Thank you, Neptune!
Thank you, Neptune!
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Nice, got the youtube link?
Remove the dots.... before and after 8ch
see the true nature of twitter users
>last bid
They saw a gibs me dat and went for it
you insensitive fucks that boat was full of real live people just like you and me what if your family was on there or even you it wouldn't be so funny then now would it you deranged freaks
There goes another one
New here?
My family is not black.
They were all men...
No women.
No children.
All men.
And these refugees have been known to thrown Christians overboard.
They'd know how to swim.
Sharks gotta eat too.
Here it is:
>just like you and me
I'm not a nigger.
Technically they comited suicide, which is none of my business.
>be me, literal nigger from niggeria
>pay 8000€ to take boat to get nice white pussy and free gibs
>see some boat, probably the one the passer told about
>crash into it
>they're tunisian, laugh at us as our boat sinks and they get away
I would have been throwing chum in the water and pissing on their heads, laughing the whole time.
oh no those poor innocent african children and woman who could have been future astronauts and doctors
Chimpanzees will be astronauts and doctors before niggers will.
They knew the risk. Maybe they should have immigrated legally
Reality is now worse than this book.
I would never die in that situation.
I know how to swim and I know how to hold on to a fucking rope if that's what takes.
Titanigg 2016
Being able to pay for things like brain surgery with bannanas what a glorious future!
kill yourself you faggot normie
>just like you and me
>just like you
>and me
>The one that drowned while wearing a flotation vest.
The will of God.
shit ought to float. Niggers can defy even that logic.
Possibly defective equipment, this is Africa we are talking about, if it's not second hand goods it's possibly crudely manufactured to only look like a flotation device
I hate them and I really hope they wouldn't set foot on our beautiful continent, but let's face it: no way for them to migrate legally.
Considering though how healthy and young they are, nothing stops them to stay in their shitholes and fight to make them great again and protect their families from the enemies, just like every fucking nation in the world did at some point in their history
play stupid games win stupid prices
good riddance
>>The one that drowned while wearing a flotation vest.
Some people sell Africans fake flotation devices.
Oh no, all those poor Syrian women and children.
These people would rape and kill you if given the chance.
They would kill everyone you know and love if they would profit from it.
Do not give them any pity, because they deserve none.
>survivors included migrants from (...) Lebanon
that's in the article mentioning recent rescue operations. I thought Lebanon wasn't shit. Why are Lebanese people trying to drown themselves? Can Lebanese not afford air travel (or at least land travel) like humans?
Smash the fash?
Tfw a book predicts the future
You shouldn't believe anything these """refugees""" or the (((media))) say m8
Hell I saw pictures of "underage syrian refugees" in newspapers that were clearly sub-saharan Africans in their fucking 30s
>the nigger at the end of the video spinning underwater
I cant be the only who thought this
>just like you and me
In all fairness they did sink their own boat. Not only were they dead sinking something their very survival relied on in the empty wide ocean, but they are dead and dumbasses. Poseidon has taken his latest tribute.
Thank you Njörd
Praise Kek
All of this shit because we wanted oil?
>full of real live people
>real live people
Niggers are not human and europeans don't own them shit.
It's horrifying to think that these niggers could have ended up in Europe
Gutes Kek, Helmut.
and our niggers riot over shoes
Schadenfreude is strong with this one.
Thank you based Poseidon!
Thanks based Poseidon :)
That headline is hilarious.
My family and I can tread water.
What were they fleeing?
That is a stare...
Always gave me the creeps.
going oversea, not learning to swim
fucking kek.
You'd think they'd at least learn to fucking swim before crossing the sea in a raft. Why is swimming so hard for niggers?
Hard work
Thank you, based Poseidon
>ram coast guard for gibs
>it's not coast guard
>sink and drown
Fucking lol
>Just like you and me
You might have a sub 85 IQ and dream of stealing and raping white women but I don't. I have more in common with a horse than I do those dumb niggers
>stupid useless niggers pretend to drown to leech my money, if not rape and steal and destroy in my country
>they fail
>I have more in common with a horse
I'm not sure this post works out the way you think it does.
I don't hate them, but they decided to attempt to invade a land they had no right to, and brought about their own deaths by doing so. I feel nothing for these men.
thank you based poseidon
Most of them sink several miles off shore, and in this case the fishermen were smart enough not to let them board their boat.
>coast guard
>helps invaders to shore
Can someone translate what he is saying?
This is excellent quality bait
>he thinks vests are real
good goy
Probably because others were trying to grab on to him and drowned him. Being the man with a burger in a room full of starving dogs.
If they worked at making their home a better place instead of fleeing to shit up some other place I would care.
It's not, people on this board just love replying to obvious b8
Thank you based Poseidon.
>rent fisherboat
>go to mediteranian
>throw in ropes
>everyone to pushes and goes over board
>ropes waxed on top and they cant climb up
>tucker away
>pretend nothing every happend
Check out first comment of Youtube video:
I realize you're doing this to stir the pot, but these men assumed the risk of an evil act, and were not murdered, but ended up killing themselves. I don't begrudge them their existence but the fact that they tried to invade and cause harm someone else' society, purely for their own self-interest, makes it just and right that they died, and makes me glad they'll never reach shore to carry out their plans.
Apes and monkeys avoid water and can't really swim. Is it strange that the more upright species of ape that infests Africa can't/wont swim?
>Dark assed African, 72 IQ havin,' scuttlin dey own shit while on it
Somehow I disagree with the 'like you and me' bit M80
Just ramming one of those things with a reasonable sized boat would be easily enough to sink it.
It was just a livestock boat calm down
>first it was Italian guard coast/fishing boat
>then is arabic fishing boat
>now is tunisian fishing trawler
livestock serves a purpose though
Thank you based Poseidon
>wear a life preserver vest
>be black and stupid so you put it on backwards
>it holds your head underwater until you drown
fucking magnets
Well yes. Now the sealife below will feast!
Checked and Keked