Trump flip-flopping left and right!
1. No wall to be built on southern border
2. Says climate change caused by humans now
3. No 45% tariff on China goods
4. No prosecuting of Hillary Clinton
Sup Forums duped again! Will you guys ever learn?
Trump flip-flopping left and right!
1. No wall to be built on southern border
2. Says climate change caused by humans now
3. No 45% tariff on China goods
4. No prosecuting of Hillary Clinton
Sup Forums duped again! Will you guys ever learn?
>Trump doesn't commit to building an unnessecarily expensive wall on parts of the border with less problems with border crossing rather than commiting to creating an absurdly expensive wall with questionable economic benefit.
>Trump based enough to use right wing oil industry shills as useful idiots, will now save the world by getting everybody to mitigate wasteful environmental practices that don't benefit the economy in the long term through carbon pricing
> That would destroy the economy you retard, US and China are absurdly interconnected and a trade war is MAD
> Prosecuting of Hillary Clinton would do nothing to actually help the country, would expend his political capital, and all in all be a circus
All sounds good to me user. Seems like Trump is backing off of everything he promised you useful idiots and instead is going to Make America Great Again.
well yeah trump was flopping through his whole campaign, dunno why people are surprised now
>Prosecuting of Hillary Clinton would do nothing to actually help the country
Yes goy, turn the blind eye. Her case is definitely not the doorway to solving the most disgusting criminal case in the political world.
Face it faggots, hes getting the JFW treatment. Comply or die.
THe walls being built morons
Also I thought you faggots wanted him to address climate change
The office of the presidency is very powerful. It doesn't matter Who has the keys.
The decisions you have to make Will always be forced upon the presidency for the good of The country.
It's a flawless system that's worked for The US since forever.
The president doesn't run the country. The office does.
And that is the ultimate redpill.
Speak for yourself. None of this is a surprise. Faggots that follow the msm have been rudely surprised. People that can think for themselves and evolve their own estimates aren't.
Bernie lost, dude, get over it already.
>deport illegals, law and order crackdowns, no foreign conflict
>at the same time curbs his conpiratard pandering
Just as planned
>2. Says climate change caused by humans now
so he improved one of his positions, also tariffs aren't good for anybody
she lost. get over it
I'm glad he flipped on climate change because that was the most retarded part of his platform
Anyone who disagrees with me is an unintelligent autistic retard
l really hope he does follow through on the tariffs l don't care about the rest
Like do you guys remember WHY he promised to prosecute clinton?
He didn't do it because he was actually promising to prosecute clinton, it was because it was an outrageous promise the press couldn't help but report on that took distraction away from the pussy grabbing scandal.
From the moment he promised it I knew he wouldn't follow through when he got into office. Anybody that looks into US history and how Ford pardoned Nixon will have known that Trump would likely see how in that situation dropping the idea of prosecuting Nixon actually helped the country move on even if he was called corrupt for doing it.
If you thought for even a minute he was actually going to prosecute Clinton you were a fool.
>1. No wall to be built on southern border
1. Leaked document yesterday proved the opposite
2. Good. His stance on that matter was retarded
3. This would trigger a savage economic war. I'd rather see other methods that this.
4. He's still under investigation for the Clinton Foundation. He doesn't need to to anything yet.
>1. No wall to be built on southern border
Lie. He has said we will build the wall and it's part of his first 100 days strategy.
>2. Says climate change caused by humans now
He says there is a connection, if you even believe the NY Times, which is fake news to begin with. But saying there may be a connection between man and climate change does not mean we're going to adopt any of your iidiotic globalist anti-climate change measures. We're not. They're dumb, they don't work, they're too expensive, and iit's an insigificant issue. If saying bromides like "there's a connection" pacifies you retard climate change nutjobs, then so be it. But we're not paying for your horseshit.
>3. No 45% tariff on China goods
He never promised this. Not ever. What he said was that he would use tariffs as leverage to negotiate deals more favorable to us. He never ever said he would impose the tariffs just to impose them.
>4. No prosecuting of Hillary Clinton
We'll see. If the FBI comes to Jeff Sessions' Justice Dept. with undeniable evidence pursuant to their Clinton Foundation investigation a year from now, let's see what happens.
