Sup Forums risk thread continued
Sup Forums risk thread continued
Fill New Mexico; Spill Texas.
Bumping my move. Fill out AK.
Non-aggression pact with Mexico.
just makin sure u got my last move:
move south into illinois from wisconsin
Fill Texas
DRg, last roll
Fill south dakota
spills go into kansas
Cede land to Mexican Empire
bumping my move
Fill up Florida
Fill SW Virginia
We might clash against each other soon.
How about you move to Louisiana?
5d pali
russian hacker, not real pacific states
im using the rolls from last thread btw
who are you?
no palis in this one I think
Agreed. I have no interest in war
Conquer new hampshire and maine
pacific states (green)
is there a guide to playing risk here
I'm sorry... i missed out on risk
you can take an afk player's territory if an afk hasnt reclaimed or someone else hasn't
niggerland goes toward illinois
>You pick a color, name and starting location.
>You expand with roll numbers.
>Try to win.
Too late to join?
Google Republic
how many states/territories can you start with
apprecriate the help mexibro
Are you going into Utah? If so I will go into Wyoming to be better positioned to assist in upcoming clashes.
you start with 5 counties famalam
too late sorry bro
Yo I am cool, do you two mind not attacking me?
somebody else want to take over OP? i gotta go.
Fill Utah, Spill Texas.
repel RoF attack
Fill out SE Texas
Blitzkrieg Georgia
Fill OK, spill into AK. My eugenics program with Arab Midgets is now complete.
Who wants to trade?
Who wants to take over for me i gotta go
Fill into wyoming
Expand into Kentucky
I'll do it.
Possibly not for long.
keep on schlonging into illinois
Fill remainder of Idaho. if any overflow, expand into Montana.
take rest of maine and then vermont
>why is commiefornia OP in every US map
they are graded the same as texas when texas has like x3 the tiles/counties
Filling Texas.
gib territories to RoF
gg fag
Continue with the conquest of Kentucky
Continue expansion in Montana.
+3 now because WA (+2) and ID (+1).
What are your aims, friend?
Ricardo are you taking over as mapmasta??
if cyan is afk, i want his territory. if not expand more into illinois
Fill east texas
Fill the rest of wyoming
Spills into minnesota
was going to leave that corridor that your ally just filled with utah
My plan is to get a powerbase before moving east
Take pennsylvania. Sorry atlantic, carpe diem manifest destiny yadda yadda yadda
niggerland takes ilinois
2nd 69 of the night too
I am euphoric
anybvody afk?
Blitzkrieg Georgia
want to ally? assist each other where we can and I won't cross the mississippi river?
Wanna call it a game?
Ricardo, do you have any allies? Interested in one? I'll be expanding to the south east but i'm worried about northern borders.
only if you want to op
Peace map, then.
Fill East Texas
Lolz are you over being OP :^) im sure someone else is willing
Keep filling OK
If we continue playing, I will attack West Virginia's territory in Pennsylvania
Fine by me.
If game continues, I give all of my land to Ricardo.
Take control of atlabtuc's territory in pennsylvania and virginia. any spill use for pennyslvania
New game anyone
If you're willing to OP, link it
Don't really want to but it's up to you
Last roll would have been fill iowa
Conquer Georgia