/nsg/ 卐 - National Socialism General
Thread for discussion of National Socialism, Fascism, Traditionalism, and European Identity Movements. Share links, PDFs, reading, videos, and propaganda.
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/nsg/ 卐 - National Socialism General
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bumping based bread
If it isn't everyone's favorite nazi basement club, where whiny bitches go to cry about how inferior their shitty race is
If all nations were nationalist and kept to themselves do you think it would work out for the better?
bumping for fellow kamerad
>itt, untermenschen
you antifa realize that's a picture of anti-slav propaganda on the left, and a Russian nazi on the right, right?
its a troll meme, and you guys never figure it out
sieg heil
everyday is hitler rally on pol
reporting in for USA
Richard Spencer did nothing wrong
>Add this to your propaganda links, one of the most effective i've seen
"You Said I Was A Dreamer"
Hi, I'm a CNN reporter, I see this board is a Hitler youth recruitment centre?
We will be contacting Hiroyuki-san the owner about this. Thank you for the screencaps.
Can we just deport the mexicans, hang the niggers and gas the jews without the socialism
kelly gang 卐
Why can't you faggots just get over the fact that you're histories losers and become well adjusted intelligent people?
why must you say someone who doesn't share your views is not well adjusted and unintelligent
Because we're still here. And we haven't lost yet.
No, this requires an authoritarian, racist state which all contribute to and receive from in equal part. Note that this is not mutually exclusive with capitalism, nor does it have anything to do with sweeden's socialism.
Pennsylvania Reporting In.
It's windy out, desu. Send /comfy/ blankets, please.
This thread has more shills than a pre debate Trump general
814 here supporting the glorious reich
Ah man. You in the rural, nearly all white areas?
More than a bit jealous desu, going to college in the Twin Cities in minnesota, though I'm going back to my home in DC for thanksgiving.
610 Same Here
Yeah, mate. Just North of Allentown. All Whites.
I got lucky.
I want the shills pushing the alt right narrative to leave.
nazis pls go
>this thread
Oh man, no kidding. I have to deal with fucking Somali shits every time I go off campus. (Which is why I often dont.)
Gotta wonder how we'll go about the whole Reich thing. On one hand, your area is the most white, though the south is the most historically racist (Klan still holds some power down in alabama). Though starting in the south carries baggage.
What year did you get here?
Americanism is going to flatten everything including nazism.
Lesson: stay the fuck out of the way
Nope, you leave faggot
>you're histories losers
And who are the winners?
A good portion of people at my high school held similar beliefs to Sup Forums. Unfortunately, they weren't all that better than the niggers.
Hopefully, we can use the dormant racism to trigger a nation-wide revolt against the inferiors.
Maybe our glorious Emperor will declare America a White country and make everyone who isn't Anglo/Aryan leave. Can only dream.
Top kek. You've had "civic nationalism" since the end of ww2- a period marked by an ever worse slide into the abyss.
We'll do what you cant, though. We'll save America, and all of the white world.
Half an hour into Imperium. Pretty shit overall but they do have Swastika cupcakes
no u
Some good wholesome entertainment. Have you seen Jud Suss yet Sup Forums ?
Why do shills think saying ''fuck off stormfags'' is going to change anything?
not if you're San Marino
Yeah, I got out of high school pretty recently. Actually managed to use Sup Forums to red pill several people.
And a nationwide revolution is what we should be going for, though movements have to start somewhere, and the question of what area to start in will be important.
>our glorious emperor
Please don't do this. Trump is so watered-down next to OUR beliefs that he never deserved the memes.
You're the only one that's said that.
>1 post by this ID
They hate us now, few months from now they'll be goose stepp'n too
Jesus, do I need to make some of those.
Also, I just ordered a print copy of George Lincoln Rockwell's autobiography from lulu.com Risky, especially that I ordered it to my college and they don't guarantee shipping before I go home for winter break (though their actual values for shipping show they probably will), but I feel it was worth it.
You're right, jidf cucks like you only go with the "stormweenie" meme
Well, we gotta start somewhere. Hopefully Trump can at least turn us in the right direction and lead us to an actual non-meme candidate.
I'm really glad we flipped red during the election. Wherever the revolution starts, I hope P.A. will be a part of it.
Leftist as fuck uni where I am. Found John Charnley's autobiography 'Blackshirts and Roses' about his time as a Blackshirt and Mosley.
Couldn't be fucked with the rest of Imperium in the end.
I'm glad for you guys too. At the same time, racism hasn't had as much of a historical history where you are, so there's less of an existing infrastructure for the movement. You'll be reclaimed, but it might be better to start in the south so we can snowball faster. But then we risk being labeled as dumb rednecks. Decisions, decisions.
Always wanted to know more about those lads. Tell you what, I'll pledge to read that, if you'll read rockwell's "thus time the world"
Trump is becoming more diluted by the day, but I do feel he is a step in the right direction, especially compared to the devil worshipping bitch.
It's not like there is going to be one person who just steps up and saves the world like in a movie. It's gonna be a messy long slog to pull the west out of the gutter
Shut up coon!