This should be permastuck to the board.
Such a beautiful image.
The NYT said the same thing during the primaries after another interview he gave. El Rato made a big stink about it.
good. I like and trump and I believe in anthropogenic climate change. win win for me
honestly what is your motive shill OP?
Huge tariffs don't actually make sense, if you want to make the US economy work more independantly you slowly ween yourself off Chinese trade, you don't just go fuck you giant tariff. China will retaliate with their own tariffs. You can't just take an economy where the US and China are trading all the time, break that apart with a massive tariff, and think that the US is going to be able to be independant overnight. You don't just break how the economy works now, try to piece it back together, and expect nothing bad to happen. Gradual is the way to go.
Trump has already commited to a Trade War with mexico to get them to help build the wall as well
>tfw best timeline
>Trump is fixing the literal only flaws of his campaign
I don't understand you, I'm more moist than ever
why is CTR still posting here? you lost thottie go home
We still won
Smart leafs like you should be exempt from the site-wide ban of all Canadian IPs
I don't care if Hillary won't be prosecuted. I'm just glad she's out of the house.
"climate change don't real" is the worst part of the Republican party. While the apocalyptic claims of the left are dubious, there definitely is a net increase of global temps that need to be addressed.
everything is starting to cost more and yet we have no benefit from Trump
*More illegals are poring in
*Stocks that benefit mostly the wealthy are increasing
*Interest rates are going up
so far we are getting screwed and now we have Trump waffling over issues
Climate change may or may not be influenced by humans. Look up the medieval warm period, which can't be blamed on pollution (unless they burned incredibly large quantities of petrol and coal during that time, which I doubt)
>Dude Drumpf betrayed you lmao he's going back on his promises, just read this (((CNN))) article!
Every day for the next four years.
>i'm a science illiterate
theyre already pushing the "he's backtracking!" idea in our media too
fucking kikes and their endless tactics of infighting.
>Implying Trump supporters care
All in all I was satisfied with him killing Hillary in the election. The underdog prevailed. I really hope he becomes the greatest president we've ever had so you smug shits can eat dicks the rest of your lives shamefully knowing you were so against him.
>softening on climate change
thank god... I was worried he was going to fuck everything... Maybe future will not be so grim
>he thinks scientists don't know about medieval warm period
>he thinks that explains the rise in temperatures we're seeing now
The future is really grim when so much energy is being wasted, so much attention focused on a computer generated carbon molecule simulation meme. It's a power grab, energy is life, the powers that be want to control all energy on earth, control all life through carbon. It's about a grim a scenario as one Orwellian mind could imagine. Trump being a power monger himself is obviously coming around and seeing the light in the meme.
>Sup Forums hates zionist kikes
>/pol loves their puppet Trump
>Sup Forums duped again!
Only a retard wouldn't have seen these changes coming.
we're still going to be dependent on fossil fuel tomorrow as we are today, it's not like he's flip flop really changed much of anything
Not implying that humans have no impact, but suggesting that humans are the sole reason for global warming is childish
First of all Trump never promised to build a wall,
He didn't say climate change was definitively a hoax he just said it was encouraged by the chinese to make us less competitive.
He never said he was going to prosecute hillary he just said if he was president at the time she'd be in jail
I don't know about the 45% tariff, kys shil
He's not even in office yet
Literally every single location on earth that has had its temperature measured is now warmer than it was during the medieval warm period. There are some misleading graphs that sort of imply we're not, like one graph of the GISP2 ice core site which claims its measurements go up to the year 2000 when the most recent data point was in 1855, but we are literally warmer in every single location on earth during the medieval warm period.
Also, why is it that people go "Man, if the temperature lowered in the past, that means it was all nature man, and global cooling is gonna come around the bend". Cooling and Warming has causes and humans have had a significant impact on the planet for awhile now. These people have no idea WHY the earth cooled and warmed in the past, they just know that the earth is going to cool again because it happened in the past, and patterns always repeat themselves. People have developed models that somewhat accurately fit past warming trends and vertually none of them go "yeah man it was all nature man", people just assume the temperature going up and down means scientists know nothing about what causes cooling and warming, scientists btfo.
