So I'm confused. CNN is saying Trump isn't going to pursue charges against HRC? Is this true? Is she getting off?
Give me the straight dope.
So I'm confused. CNN is saying Trump isn't going to pursue charges against HRC? Is this true? Is she getting off?
Give me the straight dope.
now he will pursue pedo charges against hillary's cronies and take her down
Pol is eternaly cucked.
Everything he said was a lie, just as perdicted.
Good job voting for Obama 2.0
Remember that Trump will keep the media in their toes. He won't reveal his strategy.
Goyim, you are learning the hard way that Trump is one of them.
I thought Trump was just a meme desu.
TRUMP: I dont wish to pursue charges against Hillary
OBAMA: OH OK Hillary your good, (No Pardon)
JAN 21
Hillary Clinton is still above the law whodathunkit
There's keeping them on their toes and there's saying, "This is what I'm not gonna do."
No suspense there.
Trump bent the knee and let the New York Times butt fuck him while he disavowed everyone that voted for him
Nigga, he ain't go no "strategy".
Somebody had to explain to him what "libel" means and he stuttered around teh NYT interview like Jerry Lewis hoped up on goofballs.
Uh huh...just keep telling yourself that
He said things that people wanted to hear? That's odd.
No he won't. He has literally flip flopped on everything he said he wanted to do with the exception of deporting undocumented illegal immigrants.
It is not the president's job to run or even oversee criminal investigations.
Friendly reminder to sage and ignore these threads folks.
Isn't he implying he'll protect her from prosecution though?
It was one of his major campaign promises to hire a team that would oversee getting evidence to lead to her conviction.
"Because you'd be in jail"
The typical Trump supporter
>I'll just plug my ears, scream "SHILL" "CTR" and pretend I can't hear them
He personally is not going after her, but that doesn't mean the FBI and DOJ is not.
Why would he say he would pursue charges?
Have you read Sun Tzu?
Have you listened to Trump talk?
Why would he reveal to his enemies what he is doing?
This bitch is going down... WAY DOWN.
(By the way we are being raided daily and the OP is a shill sliding other threads)
Why would he claim he's going to charge her now when Obama still has the authority to pardon her?
He's trying to tone that protesters down so that country can recover from being divided.
lol CNN said...
Maybe Trump made a deal with Obama to not pursue charges if Obama doesn't do last minute illegal immigrant pardons or some other deal
Keep telling yourselves that. What will the excuse be in January when he's still not pursuing charges? Will you guys just resort back to shouting "CTR SHILL" "SLIDE THREAD"?
I love that you don't demand honesty and follow through in your leaders. None of us seem to. Sad!
>Sees posts which is dissenting of the narrative of Trump being the second coming of Christ
What excuse is needed? With Clinton flaunting state secrets to foreign countries, we wouldn't even need to let them out.
We can start with CF as stated.
This delusion is incredible.
Sup Forums is reaching liberal left tier in regards to delusions.
Which is what Obama was doing for a few years as well, might I remind you...
dont even give them a "you", let them think they're manipulating things with their pitiful concern trolling. no one has lost a lick of faith and hell were all still grinning up and down over the good victory
4 years of liberal tears and all they can do is yip like chihuahua nipping at the heels
It's good you finally spelled it correctly.
I think we need a fair investigation.
The big thing about Trump is that Trump doesn't forget and he doesn't forgive. I'm hoping that he does something eventually out of spite, since that's the sort of person he is. Once he can get back at someone, he will. Hell, I'm hoping he also sues everyone who levied rape accusations at him, except he will have the best lawyers the POTUS can have and pay for.
The President doesn't decide who gets prosecuted.
That's right, the FBI is the one that would pursue charges.
Here's your straight dope, you CTR fucktoy.
Why do you care?
>that doesn't mean the FBI and DOJ won't
Thats exactly what it means you dolt.
The FBI investigation is effectively closed and done without his intervention.
Isn't HRC already being investigated? Even if they're pussyfooting around once Trump's got his own attorney general in there shit'll start happening.
I fell for the Trump "Drain The Swamp" meme and hoped it would spill over onto other countries like Canada.
He seems to be backing off on that.
That's some fucking bullshit.
Lock. Her. Up.
Sup Forums is going say CNN is lying but even "alternative" media like Breitbart is calling him out on it
He isn't pursuing Clinton. Trump was bullshitting the whole time and you retards ate it all up. He even disavowed you all recently
He's likely just saying that so she won't try anything desperate and stupid, or run for it. Let her think she'll be allowed to fade away unnoticed if she doesn't make waves, then strike once his power is consolidated. If he goes after her now, she'll probably try to kick-start a civil war so Obomber can stay in office and compare it to Hitler jailing his political competition.
CNN has consistently lied since Obama passed the propaganda law in 2012. Do not beleive anything they say as it is propaganda and is being used to affect you mentally
king nigger would pardon her and all the pedos otherwise
Every single piece of the media sounds just so relieved their poor persecuted messiah is going to get off the hook.
>Phew! Trump said something that means he's definitely sticking to it!
She'll get busted by the FBI for clinton foundation stuff next year.
Who cares, Clinton was just an obstacle to Trump's presidency, now she isn't it doesn't really matter.
Kellyanne said something like it on morning joe.
However I doubt she'll be around for much longer.
