Is religion the only difference between Greeks and Turks?
Is religion the only difference between Greeks and Turks?
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Turks have more Turkic (mongoloid), Armenian, Georgian, Persian, Assyrian and Arab admixture. Other than that, they're quite similar genetically.
Greeks are second third tier merchants.
It takes 3 Greeks to out negotiate one Jew. But it takes 3 Jews to out negotiate one Armenian.
t. Armenians
no, turks are more diverse geneticly
no greeks also have been in eu
Kurds, Turks and Greeks are the same people
Finns love this map
No, Turks also have better work ethics.
why the fuck are you wanting to lump everyone in a giant fucking pile under one fucking label?
you are cancerous and probably a fucking shill
And you don't?
Parts of Turkey were once greek clay.
That's just a meme though
Turkish diaspora is shit
Yes. Same with everyone in the Balkans
Are northwest Russian actual Russians?
Can you fucktards just take a history book and educate yourself?
Modern turks are basically the same people they were before the conquest by selijuks. There is very little turkic blood in them. The change was mostly cultural. The real turks were mostly elites.
And before that they were hellenized anatolians, basically very close to greeks.
So yes there is no difference between them other than cultural.
>triggered pseudo-turk
Yes. Anyone else is some tatar, jew or ukranian untermensch
looks polish
They have some Finnic heritage but they're still Russians
Genetically speaking closest people to ethnic Russians are Finns, Latvians, Norwegians and Poles. Makes sense
what about ukrainians
Turks p much
Half of them are mix of Poles, Jew and Russians, another half is Russian, Crimean Tatar and Turkish mix. Pure untermenschen
Ruskies are pretty mong according to
>Jew and Russians
>implying he is wrong
>Pure untermenschen
Like russian?
found your picture
More like Indian, why?
>world renowned literature
>one of the first to create segregation in Europe
>unapologetically anti-jewish prior to 1917
>crushed Swedish Empire, Napoleonic France and Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
>biggest country in the world
>first man in space
>father of chemistry and pharmacy
>not a country before superior Enlishman made lines to create it
>no legal system of their own
>no statehood
>no culture
>considered subhumans by everyone and even race-liberal Nazis
>superpower by 2025
You need to try harder in order to get a (you) desu
The only reason parts of southern europe have some light hair is because of the germanic invasions, they would all be dark hair if not, and also keep in mind the turks interbred with the peoples living there before, otherwise they would be mongoloids instead of shitskins
You should've posted the pooloo map
t. volganigger
Unlikely with 1,2 billion people
why all the hate for Tatars? they are a pretty noble people....
is there anything pol doesnt hate, really
We are blakan but turks never conquered us.
>Non-white untermenschen
Yet you are subhuman enough to fucking nail it. Congrats!
Slovenia is not Turkified genetically. Croatia is through Dalmatia
Ottoman society was divided by religious privileges. To become Muslim was to become an Ottoman/Turk which led to the assimilation of lots of peoples within the Ottoman Empire. What remained of the Byzantine/Greek nation were the peasants and mountainfolk of Greece proper and merchants in the urban areas.
The end result was , separated by religion and linguistics.
Very few things, but they exist
I know kek. Tell me friend what is life like in India right now? Are things improving?
>le untermenschen XDDDDDD
They fought nobly for Poland for hundreds of years and are very moderate Muslims with a nice culture why do you despise them?
Right word here, cuck. Non-white filth doesn't deserve hate. That feeling reserved for equals.
>they fought for Poland
>inb4 they wuz good boys, they wuz loyal. They were NOT:
Well, they did betray Poland. Not even once
1)1591: The rule of the fervent Catholic Sigismund III (1587–1632) and the Counter-Reformation movement brought a number of restrictions to the liberties granted to non-Catholics in Poland, the Lipkas amongst others. This led to a diplomatic intervention by Sultan Murad III with the Polish king in 1591 on the question of freedom of religious observance for the Lipkas. This was undertaken at the request of Polish Muslims who had accompanied the Polish King's envoy to Istanbul.
2)1672: This was the year of the Lipka Rebellion. As a reaction to restrictions on their religious freedoms and the erosion of their ancient rights and privileges, the Lipka Tatar regiments stationed in the Podolia region of south-east Poland abandoned the Commonwealth at the start of the late 17th century Polish–Ottoman Wars that were to last to end of the 17th century with the Treaty of Karlowitz in 1699.
3)The worst: in 1683 most of them fought for the Ottomans
STFU, lipka
Explain this
What to explain? Look inaccurate and sloppy - they have just "Balkans_D" nothing special for based Slovenians
The Russian mongol part
>You see this
>"good genetics" crosses your mind
So do you think I am a subhuman since I'm a Pole with Tatar ancestry Ivan?
>mongol part
There is no such thing on the map, and as I wrote earlier it's fairly inaccurate. Mongols didn't leave genetic legacy in Europe as they were mere tax collectors unlike rapey Turks who were both physically present and sexually pervetred. It would be wise to associate mongol rule with Ukraine as they mostly controled what is now Ukraine.
Green bar on the map may be a chart for local Finnic Siberian tribes
Here is a good research
The American Journal ofHuman Genetics (Volume82, Issue1, 10January 2008, P. 236–250)
Pick one. Yes, I do think that you are a subhuman. Literally gypsy tier
Dont listen to him. you are totally noble and aryan
Is this map accurate? I thought we were more slavic or atleast slavo-germanic.
>Pick one
What are you trying to say Ivan? I know the language perfectly and feel a tie to the country I doubt you could even tell me from a Pole without Tatar blood I just have slightly slanted eyes and dark hair but pale skin.
can't tell if being sarcastic but if not thanks lad
Of course he is. Look how handsome they are. Poles can't even compete
>I feel
>I speak
Who cares? It's about blood. Ahmed is not German, you are not Polish.
Death to Rassiya
It's different than Ahmed though because my ancestors lived there for generations and largely assimilated, if I assimilate into the culture and behave like a decent human being who cares?
You're more east Slavic than us and whatever Germanic or Celtic admixture Slovenes have is nowhere near enough to label them Celto-Germanic. This map is highly inaccurate.
Looks like average moscovite
with Putin's immigration policy that's of no surprise
slav genes =/= white genes
How so? Have you ever seen a Slav?
Actually it does,as purely Slavic ethnic groups like Slovaks and Poles have no Turkish admixture like Illyrian-Slavics(not purely Slavic tribes to begin with) in the Balkans. Slavs largely less civilised, but it can be good in our times
Do i look merchant?
That's what i thought, but eupedia seems to be solid source.
Some in the Ottoman Empire, mainly the rich, noble class, considered themselves to be Ottomans (compare to Swede or Greek). The word Turk was not used on the population until the mid-1800s.