You know what has caused huge surges in global warming caused by global cooling in the past? One species taking over the world, running itself out of resources, killing itself off, causing cooling because the thing causing warming went away. That means global cooling is natural, scientists btfo, when humans all die we will naturally have the globe cool, why should we care about global warming when it will naturally fix itself?
What are we gonna do about it? create a new 100% stable sun? I'm getting fed up on all the idiots here who think they are redpilled but buy into the human caused global warming
Has anyone else seen this bullshit?
I'm sure humans have had an effect on it. The problem is the constant lying about how much. Even their excuses about their models not expected so much aerosol or whatever is retarded. You know China has to be doing WAY more pollution than what they claim, not to mention massive amounts in Africa and Asia.
We're supposed to have died like 15 times now, and they keep being wrong constantly. Trying to scare people by lying to them only works for so long, and they've fucked up too many times now. If you want to let people know about something, don't be a lying faggot.
What you call a "fool" people used to call respect for an honest man.
Already reneging on his word before he even takes office?! People will remember that.
Maybe fanboy apologists and their wacky 4D chess theories the real fools.
I'm suspending judgement for now. I guess we'll all see what happens.
Mostly what he said, Climate change is real but humans definitely didn't have such a HUGE impact like it's preached by click-bait articles and scientists. We should invest in green energy tho, not beacuse of pollution but beacuse it has the potential to be cheaper and more widely available (imagine affordable solar plants in Africa)
solar activity has nothing to do with the recent increase in temperature redpilled faggot
You seem to focus too much on hockey stick graphs and ice core nonsense, and forget about the giant ball of hot plasma 150 million km away, that has more impact on out climate than anything else - and also goes through cycles of radiation output.
shit tier post. the models have been fairly accurate
>1. No wall to be built on southern border
Sorry, wall is still coming, but please, ignore the enlarged photo of wall planning and deportations from yesterday if it makes you sleep better, shillfag.
>2. Says climate change caused by humans now
Not at all. Said there MAY be some mild connection, which is what most of us have said all along, but there's no proof, therefore, it's always debatable. Lrn 2 read, faggot.
3. No 45% tariff on China goods
Just wait, it may not be 45%, but he's already doing more to keep jobs here and bring back manufacturing than Ofaggot ever did. Stay mad, cunt.
4. No prosecuting of Hillary Clinton
You thought he'd push for that before he actually took office and make more of a shitstorm leading into inauguration? Holy shit, you CTR cunts are retarded.
Give examples. Practically every model had predicted things would be much, much worse than they are now. They're constantly changing because they're constantly wrong.
Like people keep ignoring what happened in medieval times. Omg the earth cooled during medieval times so it was nature, scientists BTFO. Scientists do not deny nature caused this.
The black death and plagues in the americas natural and was probably a big part of what caused the natural drop in temperatures.
I agree the medieval warm period and the little ice age were caused by natural causes. Like the greatest contributor to global warming, the #1 most dominent species in nature, all across industrialised societies, died off in a massive plague. The Americas had a shitton of natives die off, people always envision the natives as living off nature, but that's because all of them fucking died and agriculture made less sense. This caused an overall stall in deforestation. It's a 100% natural explanation of what happened, I agree, nature caused this shit, what is baffling is the people that believe humans are somehow outside of nature.
Combine that with orbital cycles, solar activity, ocean circulation, and population getting higher in northern latitudes and you get a "natural" explanation for what happened. Retards just see that temperature decreased in the past, don't realise last time the temperature dropped a bunch of humans died of plague, and go "well no problem, global cooling is gonna happen naturally" which it will after the humans die off again. Cooling will happen naturally as fuck. It just won't happen out of nowhere for no reason, it's going to have an actual cause, it's not going to be caused by "reduced sunspots" when solar activity calmed down decades ago.
Carbon pricing has more support from economists than investments in green energy projects so its what I support.
you mean that giant ball that has been decreasing in activity while temperatures have been rising? you sure know about this topic than the scientists, impressive.
show me these scientific models with outlandish predictions
>inb4 blogs and al gore's bullshit
Like, don't get me wrong, global cooling WILL happen naturally.
We're just deciding if it's going to be caused by reduced global activity as part of voluntary action by humans, or depopulation as a result of famine caused by global warming causing groundwater to dry up and massive decreases in arable land.
