>dark corners of sub-reddits and obsess about Jews, racial superiority and Adolf Hitler
>dark corners of sub-reddits and obsess about Jews, racial superiority and Adolf Hitler
Other urls found in this thread:
I think he doesn`t know how big the "fringe" part of the alt right is.
whites voted as an ethnic block for trump across the board, there is no way for cucks to gaslight the actual numbers
That "fringe" part of the alt right better shut their fucking mouths if they know what's good for them.
How big is it
That faggot spencer drew a crowd of 200
It's funny seeing all the blind Trump defenders defending him selling-out.
Congrats you guys elected a sell-out neoconservative into office.
Have fun with the next Dubya on steroids.
This, that fat faggot Spencer is really trying his best to fuck things up for Trump.
Typical pseudo-intellectual lashing out now that his 'thing' got popular.
straight up, if this is a dividing tactic, I'm going to let it work. Because I really don't like Nazi fags.
Even if you're right, it still beats electing Hillary!
Wew lad
Fumirst day on Sup Forums kid?
That shit sounds like damage control.
Stop fucking this up for Trump.
We're the lizard men!
Reddit is a chat room for domestic terrorists
All of you alt right supporters GTFO if you dont have the balls to literally support hitler GTFO. Alt right is a pussy movement controlled by faggot jews.
>Supporting a degenerate fag who ruined europe
How big are they? There's no database unfortunately. It's all anonymous and we can only speculate.
When we stop being autistic we can admittedly be the new right. But as far as digging deeper into the Jew-'matrix goes... We may never be able to speak openly without consequence. So be it, we must dismantle them through other means.
jews belongs to oven, white is superior and hitler was right. facts don't care about your feelings.
Kek. Is this what delusional alt-lite kiddies believe? You merely adopted the memes, we created them. The entire style of the alt-right comes from le ebil fringe, as does the name itself. You are the coopting faggots.
>muh gays muh blacks muh Jews
Absolute cuckoldry
Getting addicted to meth is acceptable when hwyte people do it!
quit posting in bait threads you fucking morons
Trump and infowars see Sup Forums as useful idiots in their game to elevate Zionism. What's worse is you will all defend them til the end while they see you as trash.
Watson is correct.
Except they arent just ineffectual sub-redditors.
They are CP lovers who now work as disinfo-agents and informers.
New right here.
Fuck off, Nazi LARPers.
He must be kidding.
Like 95% of pol is antisemitic and they're the originators of all if not most of the memes.
you fucking retards, did you even read Paul`s post?
If you think some races are superior to others you`re part of the fringe part.
If you believe, the jews are behind fucking up white countries you`re part of the fringe part.
I am not referencing to the fucking Richard Spencer video. The fringe part he is describing is probably 75% of Sup Forums`s population.
Don`t tell me you you don`t believe Whites/Asians > blacks.
Don`t tell me you don`t believe Jews like Soros, Rothchild and Rockefeller are fucking up the west.
He right. /pol hardly did shit and makes Trump and the alt right look bad. I wish you idiots will stop generating leftist articles about your autism, we have enough shit to deal with already.
This is the MSM narrative.
Thanks for the summary, shill.
PJW is not alternative right
stop subverting our movement you idiotic /r/the_donald rabble
>alt-lite libertarian fags think they're alt-right
They are delusional.
fucking newfags man
gtfo my Sup Forums
>A leaf, trying to pretend Sup Forums isn't full of racism 100% of the time.
Who are you even fooling, I come here often too.
When did Reddit become the new deep web?
Of course and Paul Joseph Watson also thinks that way but he knows it's contraproductive to do like Spencer is doing.
Spencer just fucked your credibility for good.
Stand by him all you want but the people that got Trump into the white house now have to disavow you.
You brought this on yourselves for either being retarded, autists or plants. Or all three.
How old is Paul Joseph Watson? Guy must have still been in high school when /new/ discussed the nigger problem.
