>Hated Jews, he hated Zionists >Hated Homosexuals >Hated non-whites >Sent people to "death camps" >Never killed people on behalf of the state
Hitler was a caring and compassionate man who:
>Helped the Jews return to their ancestral lands >Fought communists, greedy bankers and corruption--All of which were caused by Zionists >Created a strong Germany
If you:
>Hate ALL Jews >Homosexuals >Non-whites >Believe in gassing people
You are an autistic edgelord who buys into Zionist propaganda and are nothing but a hindrance to white nationalism and should promptly kill yourselves for the good of the cause.
>Helped the Jews return to their ancestral lands The ground?
Ryan Foster
Brandon Russell
Been reading Mein Kampf and i agree more with OPs definition of Hitler. Between the book and the various accounts of history? He's definitely not the sociopath monster that the winning side made him out to be.
Jason Robinson
yeah to most of it but the (((bankers))) and (((subvertors))) need to go.
Brandon Myers
I believe in gassing you faggot.
Jaxon Brooks
do you know what zionism is? the movement of jews to return to their homeland - Zion mountain
is Hitler a zionist?
Sebastian Hall
Lol you're nothing but a damn fag.
Charles Howard
>Hitler never: >Hated Jews, he hated zionists so why did he round up all the jews into camps? >Hated non-whites ok >Sent people to "death camps" lol call it what you want he sent people to camps against their will >Never killed people on behalf of the state wat ded u mem by dis?
>Helped the jews return to their ancestral lands "hey nigger go back to africa or I enslave you" this is somehow compasionate to you >Fought communists wew 1 good thing >Created a strong Germany would have collapsed economically had he not gone to war, socialism never works.
If you:
>praise Hitler
you are either bluepilled or even more autistic than him