Don't worry climate skeptics, we acknowledge that we don't have to spend a fucking cent for global cooling to happen. That shit WILL happen naturally regardless of what humans do now.
But carbon can run out, solar power will not (at least in the foreseeable future). But I agree, the technology is not here yet to safely invest in it
The real deniers are people who think our climate was and should remain static and unchanging. The world is always getting warmer or colder. The promotion of a change in the climate as a threat to humankind requiring the paying of taxes and submission to authority is a manufactured construct.
Of there's a fucking wall you dipshit. RAPID BUILD
climate change is catostrophic! there will be no food! just look at what CO2 does to plants ;_;
>Will you guys ever learn?
they cannot... neurologically speaking
Trump cucked by Israel, after all? Why am I not surprised?
Trump is not flip flopping, the universe is.
GJ you fell or the bait.
That photo op was intentional, You think these folks occupying office aren't hip to the way internet sleuthing works?
You really think that highly of yourself burger?
flop like a butterfly sting like a bee
No idiot outright claims that a human can't change the climate, the wrinkle is that liberals think we can turn our planet into Venus because someone is driving a fucking car. Trump probably acknowledges things like smog or water pollution but the the greenhouse meme which is fucking stupid.
You fags keep trying to make us discontent and you fags keep failing. Your side lost and lost badly, deal with it. Liberalism will not have it's day in America anytime soon so fuck off and suck an AIDS infected dick
>The real deniers are people who think our climate was and should remain static and unchanging
so literally nobody
>The promotion of a change in the climate as a threat to humankind requiring the paying of taxes and submission to authority is a manufactured construct.
>mixing politics and science
those mongoloid genes are really coming through
I fell for the bait of them confirming a campaign promise?
Was it a fucking secret that he wants to build a wall?
Are you retarded?
Concern shills posting lies
trump is all that matters
Like there is a misconception that scientists do not believe that global cooling happens naturally. No, what scientists are against is the proposition that global warming has been caused entirely by solar activity and the earth is either going to cool any time now or humans are powerless to prevent the earth from turning into venus. Either way.
No, the problem people have with the skeptics isn't the idea global cooling naturally happens. It's ignoring all evidence in favor of a feel good view of the environment where you can emit as much carbon as you want into the environment and nothing will happen, where global cooling is gonna save us all just because that sounds nice. It's the outright denial that muh solar activity isn't causing global warming when solar activity has gone down for decades, it's the naive bullshit that global cooling is going to come and save us all based on absolutely nothing.
Scientists all believe the earth will naturally cool, all of them, they just don't believe in the feel good bullshit that (((coincidentally))) means they can burn as much fossil fuels as they want with no economic or environmental consequences. That global cooling will save us all before any negative reprecussions happen. That there is NO WAY humans can impact the warming and cooling of earth. Because those are all lies. The only true thing the deniers say is the earth will naturally cool, I agree, it will.
The sensible part of the world is putting more money into investing in undervalued technologies that will save us from the economic impact of global warming, and is pricing carbon to deter people from causing drastic environmental consequences for little money. You can impliment these regimes in a revenue neutral way. Denialists aren't redpilled, they're just useful idiots for the oil industry that make anybody skeptical of the lefts solutions to climate change look less credible.
Looks to me like solar activity is increasing in an upward trend in your graph. I also interpret a bit of a lag effect most noticeably between 1940-1960.
Occam's Razor, Guiseppe.
>I fell for the bait of them pretending to fulfill a promise?
Yes burger you did. 1989 miles will take you into the ocean burger.
i bet scientists will be shocked to know about your discovery (nope)
guess what floods and droughts do to crops on the other hand tho
The actual ice core data from Greenland shows not only that the ice has survived much warmer periods without melting, but also that 9,099 out of the last 10,500 years were warmer than 2010!
>A lag effect
Solar radiation reaches the earth in a matter of minutes you flaming retard, after the sun flares up it doesn't take several years for the earth to warm up.
Think of what you're saying. How does a "lag effect" remotely make ANY sense. Seriously, what could POSSIBLY cause a lag effect.
1. No wall to be built on southern border
>Still thinking in terms of physical walls
2. Says climate change caused by humans now
>Trump says "some" of it is, and I agree. SOME is. Some isn't.