PJW loves to be on Molymeme`s channel. Didn`t he know Molyneux does believe in racial superiority as well?
This is the truth. I know Jews have an aversion to that though. All people like Milo and Watson did was post on Twitter and make YouTube videos about SJWs. All the memes, propaganda, and style comes from Sup Forums and TRS.
I don't believe that whiters are inherently superior to blacks or any other form of racial superiority, but I believe in maintaining one's culture, traditions and by extension your ethnicity. I do believe jew and zionist puppets are behind almost everything evil, though.
What is the alt right other than a coalition of dumb stormfag blogs like TRS, unz or vox day
Serious question btw.
Oh look, faggot POL/alt-righters are just like feminist:
At least feminism has theory, history, and some of the top acedmics and business minds in the world backing it, unlike your larpy Hitler cult which only has support amougnst homosexual autistic yuppies and racist red necks (dey takin our jerbz!!1)
lol thinking you losers had anything to do with winning the election
I don't think you do either.
>Paul "Donald Trump is a Hillary Stooge" Watson
>muh alt right
fuck off with your msm labels
How are those "Stormfag blogs"? That's the problem with you (((people))), it's one thing to criticise actual neo-Nazi skinheads, but to lump anything that even mentions race in with them shows you have liberal memes still firmly lodged in your asshole and your conditioning is kicking in.
And just like feminism there's a radical fringe who want to #KILLALLMEN and then there are people like Christina Hoff Sommers.
I still think the ideology of feminism is stupid just speaking of them as a movement.
embrace diversity goys
this smacks of the same kind of weak compromising talk that wouldve cost trump the election
have some pride espanha- we're europeans. If the left is butthurt that I stick my arm up then it can go fuck itself
Hey guys, I just found out about pol from /r/The_Donald.
I LOVE the memes here, but could you guys maybe cut out the Nazi stuff? My friend had grandparents who were gassed during the Holocaust. We need to get these Nazis out of here, NOBODY likes them.
>America was a fine country and majority white until the 1960s
>look at what happened in the 60s to change this
>read about "the civil rights" movement and (((who))) was behind it
>read about the 1965 immigration reform law opening the flood gates to the entire brown world and making whites a minority in America soon
>find out the jews sponsored and wrote it
Hmmm... really activates my fuckin' almonds lads.
>Hi guys i'd one one free helicopter ride please
Coming right up newfag.
so will we give PJW the crowder treatment now? please
Stormfag refers to their audience there will be plenty of time for human biodiversity and race/IQ studies once we have successfully moved the overton window.
>When you see your OC on another thread
>t. redditer
>Not realizing that I was making fun of the newfag that this post was directed at
Do you even sarcasm nigger?
>Donald Trump
"You can't con people, at least not for long. You can create excitement, you can do wonderful promotion and get all kinds of press, and you can throw in a little hyperbole. But if you don't deliver the goods, people will eventually catch on."
Watch out Achmed. Thought like this can get you thrown in Jail in your home country of Germanistan.
useful pic desu
Get triggered LARPer
>distancing yourself from an entire movement because 5 guys at this one place this one time did a nazi salute
Paul is officially a cuck
it's the part that's going to tank the entire movement and make sure the pendulum swings so hard back the other way, the west is cucked for the forseeable future.
Someone meme this cuck to pieces.
>tiny fringe
this guy is retarded. I'd bet anything that this 'tiny' fringe is well over 50% of the ''movement''
I think billionaire jews are a huge part of the problem.
I believe whites and asians and mostly everyone else is intellectually and morally superior to black people. But it doesn't mean I want to exterminate them completely.
I think skinheads and stormfags are just that raging faggots though.
I don't have a problem with what people do in their own homes as long as it's not hurting anyone.
Does this make me fringe cringe or what
We need to be able to call out these retarded actions that alienate moderate support and put up a big easy target for the media.
