Check the pic for more info, let's make this happen.
Nicholas Morris
meme game stronk with this one
Luke Torres
Justin Cruz
not so much now days
Easton Smith
never seen it before
Lincoln Johnson
redpill me on the immigration problem in sweden?
Bentley Sullivan
you know germany?
its like that, but our media is literally left propaganda. "Love multiculturalism!!!!!!!!"
The comercials on TV ONLY FEATURE Black man and white woman couples, there's an ikea commercial for some kitchenware and the commercial is a black man making out with a white woman, with no music, nothing, only the noise of their lips smacking together.
our elderly get kicked out of their homes to be replaced by refugees.
and guess what... Our liberal college youth supports EVERYTHING!!!
they're so damn brainwashed it hurts
Jackson Wilson
Nice shilling american proxy nigger jew
Adam Ortiz
är du dum eller?
tror du seriöst att jag är en jänkare???
du är säkert en sossejävel som gillar Lövfen
Jonathan Ortiz
>Swedish army a fucking joke
Brandon Wright
that's why we should troll it
Thomas Morgan
> Our liberal college youth supports EVERYTHING!!!
>menawhile in Poland kids in our schools call others "a refugee" when they want to diss someone
Joshua Gutierrez
hows polands refugee situatuion going my dude?
Asher Reed
We accepted about 50 christian from syria last year and that's all. And about a million of Ukrainians, but that's not the problem (they commited about 1500 crimes during last year).
Andrew Collins
Love this idea.
Isaac Stewart
Ask whats point army when enmey just let in the country
Jacob Jones
People won't chimp out against government
Easton Evans
damn dude...
Julian Stewart
I guess it could have been worse (pic related is not accurate for ukrainians)
Landon Ramirez
Your country sounds so based.
Cameron Reed
it is, thankfully...
Bentley Harris
Hey off topic but what's happening with the shootout in Stockholm? Full auto gunfire, AKs, cops everywhere, roads blocked. Can't find info.