with christianity faltering we have seen muslims begin their conquests again, degeneracy and moral relativity infest every aspect of our culture, and the death of nationalism
can we restore the faith to its former glory?
if it is possible then how?
with christianity faltering we have seen muslims begin their conquests again, degeneracy and moral relativity infest every aspect of our culture, and the death of nationalism
can we restore the faith to its former glory?
if it is possible then how?
I'm afraid that the chances of Christianity becoming great again are slim...
...if we stick to doing things "Legally".
Christianity is growing in the eastern world and declining in the western world. We are seeing both worlds flip-flop, maybe after the east (Asian countries) becomes mostly Christian, the reverse will happen, and it'll decline in the east and grow once more in the west. Don't forget about the revivals that occur.
>the death of nationalism
Wait, I'm confused. Do you want Christianity or nationalism? You can't very well have both.
>You can't very well have both.
Why not? They're not mutually exclusive. You can have a nationalist people whose religion is Christianity
The Christian religion does not promote globalism, that was the sin of Babel. Even when Christ returns, He does not abolish national boundaries.
Why are you so distressed? Don't you know your Lord predicted all these things? Be of good cheer, He is coming soon. TODAY the European Union voted to establish a European Military, bringing us one step closer to the end of the age.
by the time it will grow in the west again there will be no europeans left
if christian cosmopolitism would be a problem for nationhood europe would be drowned in niggers 1000 years ago
Stop believing in fairy tales and a sky-daddy?
cast out the kike subvertors, have convictions, disown your children if they become whores.
get fit and wealthy enough to be happy then make Christianity look good to the masses.
>tfw no qt christian japanese gf to raise a family with.
nips are on average smarter than whites and my children would be attractive.
Americans are nothing but hybrid vigor at this point mixing with another race that has good genes is not a negative, especially if they are raised by people with the same values, like two Christians would have.
>he fell for the hybrid vigor meme
>religion at all
Your god wouldn't approve of you coming to Sup Forums you dumb fucks.
A God that would enter Hell would have no qualms with his people facing vulgarity.
>that was the sin of Babel
If you're going to reference a story you should at least read it.
>can we restore the faith to its former glory?
Why the fuck would you want to do that?
>God commands Man to spread out over the Earth
>Man instead gathers in one place and attempts to totally unify
>God, knowing this would make it infinitely easier for sinful man to be held under the boot of tyranny and vice, confuses their languages
>Nations form immediately after.
This kills the white race.
The Jews won.
>Chasing after Bolshevism 1.0
>Literally invented to abolish European achievement and glorify the state of slavery
>Killed European innovation for a thousand years (Look up "Timeline of Historic Inventions," compare Christian Europe to Pagan Europe and Pagan China)
>Put the Jews in their present position of banking power by giving them exclusive rights to the industry
>Founded, ((((((coincidentally)))))), by that same group of people
Why the fuck do you want this cancer to survive? Keep the cathedrals, artwork, music (Which are all Satanic idols of human achievement, btw), but let it "Die a natural death," as a certain person put it. The Volk cannot be represented by this Jewish corruption of the human mind and spirit.
Christianity is degeneracy.
The old church was simply masking self-preservation behind the false guise of being christian.
instead of making it strong, try swallowing the ultimate red pill:
>there is no god watching over us
>the universe is a cold, uncaring place and if some doomsday event wiped out all life on earth it'd just be a drop in the bucket in the grand scheme of things, even less than that
>there is no afterlife, just a complete cessation of consciousness
>embrace science and evolution for justifying genetic superiority while still acknowledging the importance of religion for maintaining a moral framework, repelling degeneracy, and keeping a country together
>always acknowledge the important roles some Christian institutions played throughout history
>never assume you're right and keep an open mind
>Gal 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female, for ye are all one in Christ Jesus
Hope you enjoy all of that being stripped away. No place for such sin in the Messiach's Earth.
Violence needs to be promoted from the pulpit
False equivalence. Buying a product because you learned of it in an ad is entirely different from murdering someone because you saw murder. Jack Thompson pls go.
This. As the early Protestants pointed out, and as the even later Protestants pointed out against their own Churches, all the achievements of European Christianity directly contradict the core ideology of Christianity itself. Every work of art, architecture, music, etc, is a Satanic sin. Christianity praises only absolute slavery and nothing else.
Look the fuck out, he's counted from g to 3.
Lmfao pick one you delusional cuck
Whatever helps you sleep at night. If all this shit is real you're going to hell and not just for coming here.
There are more Christians today than ever before in history (1 in 3 of all the world's inhabitants consider themselves Christian in one way or another) and Christianity is growing explosively. It's not weak, not by a longshot.