3. No 45% tariff on China goods
>China is about to be a highly volatile economy soon. Best to just wait.
4. No prosecuting of Hillary Clinton
>Trust me, he's playing it safe now, but after Obama leaves, a lettered agency will find absolute proof.
>republican congress.
>when the leaf makes the first post and it's also the best post
She has too many supporters. If he wants the republicans to stand a chance in 2018 he can't risk alienating a bit less than half the country. More so if you take into account what he is planning his fist 100.
your analytical skills are abismal
did none of you faggots actually read art of the deal? you wouldn't be surprised if you had.
trump asked for extremes that he never really wanted in the first place. when he negotiates (i.e. works with Congress and other politicians), he'll get what he actually wants with the added benefit of placating his enemies while looking presidential and reasonable. this is trump's mindset while negotiating and he employed this same tactic multiple times during the primaries and the election. he's still /ourguy/ as long as the results he gets tend in the direction we elected him for; remember, he's not a dictator.
I hope he doesn't on the broad sense. But he should on a select few companies that are especially notorious for outsourcing jobs there.
Sure it does. Just like when you place a pot of water on to a hot stove. Does it instantly reach boiling point?
What is the Earth covered in? large bodies of water, high albedo glaciers and ice caps, and a thick atmosphere of water vapour, among other constituents.
Shillcon 1, lads!
Sage all shill threads when you reply.
Derail all shill threads.
Watch out for copypastas.
I'm satisfied she is now a walking corpse who will die soon, and take Slick Willy with you, cunt.
There are plenty of other shitllary stooges to prosecute in the meantime.
I voted for this asshole and now he is betraying me.. I knew he would. Damn city slicker. I'm gonna get in my pickup truck, shoot some meth, and go see my girl Cheryl-Lynn across the way. Damn why does us country folk always get screwed by those big-city types?
This is another problem I have with the global warming retards. Like, I get how the water would hold the heat in it and all that, that makes sense. But the argument that their predictions were wrong because they didn't think about the water is inanely retarded.
"We didn't think water heated up. We know that now after decades of studying weather models and saying we're all going to die. The next model will be better."
Seriously, if they want any credibility they have to stop being such fuckups.
Be a good goy and give your shekels to Al Gore so he can fix the climate for you! This is Serial
That graph was made by somebody who is literally paid by the oil industry do do speeches. Specifically, he takes exxon mobil money. Exxon mobil internally uses differant data than it shows the public to make decisions about its businesses, because they don't actually believe the shit they tell you useful idiots, you're just tools.
He misinterpreted "years before present" to mean 2000AD, the year the study was published. In reality, because there are modern ways to measure temperature more accurate than ice core data, "present" means 1950AD in climate terms
The first data point on their study was also 95 years before present, so the graph only goes up to 1855AD.
When you look at an ice core site 29km away from the GISP2 site, you will fine temperatures have raised there between 1855 and present day by about one and a half degrees. So on that graph, temperatures are now actually ABOVE the medieval warming point. Also, the site 29km away indicates that temperatures there are now warmer than they ever have been in the past, so while this perticular spot on greenland may have been warmer than present day in the minoan period, a site 29km away has current temperatures above the temps in the minoan period, and indeed global averages show the earth is hotter than it has ever been during "minoan warming, roman warming, or medieval warming".
You believe you're redpilled because you don't fall for what al gore says. In reality, you've gone so far to the other extreme you've become a shill for the oil industry, people like Don Easterbrook, and Exxon Mobil. These people will LIE TO YOUR FACE to make themselves money and you will still try and "debunk' what I say after you're done reading this.
The redpill is being a moderate on global warming. You are nothing but a bluepilled useful idiot.
I guess my science degree was a sham if I can't even analyze a simple graph properly... :(
>the rise in temperature during the last 40 years is due to a lag in solar activity from the 50s which never reached level compatible with the current rising temperatures in the first place
if you're so confident about your hypothesis you should probably put this in a scientific paper and see where it goes
Basically this, retards think any leftist priority has to be false. Climate change is very real, but it is being exploited by the same figureheads who champion it. This does not mean climate change as a whole is fraudulent
This. Just like in any other country.