Dating single moms

Whats with this new cuck trend? Dating a fucking single mom? Society keeps pushing it on us because more women are sluts that breed with bbc and their kids have no dad!!!


Well, I've argued with people all over the internet about gender relations. Bottom line is that men have it harder than women and women have it easier than men in western society. But I REFUSE to be a disposable doormat so young women and other men can abuse me. I will not tolerate that.

But it's important to remember that it's not only women who are the problem, men are also pieces of shit and women are motivated by an evil culture to harm men especially young men. They are told to be rude and to be sluts 24/7, they are bombarded with propaganda.

I can't imagine raising another man's child. It's like your whole biological purpose has been destroyed.

Don't you enjoy raising coalburners' sons?

There are more females then males
Single mothers dont date but i can assure you they sleep around all the fucking time
Its not ok but they dont care, they are single for a reason, either by their own faults or for picking the wrong dick to jump on

I blame social media, and the rise of the liberal movement advocating for "titties out", "casual sex doesn't make you a slut", etc ...

My friend recently split up with his girlfriend of 5 years.

A few months later, he tells me he's dating someone...who is a single mum.

She was also abused by her father at a young age, so I can't see her being a particularly stable individual.

I brought it up a while ago while with a couple of other friends, asking their opinion etc.

They both agreed that it is unnatural, stating that it's not right to bring up someone else's child.

He's still going ahead with it though. It's beyond my personal comprehension at this point.

How about sluts not have kids.

>Be liberal 25 year old fucking hot as fuck kinky as fuck 36 year old
>Surprise three kids (all white, no coalburning here)
>Surprise she's pregnant
>She says I can go, wont try to keep me or ask for money
>"man up" and take on the responsibility
>Real dad isn't in picture, is loser stoner shacked up with another women who also has kids
>Kids were 9 girl, 11 boy and 13 boy
>Remember I'm 25
>5 years of trying to be Dad
>didn't work
>last three I've just been older brother kind of relationship and it's working out better
>they're 17 21 and 22 now.
>Helped the 21 and 22 move out two years ago
>17 is a pain in the ass but so where my flatmates when I was 18, no big deal
Shit's not easy.
Milf is still sexy as fuck though and the sex is still amazing.

Fuck man this is my life right now. I remember in hischool and up until like 22 you could still find quite a few dates that were normal single women. Now you'll be lucky to go on a few dates a year with a childless woman. I feel like I'm trying to date when I'm 37 or something what the fuck happened in the 00's?

That's weird man.

not very different, still worse than dating women that realize they are getting too old to be sluts anymore,

well, no chance in hell you cunt.
you should probably "step down" from being a slut instead,
so you don't end up asking someone else to "step up" later to pay for your mistakes.

I think the only time is acceptable to date a single mother is if the dad died while he was still with the family. Even then though that should be a last resort and only when you're like 35+

Do chicks fuck single daddies? My kid's 5 and I'm 31. Baby Momma is elsewhere being a faggot.

I'm 24 and look like I'm 20. Young girls still love me.

I'm autistic so I don't give a fuck and avoid women like the plague nowadays, but I genuinely feel bad for dudes in the 27+ range trying to find someone. Everywhere I look there are single mothers with tats and piercings, all 3 things screaming red flags to me.

I was swiping through tinder and saw this "Single mom and proud stay at home mother", and I thought to myself not only is this bitch a single mom but she's living off welfare and proud of it. Like wtf.

I really hope this is bait.

If not, kill yourself.

>Everywhere I look there are single mothers with tats and piercings, all 3 things screaming red flags to me.

Yeah that's life now.

When you are a single dude own your own house have a nice car, and make six figures a year girls come streaming in +25 range so much so that you have to beat them off with a stick because they are all looking for that free ride.

What if she's willing to give you kids of your own?

>man = Sup Forums
>woman = Sup Forums
>kid = Sup Forums
>dog = Sup Forums

There is a massive difference between raising a non white and your own. Besides you will probably plant your seed anyways!

Sup Forums is utterly retarded in that they hate single mothers but want them to stay single because dating/marrying one is cuckoldry. Sup Forums ignores nigger-tier fathers and general relationship problems that lead to single mothers, still putting down the women because they just don't like them.

Man the fuck up, Sup Forums, date and marry single mothers, restore the nuclear family and breed more white kids. Or just stay in your basements raging against hard-working single mothers because you hate the few sluts of the world.

Thanks for contributing to the white genocide Sup Forums

I am from a divorce family bong, I am not interested in that shit. Fuck that noise.

If a woman proclaims she is a single mother, I stay away from her.

The only leniency I will give her is if she is a war widow, and even that is stretching it.

>Sup Forums is utterly retarded in that they hate single mothers but want them to stay single because dating/marrying one is cuckoldry

That's not retarded. That's revenge. Single moms are the scum of society and should be punished wherever possible.

>Man the fuck up, Sup Forums, date and marry single mothers



my girlfriends brother dated a girl with a kid and it basically ruined his life. After he broke up with her she started renting out his old room at his parents house, and his mom and dad play with this womans child like it is their grandkid.

Even after all that, the dude went out and got himself another girlfriend, this time with TWO kids

some people just want to JUST

Single motherhood makes a lot of money for the state and corporations. Of course they want to try to normalize it.

Why don't single moms just get an abortion, or give the baby up for adoption?