How do we fix the American educational system?
How do we fix the American educational system?
make it harder.
every person went to university / college how is this possible?
Why do you think education has been dumbed down?
As a guy who works in education, and has experience in both one-on-one and class-based teaching, the work in public schools is really fucking easy compared to what students are capable of learning, and the kids aren't trying hard enough to do well.
Children should be taught how to work hard in school, and if schoolwork is just something you can finish with minimal effort before going back to watching cartoons and jacking off (which it is), they're not being pressed hard enough.
Make tertiary education more affordable. You guys are too scared of anything being labelled GOMMUNISM
More in tune with what the children will do in the future
More competitive
Make it more challenging with smaller class sizes.
I would agree with that if we're talking STEM fields and trade schools.
We don't need MORE education, we need BETTER education, and there's not nearly enough students coming out of the system with degrees in things that actually provide benefit to an employer.
Perfect reason to build the wall and cut back on welfare.
First we should recognize that the system is intended to produce workers and doesn't equip one with the knowledge or wisdom of actually learning how to learn.
teach kids general classes in elementary middle school and then in highschool begin teaching them a trade of there choice alongside math, science and english.
this way they are prepared for the job market right out of highschool and eliminates the need for shit like gender studies and liberal arts.
#1 - Parenting. There are so many shitty parents raising a new generation of fucktards today. Core traditional family values are being ditched so that single mothers can have their child raised by social media and Conseual while they're out looking for a sugar daddy at happy hour.
#2 - PC / Special Snowflake. This political correctness and you're a special snowflake syndrome has got to stop. They need to learn from a young age that they're not special. They're just another bag of cells. You're not any gender you want to be and you aren't entitled in this world just because you identify as something that doesn't exist.
#3 - Pandering/Entitlement. This shit needs to stop too. The generation of people graduating today are entitled retards because of how much pandering is done to them.
Improving education can't be done with revised textbooks or curriculum, it needs to be changed first with the parenting and the ideals kids are being taught today.
Bring back segregation
Don't. It's a waste of time.
Would be more beneficial (and profitable) to create a new system more compatible with human nature, and the 21st century.
Tell Pearson to go fuck themselves, and privatize it entirely. Maybe have local government ensure people are literate.
Do you think we should separate the smart kids from the dumb kids?
How about teaching shit you actually need to survive in real life? Why the fuck are they teaching kids all this shit the majority of them wont use? Also the parents are lazy shits or have no time so they expect the teachers to teach them everything, while the teachers couldnt give less of a shit as most of them just hand out crossword puzzles and do the bare minimum for an easy pay check
I think schools should have mandatory government/finances classes.
Make lynching of niggers legal
Enforce stricter discipline. This hands-off approach in american schools is pathetic.
I think if you beat people down enough for minor misbehaviours early on you could have higher attendance and subsequently better results in tests. Treat the class as your enemy and you can expect some more cooperation among students to avoid punishment like hanging or the guillotine
Removing niggers and cunts from it . The system isn't broken, the input is. Any problems with the system come from trying to accommodate shit students that shouldn't be in it.
What's wrong with the American education system?
Other than not motivating students enough to actually get educated of course.
Stop empowering the retards.
Give those who dont want to the option to fail and use the saved money on the prodigies.
Mostly, it comes from the family.
I have seen PLENTY of kids that were well capable of having good grades but gave no fucks about the school, were never incentived, the parents gave no fuck about their grades, etc.
The result is no one passes the years, then the goverment comes in and makes it easier.
This alone should be enough to improve the education of the country.
Then there is college costs and importance, which is another problem on itself, but far smaller if we could fix the basic education.
that already happens on its own.
i've heard that school teaches you how to learn.
also you do learn real life skills, like writing grammatically correctly, filling out forms, following instructions, and conduct.
>white americans outperform whites in europe
>blacks & mexicans bring scores down
>system is fine
>t. guy who made his living selling his words to others
Pot calling the kettle black
The government has never intended to create a more educated population. The smarter the people are, the harder they are to control.
Do not think for one minute that "free college" is about giving everyone an education. It is about reeducation, indoctrination and control on mass scale.
For example Abraham Lincoln said:
>"The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next."
He understood that education could change the government's policy and ideas. So what has the government made sure to do in recent generations? Control and craft the education so that it goes exactly the direction you want it to. This is why we have such a massive level of SJW style (regurgitation) thought in younger generations. Relativism is an important tool of Marxism. If there is no truth, then there is no foundation, therefore you can craft it into whatever you want it to be.
Subversion and eradication of thought that challenges the rulers is the only true goal of a government education initiative in our current age.