It's weak in Europe, it's faltering in Europe, it's knocking on death's door in Europe. While fedora tippers would say this is because Europe has outgrown Christianity, the numbers dictate the opposite: Christianity has outgrown Europe. We will live to see the day when China has the largest Christian community on the planet, ahead of the United States and Brazil.
This is the dawn of the Asian Century, both economically and spiritually.
If all this shit is real then I have Jesus Christ on my side. You aren't being very logical.
destroy protestantism and we have a chance
It all starts with you and your family, my friend. I must stress moderation when teaching your children religion. Teach them values, not literal verse. Do not force church on them, but openly show respect and reverence for God.
If you are a man, be the man of your house; instill discipline, provide for your family, protect them, teach them. If you are a woman, make lots of white babies, care for them, care for your man, keep your home.
So you can do whatever you want and Jesus is cool with that because you think he's real while you're alive? Doesn't add up to me.
>how to make strong a religion centered about being weak glorified pussy
Sacrifice it to Islam and watch white people retaliate.
Christianity is far from faltering, it's growing very fast. Not in white countries tho.
Christianity has degraded over time to become a shitty cuck religion in order to remain in power. So much shit has been """revised""" and retconned as """""metaphors"""""" and the only thing that remains is "love everyone including rapefugees" crap. But of course it had no choice but to become this way, because westerners are not as savage as muzzies who have kept their religion unchanged because they're too subhuman to see what's wrong with their shit like fucking children and blowing themselves up for waifus in heaven.
There is simply no way to make christianity strong again, and the only way to achieve results is to separate the church from the state in order to remove terrorist muzzies by virtue of law and not be hindered by "they have a right to be here coz muh feefees" garbage.
Do you know the slightest thing about Christianity? You strike me as one of those pitiful reddit atheists who lacks a fundamental education in what he rejects. Jesus Christ is the forgiver. His very existence is meant to espouse the notion that humans can sin and still enter Heaven. If posting on Sup Forums is a sin, I won't be damned for it. What God would enact such a reality?
If you actually enjoy your sinning you sure as fuck won't be forgiven, retard. You sound like a looting dindu who thinks it's okay because god will forgive him so might as well loot some more.
Your mind is limited. You only consider indulgence against chastity. Real morality goes beyond such base pursuits. Men always think that they're doing the right thing. The ones in Hell aren't there because they woke up one morning and decided that they love being evil. If you can't understand that, you can't understand Christ.
I need to go to dinner. If you're interested in continuing the conversation, then humor me by trying to construct a system of morals that's justified without the existence of intelligent design.
Aren't you forgetting a continent user? The Blacks of Africa are becoming the most numerous Christians on Earth - Almost as if the ideology spreads best among a population of their intelligence and capacity to achieve. I'm sure you can't wait to embrace your brothers and sisters in the faith.
1.) destroy protestantism
2.) ???
3.) profit
Although Eurasian kids will be intelligent, they will have a higher chance of developing a mental illness. Elliot Rodger is a prime example. Do you really want your future son to be like that?
If you acknowledge something is a sin but keep doing it because you think you're guaranteed a spot in heaven anyway then you're dumb as bricks, simple as that. Feeling bad about stealing but needing to do so because you're a street rat who needs food to live is not the same as stealing because you're a lazy ass nigger who wants a new iphone and you think your homie god will let you off the hook. Get a clue.
As long as the mother is fairly sane the kid should grow up fine.
> this
Also if i may suggest remove any form so called "Judeo/Christian" values, re-instate the traditionalist form which is "Grecco/Roman" Christian values. Also promise to the stranger brown/black muslim in Europe that you will help it restore a Khalifah state in either Arabia or Afghanistan/Pakistan(if you want them really far) and a temporary peace pact.
> i doubt the Khalifah part would ever happen, but let it be clear that it would give them no justification(religious) to move away from their territory.
> A trully Christian state actually is more respect to Muslim than a secular state, that is why some muslim today feel the need to sort of subvert the political system since they see it as purely atheistic therefor morally void.
Suggested reads/listening:
1) Alain Soral (French) (Culturaly Catholic)
2) Sheikh Imran Hosein (English) (Muslim)
> Also both huge supporters of Russia
> Both Expressed positive opinion on a Trump victory
I don't acknowledge that it's a sin. That's a strawman argument that you concocted because you were having trouble arguing against me.
The problem with Christianity is that it has seeds of leftism in it. It can give a civilization strength but it is tainted with doom. Consider the alternatives:
* white Islam - bloodyshovel.wordpress.com
* Greco-Roman paganism, the most A E S T H E T I C choice
* something new (a cult of Kek?)
>different IP
>3 posts by this IP
Are you fucking talking to yourself in this thread?
What are you talking about? I'm responding to you. You said "If you acknowledge that it's a sin" and I responded in the negative. Are you schizophrenic?
That's a great source