lmao Trump just pumped and dumped your cringey little nazi movement.
RIP alt-right 2016-2016
lmao Trump just pumped and dumped your cringey little nazi movement.
RIP alt-right 2016-2016
Other urls found in this thread:
>Sup Forums is alt-right
Lol only faggot redditors call themselves alt-right.
You're an idiot. Spencer isn't liked here at all.
I think you're looking for reddit.com op
No one calls themselves alt-right. it's just some made up bullshit term from liberals to demonize everyone who has a different opinion than them.
Good the bluepilled (((alt-right))) pussies got what they deserved.
Who is that? I'm not familiar. Is it like one of those left wing pro genocide movements? Like Noel Ignatiev? I agree that Jew needs jail time.
So it's like the alt-right and Sup Forums equivalent of calling people with different opinions jews or CTR shills?
lol we won.
We won BREXIT and raised hell in EU
We got Der Trumpenfuhrer elected and raised hell n USA
Next we elect Le Penn
>Mfw I will never be able to shout "heil Trump" and raise my arm when he revals his power-Level in january
Thanks for correcting the record.
Now I have to cancel my Amazon order for that giant Nazi flag I was going to wave at Trump's inauguration. Goddammit Donald.
The alt-right is just a meaningless term created by money grubbing jews who are trying to make a quick buck by claiming to be spokespeople for this place. Fuck Milo, fuck Spencer and fuck anyone else who claims to speak for Sup Forums.
The best thing about all this is CNN and MSNBC are giving Spencer full time coverage.
He's going to be the next Trump if this goes on.
Thanks for starting another thread on this. The other 45665555 threads weren't enough faggot.
>Disavowing something that doesn't exist
Yes, and?
We've never been the "alt-right". That's just some boogeyman the media created.
OP is a faggot.
>the spencer is obviously controlled opposition
Only an absolute retard would purposely associate his movement with the nazis. That's political suicide. Even if trump agreed with hitler,he would never say that outloud.
Alt-right became an autism containment that exploded
Who is Norwegian trump?
Is it possible to meme him into power?
Sup Forums isn't alt-right.
The globalists made up a term to make sense of the counter-culture they are having a hard time against; so it's easier for them to target and smear.
Reminder "Nazi" is a simplified buzzword to make National Socialist German Worker's Party sound simplified and evil.
Just like how Sup Forums doesn't call itself alt-right, Nazis didn't call themselves "Nazis."
Good, now fuck off with your "Alt-Right" leaders that no one wants.
>"alt-right doesn't even exit"
>"I'm an independent thinker even though I spend all of my time in an echo chamber"
Not really, because we know for a fact both of those do, in fact, exist and act like that.
oh no, the ((((alt-right)))) is totally real, and its BTFO omg no
>Reddit make believe nazis larping
Is there anything more pathetic?
and you ...from the other side...like him more and more...the media also turns...what a nice christmas we all will have together :) with trump as president ...i mean..when he speaks out against the :alt-right" with heil and everything maybe he isn't that bad :)
Now we wait for the post to be deleted and the person banned, like in all echo chambers.
>it's another Sup Forums is alt right discussion
Jesus I thought CTR was going to lose its funding. Will they ever fucking learn that they can't spam this board to change our opinions?
> that's political suicide!
Said the increasingly neurotic man for the 35th time this year.
Calm down—Trump did what he had to do, and Richard Spencer has re-anchored the narrative, making everyone else look more reasonable by comparison.
Praise Kek that he did.
He only disavowed the little splinter group that did that
Fake news much?
First of all, who cares about the alt-right. Is he going to build the wall and deport illegals? That's what really matters.
But II don't believe the NY Times anyway. Think of how easy it is for them to distort what Trump said to them behind closed doors. If they asked him something like, "Do you disavow these violent nazis?" and he says yes, there's nothing to stop them from publishing "TRUMP DISAVOWS THE ALT-RIGHT!!"
You you bought it, like retards. Why would you trust the NY Times? Why? After all the lies and misrepresentations and DNC/Clinton shilling, you'd trust anything they reported? Why would you be so careless?
Just saw these retards in turkish news. "Heil trump" really? This is fucking embarrassing
lurk moar faggot
Saved. Have this in return.
Didn't this Spencer guy claim to make up the term though?
>trump is now the good cop
>7th dimensional mahjong
He's been walking back on so many of his campaign promises that he will probably abandon the wall and deportations when he realizes that it's impossible.
Alt-right is a reddit-tier meme, who cares
Sup Forums has always fought behind the scenes.
Alt-right is just a bunch of edgy bandwagoners.
Ironically ever since Hillary lost the left has been acting more and more like the imaginary "alt-right" they created
It's almost poetic
>CNN labeling nazis "alt-right"
>labeling trump alt-right
Of course trump ditched them, we're not alt-right. We're nebulous like a jew, once you think you understand us we slip through your fingers. If the left is never able to grasp or label us, how will they fight Sup Forums?
>trump disavows racism
Remember that time David Duke stopped liking Trump because he was disavowed? Me either.
Oh, we are back here again. List the campaign promises he has gone back on.
rly made me think.
Real talk - does this mean SJW's and ledditors will stop using the term now?
CTR plz go
>Trump praised the Clinton Foundation! He's betrayed us!
Pic related shows that they twisted his words. He was probably asked a loaded question about it
>Trump denounced the alt-right! He's turned his back on us!
The (((alt-right))) is a strawman that the media made up to slander all Trump supporters as evil radical racists. That Spencer faggot has them pushing the Nazi angle especially hard right now. Trump saying he doesn't want to "energize those people" is only common sense. To say otherwise would have everyone screaming that he's a white nationalist and a Nazi and an evil right-winger and other shit. He didn't turn his back on us, he simply disavowed the media's made-up fear mongering machine.
