wait hang on, if you're over 30 get the fuck out of here. no one cares about your retarded, divorced, living in your friend's basement at 48, opinions. Kindly stick to your programming and stay off this board.
PS:Change your underwear, you smell like shit.
Luis Taylor
Colton Wilson
>tfw 34 and been here since the /n/ days
Get the fuck out.
Alexander Hill
Jordan Perry
>t. 14 year old
Owen Johnson
t. underage b&
Go back to Sup Forums, you cancerous faggot.
Owen Ortiz
Get off the internet new fag. Go play with your Ben 10's or ride around on your scooter or whatever it is you millennial faggots do.
The internet of the late 90's was the best internet. And if you weren't in it then fuck you. You don't being on this board. Or on an internet forum of any kind for that matter. Fuck off to your kikebook and apps you faggot.
Adrian Price
30 here
Literally spent my youth on Sup Forums. I'm actually doing pretty well, have a good white collar job. When I was starting out here in 2007 I was a NEET. This place taught me.
TL;DR go fuck yourself teenage nigga
Jose Clark
Any and all serious discussion on Sup Forums is generated by the 25+ crowd. Everyone else is just here for meme spam, roll threads, and other cancerous threads shitting up /pol. Underage b& will be the first to go on the day of the rope.
Joshua Russell
Reported. Enjoy your 6 month ban I had it happen to me for admitting I was 15 almost four years ago, now it's your turn.
Jayden Lee
>30+ year olds don't have valid opinions pertaining to politics
Did someone get btfo by an oldfag?
Nolan Lee
What's a matter? Did your 30 year old single mother ground you again newfag?
Ian Anderson
>t. He is implying that OP is 14, you retard. Lurk more.
Leo Watson
everyone over 25 should GTFO they're all the christcucks on this board
Tyler Martin
you are all 1) over 39 2) lost in life 3) working at some random food place
please leave, you're hurting the community
-signed, Sup Forums
Thomas King
>tfw you think you represent Sup Forums
Easton Jenkins
Brandon Bailey
>speaking to OP in post fagit
Jack Cruz
>youth is superior to experience for perspective. >believing you are guaranteed to live to 35+
Ask me how I know you're underage.
Brayden Wright
>t. 12 year old from Sup Forums that just discovered Sup Forums
Jacob Gray
Samuel Martin
I am 33 and browse Sup Forums almost exclusively while in my office.
When I was in my teens and 20's I was busy obtaining my degree and getting laid. Who is really the biggest faggot here? You should be enjoying your youth.
Josiah Morgan
All you elderly idiots gtfo
Benjamin Adams
I'm 35, married, and my underwear is fresh.
Cooper Reyes
Yeah, because adolescents and young adults are the real connoisseurs of political knowledge, where would we be without their eternal wisdom.
Fuck off, you conceited little brat.
Jackson Torres
whats your fucking deal
Anthony Green
Unless you're paying your own house bills you have no business pretending you're right wing. Move out of your mothers house. Stop crying about baby boomers Stop thinking alt-right is something respectable Get a job Get a wife that isn't a whore Get some kids Don't be a fucking pussy
Isaiah Kelly
42, Trumptard, and Upper Middle Class I wear a suit to work every day and make six figures faggot. waiting for the day of the rope /k/omando and /out/ist as well GTFO
Lucas Roberts
jokes on you, i'm not wearing any underwear
Cooper Taylor
Young dipshit millenials like you are the reason Trump was elected king.
I laugh everyday when you weaklings start a thread crying about no jobs or how boomers fucked them.
Cooper Murphy
>waaaa i want this to be a millennial safe space reeeee
Aiden Perry
Holy shit you are stupid. Fuck off and lurk more newfag
Benjamin Peterson
Jayden Parker
32yo blue collar worker here. Not divorced, not living in a basement and my opinions are mostly modest. Can I stay?