He's mad about "THE MAYNESTREEM MEEDIER" meme
He's right. The "new right" is basically what the alt right was back in april. Everyone included in the "Trump cards" kickstarter pack was, for the most part, considered to be alt right at the time. Once Hillary made her speech on it, the TRS/NPI part of the alt right (though, the did technically coin the phrase first) decided to make sure the alt right became just a synonym for white identity politics rather than the multifaceted phenomenon that it was at the time. Reddit is now trying to shill the new right as the same as the alt right was around a few months ago. Tbqh, no one from thr TRS or the reddit faction sound have tried to take ownership of the term from the start. Alt right should have been the big tent of young people with Trump like values. I grt that one side had actually used the term way back in 2014, but holy shit has this has been a disaster.
t. tried to explain to his jewish friend that he could still be alt right because david cole is but then backtracked because the term itself is now imploding
>no impact on the election
may kek strike you with all his might
Anyone who is this afraid of five people and a ladyboy doing a nazi salute should just go home and cry into his pillow.
You aren't going to change the political landscape by being PC.
this cuck is pissing me off, can he just fuck off already
Then go away and do your own thing. You don't want to be associated with the alt-right? Stop calling yourself that and using alt-right memes. Be a cuckservative if you want but go do it on Reddit preferably.
Everyone thinks skinheads are faggots and no one wants to exterminate anyone.
A (you) for the good goy
This tbqh. Who gives a shit about label.
Sup Forums will never be a single political entity. And that's his strength. You can't say Sup Forums is alt right. The thing that bonds us together are funny memes, bantz and values. Not opinions.
I don't care if you're white, black, green, purple... god created everybody equal. Our real enemy is the globalists who kill black babies and put fluoride into our water supply.
t. Alex
P.S. black cock taste good
This is the best bait I've ever seen on Sup Forums. Even straya can learn from this.
Why don't you fuck off britbong? Nobody gives a shit about the "alt-right" label. Just because your life is shit and being apart of some "super secret" group makes you feel like you're doing something important doesn't mean the rest of us are that autistic.
Stop trying to shit up the world with your "Hail trump! Hail trump!" bullshit and fuck right off.
>tfw smart enough to understand race differences
>tfw too smart to believe in da j00s consipiracy
Yes but actually fucking distancing himself from the entire movement because 5 guys did something is fucking retarded. I promise you if you had asked him the day before if he was alt-right he'd say yes or he atleast would have basically only positive things to say about it.
It's fucking weak as shit.
Nobody "obsesses about racial superiority"
This is a blatant mischaracterization.
The movement isn't about superiority at all - it's not exclusionary and we have no desire to rule over anyone.
We are not white supremacists.
This is about white survival and white survival alone.
And if he thinks that whites fearful of being demographically replaced had "no impact on the election" then he just lost all of his credibility in my eyes, because that's exactly what this election was about.
It was about whites proving to themselves and to the world that they're still worth saving.
>Guise the Alt-Right just needs to be more diverse and the left will accept us! We need more peoples of color and gays!
he's blaming reddit to take the heat off of us you slow-brained faggots. My god you are all fucking embarrassing on twitter today.
if this is the best b8 you've ever seen you need to lurk more
oh shit did you just b8 me? pic related is me
is he dare i say our guy?
(You) earned this (You)
you don`t actually believe that the alt right can damage Trump, do you?
Thanks to the media, nothing can damage Trump as long as he does a good job or at least not a terrible job.
AND you can`t just disavow the "fringe " part of the alt right. We don`t care if you like us or not. If you are the person that brings you closer to our goals , we support you.
I don`t think , Trump believes in anything the "fringe" part of the alt right does, but he is still our best shot in the race. Like it or not but the support will always be there.
>A ideology with no official membership or organization
>Allow media to label it
>Fringe groups do terrible things in it's name
>Media spin: "Alt-right, is it a terrorist group?"
You won't be able to do shit against that.
Classic nu-right-wing: get power and immediately water down their policies. Happened here after the last elections.
Pol btfo again