Don't screencap this.
dipshit leaf, it isn't only CNN
if there is anything we have learned it's that trump is always playing 5d chess
if trump says he will prosecute her before Jan 20, that only expedites an Obama pardon
>CNN and the NY Times said it so it must be true
Holy shit you people are stupid as fuck.
>different IDs
Sup Forums was never known for smarts , I guess.
He has to wait until after the inauguration otherwise obongo will make sure they can get off.
He said he doesn't favor prosecution. However, Gowdy and Co are still investigating her, and her ass will be toast once Obama and the DOJ aren't there to protect her anymore. Trump knows this, so he's chosen to look merciful while still getting the same result
Was Sup Forums known for politics or would you rather step in to more shit?
>kellyanne conway
Literally who? And why do you expect me to listen to what you have to say when you put your own biases in plain view? You must be retarded.
no point in talking about it or even mentioning it until he actually takes office.
Obama would probably just pardon her otherwise.
>doesn't know the campaign manager
>pretends he isn't fucking new
You're full of shit. He's a obvious lying cunt.... And now in charge of your shit hole. Good luck. Faggot.
she's trump's campaign manager, retard
how do you know this little about your own candidate
>Obama would probably just pardon her otherwise.
Absolutely idiotic.
The President can only pardon someone if they have been actually convicted.
He'll only be in office for three more months, which is not enough time to find a grand jury, indict her, try her, convict her and pardon her.
hah, i'll be sitting here with my guns and freedoms, enjoy your new orwellian laws limey
How about you niggers wait until he's fucking elected before you start screaming about how he's not currently trying to do things that he can't do for another 2 months. Everything you've posted with these threads is nothing but baseless, useless speculation.
>hurr CNN says Drumpf is flip flopping
>lololol so Sup Forums when will you admit u were wrong and ur getting cocked by DRUMPF
Seriously fuck off you shit-tier """ebin trolls""", newfags, and legitimate shills. And fuck everybody who replies to these garbage slide threads without saging.
Damn. Can you let the man take office before we start saying he's flip-flopping on promises? He's not in a position to fulfill any promises at the moment.
If he gets all hot on Clinton now, Obama will pardon and the Dems will release their useful idiots into the streets. Just be cool until 2017 and then see what happens. If the Clinton Clan aren't in the gallows by 2018, then we sharpen the pitchforks.
what does Trump have to gain by saying he's going after Hillary right now
it would just lead to more protests and fear-mongering
you can't MAGA with less than half the nation behind you, I'm fucking sorry to inform you. Half of getting MAGA is changing people's mindsets that are so unbelievably fucked up right now. He's got to get people behind him or nothing will work.
Insider here. This is the truth but no one will see it given how this thread will be buried. So I feel safe to share it...
Trump made a deal, let Clinton go and retire into obscurity with her political gains and the Foundation...
In exchange for the wall and immigration deportation.
To accept climate change in exchange for bringing the industry back home to America.
He had to make deals he wouldn't like, but he will deliver on the major points.
Quite a shame that Trump signed a contract stating that, as President, he would do everything his campaign manager wanted him to do. Meanwhile, your "source" is a bundle of hearsay. The video is of that person's reaction to being told that Trump won't pursue charges, which itself was told to the interviewers by somebody else who also wasn't Trump.
Lugenpresse, lugenpresse, lugenpresse.
Obama can't pardon her because she hasn't been convicted of anything, you stupid retard.
Do you morbidly obese burgers know ANYTHING about how things work in your country?
No, dumbass. The FBI and DOJ are independent. That was one of the complaints about the Obama admin. Interfering,
Wait till next year.
Yes he can, Ahmed
No, Trump himself is not going to pursue charges because that's Civil War territory. Leave it to the FBI and the new DoJ. The Foundation is still an open case for a reason.
Hello Neogaf
its to late. soros has taken her to a regeneration chamber. there she will hibernate until she stops shitting metal. we missed our chance cable is going to have to take her down in the future
>CNN is saying
You believe CNN now after all the shit they pulled?
He isn't
Sessions is
after Trump sworn in
after Sessions approved
after FBI Unfucked
after DOJ uncucked.
sage this shit
Confirmed shills, we are being raided by butthurt liberals
You don't need to be convicted of anything to be pardoned, see Nixon.
This whole case is about to get six'd.
Start by imagining drawing a 6.
You start at the top and end in zero.
Hillary Clinton is bout to get 60'd.
If she gets 61'd she's a dead man.
CNN makes up the news as they go along.
If you don't hear it directly from Trump, it's bullshit.
> unironically calls Obama King nigger
Fox News says otherwise
Thank you for correcting the record.
I'd like her to get me off. Not sex though.
A sneaky hand job under the dinner table full of powerful guests.
Make me feel molested you power hungry psycho
It's true. He also flip flopped on climate change and the wall (it's back to the fence that was already there) and more.
dunno why are you surprised, I would do the same, it would be easy for the media to show it as Trump's revenge on democrats etc., there is no upside for Trump to pursue her, only costs
No, they aren't really independent. FBI and DOJ heads are presidential appointments.
So in other words, four more years of Obama.
he's not the POTUS yet, he won't say anything or else she'll flee the country
>ever doubting trump 3D Chess
Do you even have a single fact to back that up?