Be honest... what the FUCK did they tell him?
He's done a complete 180 since that moment.
Be honest... what the FUCK did they tell him?
He's done a complete 180 since that moment.
Canada did 9/11
uh oh
Obama told him the jews run everything and Israel is America's greatest ally.
>complete 180
In what way bitchleaf?
Aliens are real, isreal did 9/11, there are at leat 30 drones aiming at your head at this moment. Also, pizza.
The friendship pact
When and where was this taken?
After his first meeting with Obama in the White House.
He's thinking
>oh shit, i actually won?
>well fuck
All presidents get a complementary pizza dinner which is mandatory
Probably that its aliens who actually control everything, they have more power than he could ever imagine, and if he wants his family to not be used as sex slaves, he better pipe down and be a good little pressie.
>you're invited to pizza party next friday
>you will be assassinated if you will not show up
They told him about the Ayyys
No, you fool.
He's doing exactly what he needs to.
>2 muslims have been deposited into your house
He did a 180 right when he won the presidency, getting away with his con on all you stupid faggots. Just look at his victory speech THAT VERY NIGHT.
Ya'll got played like the retards you are.
They were just trying to help the USA, though, because if you kill someone, he wins
He hasn't done a 180, but they probably told him aliens are real and the global elite are untouchable kiddy fuckers.
reptilians showed themselves he bowed down to the overlords
Kek. I actually wouldn't be surprised.
When keeping it real goes wrong
Jet fuel can't melt steel beams
>implying foreigners didn't expected what's coming with Trump
Why do you mart sharters thought so many foreigners were shilling for Trump. Only the leafs have been your true allies, but now they hate you too. Have fun being an Ex Super Power
Dont fib, you faggot
This game was actually eerily prescient.
Kek agrees. And some are pretty funny.
I supported him based on the assumption that he would moderate his positions yet keep the general direction and key promises. A moderated position from him is a much better outcome than anything an establishment candidate was offering. Nobody keeps election promises, and I do mean nobody, they're just a barometer for the direction that will be taken. I like everything he's been doing so far including alt-right disavow, and especially not scalping Clinton for petty revenge but still promising to clamp down on lobbying. Call me a backtracking shill if you like, can't blame you and I'm not sure it's how the majority of Sup Forums feels and felt, but it's true for me.
That he has actual responsibilities as a president outside of being thin skinned on Twitter. It's gonna be a funny four years.
We have sent Bernie's mind into Ivanka's body. If you want to ever have your little girl back, kneel to the Jews.
They took him to the smokey room and showed him the footage.
Here is the result :(
>Hours later, Trump himself said that he was no longer committed to prosecuting Clinton, telling editors and reporters at the New York Times that he doesn’t “want to hurt the Clintons, I really don’t. She went through a lot and suffered greatly in many different ways.”
>But Trump’s comments were less definitive about his intentions than those made by his former campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, earlier in the day. Asked whether he had ruled out a prosecution of the former first lady, Trump said “it’s just not something that I feel very strongly about,” according to a tweet from Mike Grynbaum, a media writer for the Times.
After all Trump is Kek's chosen, he's gonna deliver or die trying!
The media's new tactic to smear Trump seems to be bitching about how he doesn't go through with his promises even though he isn't even in office yet
>In what way bitchleaf?
That's a clone, you dumb fucks. They replaced Trump during that meeting. It explains his weird behavior and affirmations. That is a reptillian clone.
The truth was revealed to him, a truth that is almost to hard to bear.
This is why presidents age so fast, this soul destroying truth eats them alive.
Same happened to Obama, he went from being a mild mannered academic to a Bush level warmonger in just a handful of days.
Illuminati confirmed! It's all a lie, whoever is in power they work for the same dark forces.
Obama told Trump that he is now in the arms of globalist, and race mixing promoting jews.
Trump was left stunned, as he was praising jews all this time.
Basically, he's realised that the globalists he want to figt, are the same cunts hes been promoting
>muh jews
>muh Israel
>slide thread
Stop replying to this shit guys, also why dont you post the picture they took 2 seconds after this one, you know the one with barry looking sad and trump smiling? fuck off ctr
Or being the President is an immensely stressful job with people on your ass 24/7. Even while Obongo was out golfing, I'm sure he had people ringing him up constantly.
>Slide thread
Whelp, you used both in one post. You can now promptly place your head back in your ass.
Good question. Game came out in 1995 I think, and pic related.
probably something about war being population control and if he doesn't want to nuke us soil to spark WWIII hes going too have to find another way to save the planet
donny droink is a fraud. a lier. a mutt.
not this time
Praise KEK
As if he didn't know that before...
ice bullets
; ;
He needs to become moderate and unify both parties. People are already hostile towards Trump so it's even harder for him. Just lets see how his first 100 days are. I have faith he will implement the majority of his campaign promises.
>He's done a complete 180 since that moment.
The fed will raise interest rates in December and this will trigger the collapse of the global economy and probably wwiii
he has a big role in regard to trumps plans.
have you ever looked at his face. this type of guy never takes an insecure/uncertain/unrealistic/offensive method.
i realized this when abe and trump had a meeting.
I think they introduce a parasite which takes over host control. Presidential candidates are always aware of this and in fact desire to be a host.
Trump obviously was not aware. That's why the meeting with Obama took almost two hours. They had to force him, and then straighten him up for the cameras