on feels arbitrary goal I've cooked up.
What do you expect anyways?
Why am I here.
The common nog has a tendency to simply insert arbitrary words in places where he cannot think of an appropriate word. The meaning must be inferred from context.
Damn son.
When the First 100 days are over and if nothing happens during then. Trump can't indict Hillary himself. Jimmy Carter tried to stop some guy from getting executed while he was president. It didn't work obviously, the same would apply to trump.
Trump won't be able to do anything for the first year because the Republikikes still hold office. We already know this.
His first order of business will be naming every Jew in Congress that is cockblocking progress and having them removed in the next election. Which will be easy to do since almost no one votes in non-presidential years. Trump's followers alone are high energy enough to decide who remains in congress.
Two years is when the fun begins. You have to dig a ditch before you drain the swamp.
Jailing Hillary was a political weapon, this was no secret. Why would you want to jail that old hag if you already politically defeated her?
She already wasted so much tax payer money. lul
Also has to live, forever shamed, beaten by Trump. The icing on the cake is she lost dishonorably and acted salty as fuck, giving us one of the most awkward political nights in history.
We wanted victory and got it. continuing to attack a corpse doesn't do anything. Trump is already 78D chess leagues ahead. She's ancient history.
and when one nigger figures it out they feel like it fits really well and start using it everyday.
curved = rejected
The thing is that donny droink explicitly stated that if he won he would appoint a special prosecutor to pursue a further investigation. He won, and now he has changed his mind. First of many.
Prepare for disappointment.
I speak fluent nigger. He's saying that the girls rejected him. Here Fab uses it to help understand better
>My ex texted me last night, but I curve that shit
Coulda end up hitting it, be too late to swerve that shit (ERR!)