>It's not like there is going to be one person who just steps up and saves the world like in a movie. I
That's how it was last time in 1933, though.
It's a really good read, Charnley was dedicated to O.M. to the end.
I've got it written down and will order it online tomorrow. Been wanting to find out more about him after reading about him and Malcom X.
>1 post by this I'd
t. Goldberg
I just wonder what the world is gonna look like in ten years if all the nationalist European leaders actually do get elected.
Maybe their combined effort will speed up the process.
One can only wish for a glorious leader like Uncle Adolf to rise again. But the Jews have made it hard for Fascism to catch on anymore. Maybe their race baiting bullshit will change that.
Yeah... But how messy was the process of getting him into power is what I am getting at. So far the US has had liberal tears, vandalism and the odd punch up
You're in for one hell of a ride with rockwell's book.
Never did like how mosley went to France in the end, but I can understand why he did it. I admittedly haven't been reading about our movements as much as I should be, so B&R will be a good start.
sup reddit
>But the Jews have made it hard for Fascism to catch on anymore. Maybe their race baiting bullshit will change that.
Possibly. You're right in that it won't be easy, though nothing worth doing us in the end.
There is solace in one fact, though - they didn't make it easy last time, but we still pulled it off.
Right now I couldn't predict what could happen in 10 years time. I do know Europe as the world knows it will have changed radically. May end up seeing EU army being used against nationalist secessionists. It's gonna be mad but I have faith the whole world system is shifting out of Globalist control, it's just they will go out kicking and screaming hiring useful idiot communists to chimp out
National Socialism is a doomed ideology because all nations adopting it would be looking for more lebensraum eventually - leading to an endless state of war.
Prove me wrong.
Honestly dude I think Moseley woukd have just been taunted and harassed by the Zionist govt and all the leftwing puppets they control. Blackshirts had it really bad due to them campaigning against the war. Seen as traitors because they didn't support the unnecessary genocide of Europe's men.
Wasted trips.
Only those nations with an extremely lack of lebensraum make that search. If there were a fascist usa, it would not have those needs, and would not be joined into perpetual war.
Fair enough, I can get that. Some men, like him, did all that was asked of them, and deserved a peaceful end.
Our generation likely won't have that luxury, though.
Bump for political justice
You seem a little upset.
The world is in a constant state of endless war. This is called the 'Anarchic system'. Realist thinkers (right wing generally) understand this and fortify themselves with strong military and borders.
The current Liberal international system of being democratic and trade relations has gone to shit. Even witg the UN, EU and other Cuck organizations there is still endless war because it's inescapable.
National socialism worked very well and didn't unravel due to flaws in it's ideological agenda. It was the communist and Zionist liberal countries that overpowered them... eventually.
Hi /jp/
oh wow it's a... wait is that
actually never mind.
This "Russia Is Our Enemy!" meme needs to die and hopefully it takes the European Army with it.
Although it is an excellent idea, the only true enemy of Europe is Islam. Maybe the rest of Europe will realize this and only then form an army in defense.
After reading and playing EndWar by Clancy, it doesn't sound like that scenario is very far off.
>exclusively European
>white americans, Brazilians (they do exist in the south) and boers need not apply
Unconditional support aside.
I am so sick of hearing about evil Putin and all the sabre rattling shit the west spouts out. Especially the UK media as we feel we can poke the bear as we don't really on their gas as much.
Watched loads of Putin interviews and talks on YouTube with my right wing slav qt. I do think many are staged but some of the talks he gives to the audiences are amazing. Europe's enemies are the ones incharge of the Union.
Just took the Holyhoax pill after reading about the Zundel trial here in Canada, and Faurisson and Mark Weber. Started redpilling my roomie too, and now he's starting to doubt as well, and he sees through a lot of the liberal BS.
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
Technically white Americans, Boers are 'European men'. But yeah, white Caucasian man is threated across the globe.
What pisses me off the most are self loathing white apologists.
yfw the general in that game is black
>Cancerous poster posting about cancer
>Started redpilling my roomie
Ah, you lucky bastard. My first roommate was a determinist, followed the ideas of Spinoza (just Google the bastard, he was whack).
Managed to get him to switch rooms a month into the first semester because I was playing video games with a friend on voice chat, and said the word fag got loud enough for the whole floor to hear me. Have a double to myself now, which is nice.
Reddit is down the hall and to the left.
Btw, he's not a chimp like the rest of them and is actually sophisticated. Even quoting famous generals before him to inspire his troops. He is French after all.
Welcome, brother.
Ironically, the only unbiased news source I've found is a Russian state-run network.
That compared to private-owned networks in America is sickening.
Yeah, though most these days are some shade of conservative, which is good.
Double numbers for a folder.
卐 SIEG HEIL!!!!! 卐
It's ridiculous how twisted media has become. More often than not it's just outright lies told. I travel a lot for kicks and have mates all over the place. A few months back the UK was told all Ukrainian troops are mobilised for a massive military action against Russian invasion. I message my mate in Mariupol and he says there has been nothing different, just the same fighting/shelling as usual.
On mobile - what the fuck nigger country you from?
New Germanzia
Let's see the questionables folder faggot