>Trump praised the NYT! He's already kissing up to the establishment!
Whatever he said today was just trying to reassure the normies that he's not some big bad fascist who will destroy the first amendment. These people have been lying about and slandering him for months now. He won't easily forget.
>Trump won't prosecute Hillary! He's already going back on campaign promises!
All he said is that he's not in favor of prosecution. Based Gowdy is still fully committed to investigating Shillary, and everyone knows that she's toast once Obama and the DOJ aren't able to run interference for her anymore. Trump knows this, so why give more ammo to the "Trump is a fascist!" crowd when he could take a hands-off and seemingly merciful approach and get the same result?
>Sup Forums has always fought behind the scenes.
It's the lefty equivalent of "SJW".
Same with Cultural Marxist/Neo Nazi.
Inb4 nazis yell at me.
I've literally never heard of someone who considers themselves "Alt-Right"
the "alt-right" never avowed Trump, the people that do are doing it ironically, or for the liberal tears
He is merely the precursor to a real leader
Good, finally.
Now Night of the Long Knives
These idiots blowing our cover must be silenced.
Who exactly are you talking to? Monoliths aren't people. This is funny as fuck that people actually think this means anything
>tfw have to deal with my dad calling me alt-right
>have to pretend I'm not trying to channel the old gods to reshape the world
But they're all on here now as well.
Who cares? The alt-right was created as a bogeyman by left-wing media to intimidate conservatives and nationalists. The only ones pretending it exists are shills and LARPers.
the media wont change its tune. in a year they will still be talking shit because he isnt a woman and "its not fare"
>Nazi solute
Its the roman salute you absolute cuckholds.
>Only an absolute retard
Have a look around at the world right now.
The alt right isn't even real you butthurt redditor. You shills are spamming your little hearts out today.
he did a shitty job then, no one can pin down any meaning from that catch-all term because it always needs an vague explanation anytime it is mentioned.
Would anyone from Sup Forums really Nazi salute in public?
It's funny. They're acting like the election is still on.
He is not for any one label you create. His is ALL THE PEOPLES PRESIDENT.
Trump is your President. Enjoy the next 8 years watching your minority groups getting what all Americans get. An opportunity. Gimmes done dead.
I wouldn't be surprised, 99% of people hear are autists.
It's almost like he went into the negotiations with absurdly high demands realizing he would have to compromise them down to his intended and desired actual positions.
>implying it wasn't you false flagging pol all this time.
They were saying hail our people, hail trump and gave Roman salutes. Of course trumps going to disavow that when asked. The alt right iside making nationalists look bad
richard spencer is the controlled opposition. this video is apart of the atlantics documentary on spencer.
that whole speach was probably scriped by the atlantic to create a new enemy for the media. spencer went from unheard of to the talk of the fucking town and leader of the alt right. fucking cia puppet.
alt right is a failed meme created by dee main stream mee dee ah
>Alt Right
Trump really needs to appoint a Fake News Czar and correct the record media outlets like The New York Times and CNN.
That is some cringey shit, like the anonymoose pic.
out of fucking nowhere
The mental gymnastics you Trumpanzees go through amazes me. He was your God not two days ago.
There is no "leader" to the alt-right. This faggot is paid opposition claiming he founded the moment to give it a bad name.
Honestly sickening. Neo-Nazis are untermensch scum.
As long as they're busy chasing Nazi Frogs and burning New Balance sneakers they aren't reporting on Trump U.
So who cares. Let them tilt at windmills. They'll be out of business and have to get real jobs soon enough.
We have for now, nothing comared to Trump. But there is hope, and just now (today), News about a New party coming in 2017 is out officially. The party's name will be Alliansen -Norge ut av EOS (The Alliance -Norway out of EEA). When the repporter asked it was a nastionalistic party, one of it's founders responded; "nationalistic with a smile".
Let's hope they will rise big
>gas lighting your own strawman
truly insane old chap, you must be a muslim or antifag
>Le Anonymoose is legun chanology 4 lyfe xddddd
>We r the Alternative Right we fight for the existence of a hapa future xdddd
You have to go back. I'm sorry but you just have to go back.
oh no a fake honeypot got rejected :(
still so buttpained youd take any meme as true.
If the media labeled it as the old old right people would be confused and laugh. Saying traditionalist or nationalist would only bring more people in.
alt right is something CNN made up
all the people in that video are CNN shills
Pol had a glorious 2 weeks in power before it was literally pumped and dumped by their "savior."
And now they think their founder, richard spencer, is a FBI plant. Folks I can't make this up. Hey pol-tards, listem closely: you lost because your all autistic losers who are failures at life.
Crap back to your momy's basements and log into your comfy echo chambers where u watch watch (((Stefan Molynuex))) videos on youtube and stroke your little dinkies to blacked.com porn.
What a torment it must be to think in nothing but cliches. Have you ever had an original thought or were you born this way?
>richard spencer
I don't know what is up with that goofy ass shit these girls are wearing but boner achieved.
richard spencer came from nowhere, the media just now decided to create a controlled opposition that makes people feel offended and needing of a leftist safe space. spencer is a media puppet and has been from the beginning.
>Have you ever had an original thought or were you born this way?
negro detected
I supported Trump as a centrist. So.. So there. Yeah. That told you.
>original thought
>Sup Forums
i literally cant stop laughing
my sides
wtf are these
why he suddenly visited nyt office and has accepted climinal change
too much
this fucking cracks me up
this is a more ultimate fucking bomb than the election
And you faggots worshiped his orange pubed cock for months
Time to get rid of your MAGA hat, burgerbois. Alt-right cucks were and are just useful idiots.
Sup Forums isn't an """"alt-right"""" site
we're no more than conservatives with a wicked sense of humour