It's time to let the White Supremacsts have the term "alt-right". They insist they are racist and have made it stick.
Our guy disavowed them.
It's over for them.
Alt-right is officially "White Nationalist".
(And they are part of pizzagate!)
Spencer is a faggot
Nothing wrong with white nationalism, no other countries are being flooded with foreign racws. You fucking leaf.
Complain to Richard Sepencer not me.
He's the one going "heil Trump" and forcing us to disavow.
White nationalists who cant be fucking normal and and offer only bad publicity for actual heros need to go back to their sad circle jerk lives.
This Spencer cuck deserves a bullet.
Well he's bad for Trump and White Nationalism. He's making everybody look stupid. There should be no more debate as to what the "alt-right" stands for.
I came off as mean, and you're so nice. Sorry about that leaf, just frustrated with all the threads concerning NPI
>Alt-right is officially "White Nationalist".
Does anyone actually have a problem with this?
There has been some debate.
But it is now a transparent Spencerian/FBI meme. Nothing more.
>use altright to avoid negative connotations of WN label
>say "heil" a lot
Great branding, my man
Faggot officially outed himself as an agent/informant the minute he publicly did his "heil Trump" thing.
Anyone who looks upon him and his clique as anything other than cointelpro are foolish and naive.
If you dont want to be a fringe group, you should have a problem with "white nationalism" as a label. Labels matter.
(((Alt Right)))---he's a jew shill, controlled opposition just like (((Milo))). I can tell a phony when I see one. (((Spencer))) is a phony.
Is this guy Canadas new president or something?
He even has a meme haircut
meme-fashy hair!
>Faggot officially outed himself as an agent/informant the minute he publicly did his "heil Trump" thing.
Or they just did it for fun, and the media obsessed over it.
When the fuck will you self-serious redditors leave?
Yeah he may be a (((shill))) or he may be FBI like Hal Turner.
Everyone is shilling everyone now.
In any case he's fake. And nefarious.
>Our Guy
No, he is officially an operative whose function is to discredit Trump and his supporters.
If you don't see that go back to your circle jerk and "have fun".
>all of NPI and richard spencer's twitters got deleted
>david duke's twitter is still up
>somehow spencer is the plant
It costs a way toi much to go to any of NPI's European advocacy events. If you're wonder how he gets his money, there's your answer. He is literally the only person in Washington pushing suit and tie white identity politics. If every other group is going to start relying on identity politics, whites are too. Worst case scenario: other races give up on identity politics because of the ebiiil not z's.
>CTR shill attempting to discredit Spencer discrediting.
Leave yourself douchebag.
Fuck off back to Rebbit. Spencer has been around for years, and has been banned from Twitter (which wouldn't have happened if he was a plant), and he's not a plant just because you got triggered by something he did in one private conference.
I dont care what he wears.
He is a self appointed "alt-right" spokesperson and publicly did his "Heil Trump" thing.
He doesnt care about Whites.
He cares about his marching orders as a plant and provocateur.
Don't be naive.
He is now bad for anything you unironically stand for.
i agree, the label white nationalists is tainted. call yourself patriots, and ethnopluralists instead or meme a new term into existence.
>plant trying to explain how to tell if plant.
Blow me CTR fake-Canadian.